chapter seven-"Four men"

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Hey guys another chapter I hope your licking it so far am I the only one who re watches the walking dead I do it all the time it helps me pick up there characters better then it would be if I didn't plus I don't have the best memory anyway enjoy

Me and Glenn were still in our tent"Im still hoping your dad dosan't ask me to go"Glenn said with a sigh"your the only one who know the city"I said as I packed a bag"Please don't go Avs"I bit my lip with a sigh"I feel week if I dont"I say looking over at him

"Please Avery don't go you'll get hurt if I have to ill talk to your dad about this"I shot him a glare"Fine I'll stay but don't think I'm happy about it"I say throwing my pack down and scoffed I walked out  if the tent

I walker next to a fancy car(I don't know a hole lot about cars so sorry if I don't know what it's called)

"So you and Daryl that's your big plan"Mom said just as Glenn came up to my side Dad looked over at Glenn"oh come on"Glenn said annoyed I told him he would ask that's why we packed"you know the way you've been there before in and out no problem you said so yourself"

Glenn gave me a knowing look because that's some what of what I said to him Glenn rubbed his head after he took off his hat Dad gave me a look asking to help Glenn agree i just shruged if Glenn dosan'tgo he dosan't have to"its not fair of me to ask I know that especially since your with my daughter"

I realized that me and dad haven't had a father daughter relationship since he got back and I didn't like that I haven't hung out with him thats gonna change today"but I'd feel alot better with you along I know she would to"Dad said looking at mom

Glenn was full of thought"Thats just great now you're gonna risk three men huh"Shane said annoyed Shane's got a point but I'll side with my dad before I ever side with him"four"T said stepping up Daryl scoffed"My day keeps getting better and better don't it"

I roller my eyes He may be nice sometimes but Daryls still an ass"you see anybody else here stepping up to save your brothers cracker ass"I snorted and looked down not wanting to look up when Daryl shot me a glare"why you"Daryl asked cleaning his arrows

"You wouldn't even begin to understand you don't speak my language"I love T man he always knows how to make me laugh"Thats four"Dale said looking over at Shane Glenn was not happy about going I saw it on his face I placed my hand on his back

Glenn looked at me with a soft smile before he looked back over at shane  "It's not just four you're putting every single one of us at Risk just know that Rick come on you saw that walker it was here it was in camp"

Shane begged my dad it was only one walker though who's to say there are more and if they are it would only be a couple"Theyre moving out of the cities they come back we need every able body we've got we need em here we need em to protect camp"

"It seems to me what you really need most here are more guns"Dad said Glenn looked over at me knowingly before he looked back towards dad an Shane"Right the guns"Glenn said taking a step forward"wait what guns"Shane asked

"Six shotguns two high powered rifles over a dozen handguns"Well he's not wrong we do need guns"I cleaned out the cage back at the station before I left I dropped the bag in Atlanta when I got swarmed"I had an acing feeling it was a bad feeling but I just had to go with it

"It's just sitting there on the street waiting to be picked up"Shane looked like he was re thinking everything"Ammo"He asked looking at dad Counfusd"700 rounds assorted"I don't want him to leave I don't I'm worried about Dad

"You went through he'll to find us you just got here and you're gonna turn around and leave"Mom said I can tell she was holding back tears it's what makes her strong l"Dad I don't want you to go"Dad looked over at me and I licked my lips

"I-I don't want you to go either"I said I felt guilty if dad stayed I would be making a decision to kill a man I didn't realize a tear had slipped from my eye I sniffed and shook my head an arm went around my waist and I didn't need to look to know it's Glenn

I leaned into him whipping my tears"To he'll with the guns Shane is right Merle Dixon he's not worth one of your lives if with guns thrown in"I have to again I mean Merle Dixon he's flirted with me so many times that if every time he did I would get a dollar I would be rich

Dad made his was over to mom"Tell me make me understand"Mom begged standing from her spot"I owe a debt to a man I met his little boy"I knew this went deeper then it achully was"Lori If they hadn't taken me in I'd have died it's because of them that I made it back to you st all"

I understand now dad had to do this Glenn rubbed comfortable circles on my hip"They said they'd follow me to Atlanta they walk into the same trap I did if I didn't warn him"I bit my lip as I listened to the conversation"whats stopping you"mom said

"The walkie talkie thr one in thr bag I dropped  he's got the other one our plan was to connect when they got closer"If we ever meet these guys I'm gonna have to thank them and I now owe them"these are our walkies"Shane asked now sitting down

"Yeah"Dad said noding"so use the C.B. what's wrong with that"andrea asked arms folded"the C.B.'s fine it's the walkies that suck to crap date back to thr 70s don't match any other bandwidth not even the scanners in our cars"he had to leave and so did Glenn last time I thought Glenn died

"I need that bag"Dad begged I looked over at Glenn who was already looking at me he gave me a reassuring look telling me it was gonna be fine Dad croched down next to Cark"okay"Carl nodded slowly dad rubbed his head dad didn't want to leave us I saw that

Dad got up and walked in front of me Glenn slipped his hand away from me I didn't waist any time I hugged him tightly my hands around his waist"I gotta do this"Dad said pulling away"I know Daddy"I said with a sniff

"I love you Avs"I smiled up at him"I need you to watch your brother and mom while I'm gone"I nodded and looked over at him"Always"I felt like I needed to tell dad about Shane and mom I felt guilty I will always love mom but what she did to dad wasn't fair

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