Chapter thirty one-"Walkers in barn"

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Avery pov

I woke up by myself I sighed rubbing my eyes Glenn told me that Daryl found a Lead when they got back I just wanted to help I knew I couldn't"How are you doing Honey"Hershal said walking in

"Much better thanks to you"I said with a smile"Dont worry about it honey"He grabed the blood pressure and started pumping"Wares Glenn"I asked looking around"Hes outside on the porch I told him to take a break he never leaves"I smiled shaking my head

"Thanks Doc"I said as he took the strap around my arm off"Of course"I bit my lip looking up at the ceiling I wanted something to do I was going crazy just sitting here and sleeping all day

Maggie pov

Daryl went out to look for that little girl he told me not to catch feeling but it's hard not to he's strong he's straight to the point and he's extremely good during sex but I dont want to push him maybe I can try to get him to be something more with me

Averys in a relationship maybe I can go talk to her she's known Daryl longer then I have he hasn't talked to me since The pharmacy run and I didn't like it dad wouldn't improve of Me and a older man like Daryl but I saw a little something in Daryls eyes he liked me at least a little bit

I made my into Averys room ware she was looking up at the ceiling by herself"Hey"I said sitting in a chair next to her"Hey Maggie right"I nodded with a smile"are you okay"She asked looking at Me here she is shot laying in a bed but she asked if I was all right

"I need to talk to a girl closer to my own age"she hummed"How come"She asked as I tapped my leg"How did you know Glenn liked you"I asked looking into her eyes"Maggie what's this about"I was gonna have to tell her"Me and Daryl sleep together"

She gasped shock all over her face"That does not sound like Daryl"She said shaking her head"Do you think he likes me"I asked with a sigh"Well Daryls not one to just sleep with a girl that means something about you interested him"

"He told me not to catch feelings and I'm afraid I have"She sat up a little bit"Daryls vary closed off he wouldn't sleep with you if he didn't like you I say try"I blushed and looked down"Glenn keep looking at me"She said looking down"what"i asked

"You asked how did I know Glenn liked me he keep looking at me keep asking if I was okay he would always be by my side"She smiled and looked down"Daryl keeps looking at me"I said rubbing my chin"I would go try that's the best you can do"

I shook my head"My dad dosan't want me to get close to you guys he's says once your better and you find Sophia he'll send you on your way including Daryl"She sighed"I don't know what to say to that Maggie"We jumped at the sound of a gunshot"What was that"

I stood up from my spot"Im not sure stay here"I ran after my dad who ran put of the door before me"What on earths going on out her!"Dad yelled


Daryl had been shot more like grazed by Andrea he was lying in another one of a geust beds I was hoping once everyone clears out of there I was gonna have a word things were starting to get strange

I mean my feelings anyway I wanted something more I loved what I had here butbi want love I didn't want to leave my family but if Daryl wants to be something more with me I might have to to be with him that or I could convince dad to let them stay

Once everyone made there way out I opened the door"Are you okay"I asked sitting on the bed next to him"What do you care"I looked down at his words"you said nit to catch feelings but I have"He closed his eyes tightly

"I want us to be something more"He shook his head"Im a screw up just leave me the he'll alone time!"I flinched back but stayed in my spot"No I'm not gonna give up Daryl"Daryl looked over at me Counfusd"Why do you even care I just meet you"

"It's not like we have options these days Daryl I just iv feel different around you"I said with a sigh"Ill think about it"A smile spread on my face"okay okay thank you I'll leave you alone"I said walking towards the door"Maggie"I looked back over at him"we have to go slow"I nodded

"We can be something more"I almost gasped"Really"I asked in shock he closes his eyes tightly full of thought"yeah yeah sure"I sighed and walked out if the room now all I gotta do is convince Dad to let them stay

Avery pov

Glenn walked in shorty after Maggie left with two plates in his hand"Hey there's mashed potatoes beans and ham"Glenn said placing my plate down I sat up grabbing it as he sat down"So wanna here the T"I said with a smile

"The T"He asked looking over st me as I took a bite if the mashed potatoes they were damn good too"Yeah the Drama the gossip"He chuckled shaking his head"Sure yell me"I don't think he's ready for this one"Maggie and Daryl sleep together"He almost chocked on his food

"Did they really"I nodded I couldn't believe it either not at first but the look on her face told me otherwise"Thats I mean good for Maggie I don't really know what to say"I chuckled at him and nodded"Daryl needs someone sweet like her"I said taking a sip of juice

"Yeah maybe she'll get the stick out of his butt"I laugh shaking my head"Glenn that was funny"He chuckled and looked down"I love hearing you lauph"I blushed and looked down"Your so sweet Glenn"


Glenn pov

Later that night I went on a walk Avery was asleep so I figured I could walk around a bit I waked up towards the barn and sat down by the door the smile she gave me today I wish I could see more of that she looked so much better Roddy at least

I flinched when I heard groaning that couldn't be a walker I pulled on the door lock but it wouldn't work I got to know if The camp is in danger or not I climb a fince and I to the barn the smell was the first key the smell of rotating flesh

I walked futher in when I heard the growls again I looked over the edge and my eyes went wide walks a dozen or so walking around in a barn I ran back towards the way I came but jumped when I saw Maggie"You weren't supposed to see this"Fear that's what I felt Maggie was my friend since Avery told me they were and I didn't know what to do now

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