This log is to contain the updates given to me by the נאום הנשמה head of operations
[...] As of now, it is clear to me that the subjects enlisted here are all in fluctuation
By way of תְפִלָה, their נשמות are to be healed and remain locked in their stations
My wife, Dr. צ'רית וספר של האמת is to proceed and determine the cause of disassociation[...] It has been some time now since that man got separated from the test group's fields
Yet, I wonder how he is doing since putting him in isolation. Further testing is required
For now, the procedures in this place have been providing favorable yields
If this continues, it will not be long until the סודות הים have all but expiredMany specimens have reported changes in their behavioral instincts and cognitions
Some have developed an acute sense for the perception of minor disturbances
Some have even reached the point of complete stillness under severe stress conditions
[...] Still, none have yet completed a full description of the motions of the יָם's surfaces[...] If it to be believed, the יָם patterns, levels, and constitutions are all factors
Dr. צ'רית is still researching the top candidates that managed to catch a glimpse
But not all of them are reliable. Some of them act like detractors
Further healing is needed for this individuals. Lest they become dormant shrimps[...] Thanks to the doctor's investigations on the paranormal of senseless outings
This facility has been equipped with חסך חושי mechanisms for testing
With these, no external influences will corrupt the data from their hostings
Alone, yet in internal company. The doctor says they all need some restingLet them sing themselves to a deep slumber within. May they find preach and counsel
[...] Though it was not for nothing. Their נשמות will be in unison after all these is done
After today's procedures, the doctor and I will hold a private council
The isolated man is responding to the prompts given by someoneThe אורטוריית נשמה is starting to feel like a church with these patients
The moment you enter, it is like a heavenly silence enraptures you
[...] All is cryptic still though. Like a song that has ran out of its patience
The structure, time signatures, everything is scrambled; yet there is always something newWe will send these "זמרים" to their respective locations. We will form and Aria
Together, they may scream nonsense, but alone, they might just discover their own voice
[...] Some major cases of straining. We will first relocate them to cure their גוּף's dysphoria
Unfortunate. But if the גוּף is weak, so is the אכפת. The doctor will have to make a choice
Memory Fragments: Probity
FantasyWARNING: CONTAINS VERY EXPLICIT CONTENT. The heart is found hidden in the aftermath of choice. An enlightened path gets brighter when humanity is restored by imperfection. Only the darkles of intertwined flesh obscure the void left while casting dar...