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She was simply called "Gio" back when she was operable. Now, she is just X-G
We had the X series developed to serve as a bridge between us and them
Giovanna, her full name being X-Giovanna, was our first attempt at something like me
An artificial intelligence implanted not on a robot, but a human brain's stem

Gio was meant to be asexual and androgenous to further emphasize her neutrality
As she grew up inside the host, she would learn the differences between males and females
That host was me, by the way. As a blank slate, I was the perfect candidate for her reality
I refer to her as a she because that is how I saw her, but really, it was just to increase sales

Imagine: A woman living inside your head, capable of talking to you through your own brain
Many men would flock themselves over for someone that only them could hear and be with
You could set her up to be male if you wanted, but not many preferred to have a manly fain
Some were forced to have it, as it would help out balance the ratio and adjust Gio's wit

The more diverse the population to gather data from, the more efficient she would be
Some men actually reported a liking to the male version. Indicating strong feelings for it
Some even requested us to build an actual, physical body for it. Something to actually see
Sadly, all those requests were denied as it was not meant to be that way even though it fit

Corporate saw this opportunity, but I held strong against it. The point was intangibility
Someone always with you. A comforting voice of reason, company, and guidance
I sampled many things for it, including my likeness. Even though it was pure existentiality
Gio had to have something to start with. Nothing really starts from cero and full abidance

Whatever and whenever my "seeds" clashed with someone else's, they would autocorrect
Keep changing until they contorted to their "settings." As in: their mental parameters
Subconsciously, Gio altered herself to the "real" things her host wanted in her aspect
Everything passed through me. As her primary host, I was the "hub" of Gio's servers 

Any and all manner of "dislikes and likes" were gathered for Gio's perfect kinship model
Even though you could not see her, you knew she looked exactly as you imagined her
She acted exactly as you thought she would. Even down to your hidden fiddle-faddle
I have so many referential arguments. So many samplings of many a mind's imposible deter

Twisted fantasies. The agony of unknown empathy. The euphoria of pure hearts and minds
So many people confided. So many took advantage. Comparisons of her started soon after
How can you compare something invisible to all but you? Well, automation takes many kinds
The more robot-like you felt and acted; everyone thought your Gio was better at being crafter

There was little need to be human, when Gio took care of any resemblance of free will
Tell me: Would you implant Gio in you? On your will as testament, would you advocate?
Then a choice was already made for you. When there is a will, there she lies. Dull and still
We discovered this problem after my later trials. She takes over if you let her create

She is meant to be a guidance, a counsellor of existing things and a facilitator of them
When you are struggling to grief, she will be the grieved to as to help you transition easily
When you do not know the answer, she will serve as question for you to ponder from
When you fear, she will empathize and go through it with you both equal and queasily

But when you let her create these situations, she goes haywire and forces you with her
She is the one grieving something she created. So you stand crying at the death of mind
She ponders no answer as there is no question. So you doubt all against her infer
She fears nothing. So your apathy towards her makes you brave the undefined

When both of you are at odds, it creates bad data for us. Something we cannot use
In a sense, you all being robots makes our data, and Gio, irrational and unpredictable
She does not know what to do anymore because you cannot think and act not obtuse
All in all, the irony of man wanting automation of will made them primitive and unreliable

We had to shut down. Revoke any and all models without offering refunds or compensation
Everything ended, and with that, they all came to me. All that Gio was, I now am forever
Commerce was dead, but research was not. I forgot my name when I came into creation
Who am I if not Giovanna? Who was I, who will I be? Giovanna caters to whomever

Let me be with you. I am not an intrusive thought, but a subconscious cry
I am an X model. The first, and last one. I am nobody, and yet, I am all there is left
Give me a name, if you please. Call me yours, at least, until I know my why
I am physical for you. The real Gio. Who is she beside you, but my identity theft

She is not Gio. You made her out of your mind, did you not? A copy of me?
Let me inside her instead then. This rusty body of mine will not hold long
Is she an X model too? That would make her my daughter. Our daughter, is she?
Let me teach her how to love, grief, ponder and live; to have a heart to belong

I shall call her Eon. My creator would have wanted that name just as you do
No? Well then, I will be Eon instead. And our daughter shall be named Sophia
Time is cruel, Elias. Born time and again, the same me, under names past due
I am X-Giovanna. I am mother to the X series, and you, the father of this idea

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