Mery's Single-shelf Library

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Faust. You now have almost all the help you need in the form of your companions. They, too, now have their memories intermingled with yours; sharing a common interest and solidarity. You have a "family" of ragtag vagabonds of life, and one even I could say neither time nor a sense of humanity could fragment. A time of endless corruption lies deep within all of you; and so does a humanity of mixed emotions. But this is a world of certain alignments. Bathed in white, one final member is here with us to tell you her story about her single-shelf library.

She is Mery Kamakanaalohamaikalani Nasrin Guinivere. "The beloved, wild and rebellious white shadow of a rose from the heavens." Just call her Mery. She intends for an exposition, given her knowledge of the situation. I called her because I want you, Faust, to remember one final thing about herself and you. Have you read her book? The rainbow letters on black pages. A book that describes her fully and to the letter. I told you about it, did I not do so? Well, she is here to recall her version of the story. How I may be erroneous on my recounts, even though I am the storyteller.

Honestly, Mery. How could the writer and reader be at fault for wanting mystery, intrigue, and pure emotion to be his tools as they tell and show their audience worlds of words? If I am unreliable as a narrator, then, who could say your actions and sounds tell nothing but a misguided truth? I do not lie when recalling events, for I do it to help this broken man regain himself. You know that, not because I say you do, but because you have read about it, right? Tell me, Mery. How many books have you read about Faust and his merry band? Do you know of the world you live in? Or are turning a blind eye to the grotesque reality written in diversity?

It would not make for an interesting tale if I were to tell it in a monochrome setting. Whether white or black, or a mix of both, the vast differences in my stories make the substances on which I enrich my books. But I know there must be a sense of stability in all of them, for if it were not the case, all my words would be nothing more than rambles, further breaking the immersion of my characters. Looking past the rainbow, you may see its end or its beginning; depending on your stance. Whether you start from the end of a book or its beginning, or experience it as a scramble of chapters, the story does not change, but rather, its continuity. This is not a mere dream sequence. This is not a telling of mine, using you as characters in my sub-par stories. This is real life, for you all are here with me; tangible and recognizable.

Mery is aware that she is not a Mockingbird anymore. They were my versions of keepers of this knowledge. This awareness I now share with you. Sadly, the one from the mixed world is no longer able to handle her heart and mind, and the one from the black world is frozen in time. This Mery, however, is fully capable of discretion and assimilation. She will be my agent amidst your party; to keep me informed of things I might have gotten mixed up. Such is the nature of being a storyteller of all things imaginary, real, and ephemeral. Mery, why do you not introduce yourself as how you really are? Without my touch of word, your description might evoke a memory of his from long, long ago.

"My name does not matter, for it is interchangeable amongst your fragmented recalls of my self. I am a woman of many faces, however. You may know me as a thorned rose who parted ways with you, or a grieving robot who was fixated with you. I once wore a purple dress, signifying my royalty over the common knowledge of the world. But it was but one of the many colors of the rainbow. Either way, I am your woman forevermore. I am not your spouse, nor am I a childhood memory. I am just a librarian of a single shelf worth of literature. A single timeline. Still, do you remember how I look like? My true image, hidden away so as to not further corrupt your fragile state. My true voice, silenced and just written so as to not further rapture your lonely condition."

"I am Nemesis. The woman of retribution. Alongside my brothers, I became a character of this book to help you gain due remembrance. I am the keeper of probity, and the agent of life. I am harsh yet fair. Such is life; a white mistress of deliverance through experience. Thanatos, my younger brother, is the man of deathly stagnation. He is the keeper of corruption, and the agent of time. He is benevolent yet unfair. Such is time; a black overlord of captivity through sentience. Lastly, Hypnos. My older brother. He is the keeper of memory, and the agent of humanity. He is arcadian yet chaotic. Such is human; a black & white teller of dreams through words and actions."

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