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As the night fell, Haven found herself sharing a room with Vincent. The atmosphere was suffocating. Vincent, the man she once harbored feelings for, now seemed a stranger wrapped in deception and darkness. He tried to bridge the chasm between them, speaking softly about their impending engagement.

"Finally, baby," he murmured, brushing a stray hair from her face. "We're going to be together, just like I always promised."

Haven offered no reply, her silence louder than any words she could muster. Vincent kissed her forehead, pulling her close. The gesture, once comforting, now felt like a chain binding her to a fate she dreaded.

"You're awfully quiet," Vincent noted, his tone light but probing. "Aren't you happy?"

"I wanna die" she wanted to yell, scream and cry but instead forced herself to respond. "It's just... a lot to take in, Ivan."her voice strained.

He smiled, mistaking her hesitance for shyness. "Don't worry, everything will be perfect. Just trust me."

She nodded, for her the word "trust" felt like a distant memory.


In the middle of the night, Haven awoke parched. The jug beside the bed lay empty. Not wanting to disturb Vincent, she slipped silently from the room, the corridors of the mansion as dark and foreboding as her thoughts. As she searched for the kitchen, the sound of raised voices drew her attention. Curiosity got the best of her, and she followed the voices to a slightly ajar door.

Through the gap, she saw Vincent's father and his other brother, Sebastien, locked in a heated argument. She could only make out scattered words—"worst," "disappointment," "capo"—before their conversation shifted into a language she didn't understand.

Haven strained to hear more but froze as footsteps approached the door. In a panic, she ducked behind a large plant, holding her breath as Vincent's father stormed past her, the air around him crackling with tension.

Before she could slip away, a hand yanked her back, pinning her against the wall. Sebastien loomed over her, his eyes glinting with a manic edge that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Eavesdropping, are we?" he taunted, a predatory smile playing on his lips. "You might want to tell your fiancé you need some lessons in stealth."

"I wasn't spying," she insisted, her voice steadier than she felt. "I was just thirsty and I-"

He laughed, the sound sharp and mocking. "Thirsty for me? I could quench your thirst, but I'm not into little girls with daddy issues. Not my style."

Heat flooded her cheeks at the insinuation. "I don't need anything from you," she shot back, trying to muster a defiance she didn't entirely feel.

Sebastien leaned closer, his words dripping with disdain. "Run back to your room, little princess, and ask Vincent to quench your thirst. Or is my brother too busy painting the town red to care for his pet?"

Haven flinched at his words, fear curling around her heart like a vice. She wanted to push him away, to stand her ground, but before she could react, a familiar voice, cold with rage, cut through the tension.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Vincent's voice sliced through the air, heavy with unspoken threats. Haven's panic surged, and she shoved Sebastien away, her heart pounding as Vincent appeared, his eyes ablaze with fury.

Sebastien released her, his expression a mix of amusement and indifference. "Just chatting with your fiancée. She wandered into my space," he replied nonchalantly, adding, "by mistake."

Vincent's gaze was unyielding, a storm brewing behind his eyes. "Stay away from her," he warned, his voice low and dangerous. Sebastien offered a lazy smirk, the threat rolling off him like water off a duck's back. Vincent's grip on Haven's arm was firm as he led her back to his room.

Vincent slammed the door behind them, his face twisted with anger. "What the fuck were you doing wandering around like that?" he shouted, his voice echoing off the walls.

Haven flinched at his raised voice, instinctively taking a step back. "I- I w-was j-just.. I didn't mean to tr-trouble you" she said, her voice trembling slightly.

Vincent's eyes narrowed, and he took a step toward her, his presence intimidating. "You didn't mean to? You could have gotten yourself into serious trouble, Haven. Do you have any idea what could have happened if you overheard something you shouldn't?"

She opened her mouth to defend herself, but Vincent held up a hand, cutting her off. "No excuses," he snapped. "I'm not going to tolerate this kind of behavior. You need to understand the danger you're putting yourself in."

Haven bit back her retort, her mind racing to find a way to placate him. "I'm sorry".

He shook his head, his expression a mix of frustration and disappointment. "I've already told you what happens if you disobey me. You should consider yourself lucky I haven't decided to take action tonight. Tomorrow is our engagement, and I don't want anything to ruin it."

The threat hung in the air like a storm cloud, heavy and oppressive. Haven felt a chill run down her spine, but she forced herself to nod. "I understand," she said quietly.

He walked around and called someone through the phone attached to the wall.

Few minutes later a soft knock on the door interrupted the tense silence, and a servant entered, carrying a tray with a pitcher of water and a glass. Vincent gestured for the servant to approach, and the young man quickly poured a glass of water, handing it to Vincent with a respectful nod.

"Leave," Vincent said, his tone stern. He took the glass and walked over to Haven, extending it to her.

"Here," he said, his eyes still watchful.

"Thanks," Haven murmured, accepting the glass with a small nod. She drank the water slowly, savoring the coolness as it eased the dryness in her throat. The silence stretched between them, laden with unspoken tension and unresolved emotions.

"Sleep," he ordered, his demeanor cold and commanding. the single word brooking no argument.

Haven lay there, tense and terrified, expecting violence but finding none. Vincent settled beside her, covering them both with the duvet. He reached out, gently caressing her hair in a gesture that belied the darkness she knew lay beneath. Her heart slowly calmed, reassured by the familiar touch until he shattered her fragile peace with his next words.

"Don't force me to do something that I might regret eva, you know me as Ivan and I wouldn't want you to see the real me but if you provoke, I won't stop myself from showing you your place" he murmured, his voice a soft promise of violence.

Haven's heart plummeted into despair, the weight of her reality crashing down on her with the force of a tidal wave. She lay awake, eyes wide in the dark, the man beside her more of a monster than she'd ever imagined. In the silence, she could only hope that somehow, she would find a way to escape the nightmare her life had become.

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