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"Come here you bitch" I sighed and walked towards my eldest half-sister Sophia. I looked at her and she smirked at me.

"Stop staring you fool and make us wear our sandles." She smirked. I gulped down the tears of humilation and bent down to make her wear her white diamond cladded heels. She pushed me with her leg and I fell towards my other two elder half-sisters, Scarlett and Shylah.

I made them wear their heels too. They sat there giggling like queen.

I was so scared of them, so much that I can't even put it in words. It's a slight relief that today is their wedding and they will leave today but my their mother, Melany who is my father's first wife would still be their to beat me and keep my life making hell.

I am happy that I will be turning 18 soon and then I'll leave.

My thoughts broke when I heard familiar voices.

"oh my goodness, look at my darlings" I turned and saw dad, who entered smiling with his wife who gave me a glare.

"you three look gorgeous" I stayed in the corner looking at them showering all the love and affection to his favourite daughters. Not for once he had looked at me that way.

"I pray that god protects you from all the evil eyes" I clutched my dress. I knew who she was talking about. Me. She believes that I'll ruin their life just like my mother 'ruined' hers.
But I know it's not true.

My nonna told me that my mom didn't know that dad was married and had kids.

He secretly divorced his wife and left his previous family to marry my mum. He knew that if my mum ever got to know that then she would have never ever decided to marry him.

My dad hid this thing from mama, my nonna used to tell me that dad loved mama so much and so did my mum. When my mama was pregnant with me, he was ecstatic and that he used to talk to me for hours when I was in her womb. But everything changed when my mum died giving birth to me. His love for me changed into sheer hatred.

He left me with my nonna and went back to his previous family. When my nonna passed, he had to take me in and that's when my real hell began.

My stepmother and halfsisters started to bully me. My stepmother always said that she would avenge her and her daughter's tears with me.

She said she would never let me ruin her daughters lives like my mother 'ruined' hers.

"Come it's time" My dad walked along with my sisters while My step-mom stayed and yanked me by my arm.
I swallowed the scream of pain.

"I didn't want you to be even present here but because of the society and friends me and my family would have to bear your existence" She said with gritted teeth and my heart sunk when she said 'her family'.

"So keep your whorish self away from my son-in-laws. If I saw you anywhere near them, I swear on my daughters I will cut your legs and through you in a gutter" She hissed and I gulped down in fear. I knew she meant each and every word that she said and she had the power to do so. Nobody would actually know if she killed me and threw my body somewhere and even if somebody comes to know about it, then she would simply shut their mouth with the money that she owns.

"Now fix yourself and act like a good daughter and if anyone asks about your whereabouts just tell them that you were on a vacation with your friends" I nodded and she left.

I was able to breathe once she left the room. I took the comb and fixed my hair.

I was about to the aisle when I got dragged away. I was about to scream but my voice got muffled by the palm covering my mouth.

"shhh shh shhh" I calmed down hearing the hushing sound and a familiar touch on my cheeks. A smile lit up my face and I hugged him.

"Hi baby" He said giving a peck to my lips. I blushed and hit his arms playfully. He? Well he is my childhood bestfriend. Noah Reece Ramirez. My bestfriend and my boyfriend. The only hope in my life.

"ouch" He dramatically winched and I chuckled.

"When did you arrive and why didn't you tell me" I asked him, he was two years senior to me and was currently pursuing for an architectural degree in Newyork.

"I wanted to surprise you, I went to your home but then I came to know that my Cinderella was here on her witchy sisters' wedding" he said rolling his eyes. My life was actually very similar to Cinderella, i was just happy that just like how Cinderella found her prince charming, I had found mine. He loved me, respected me, supported me through out my worst phase without expecting anything from me.

"come, let's get you out of here" He said, passing me his killer smile.

"Ok, but you will have to wait till the wedding gets over, if we leave in the middle then Dad won't like it" I said.

"fine, but only two hours cool?" He said and I nodded, I had to be there just so people could see that I was present at my sister's wedding, I was sure that my family could care less about me leaving in the middle, my step mom would easily make an excuse.

"ok, I'll be back soon, wait here till then please" He nodded, I gave a quick peck to his lips and went outside the room towards the aisle. I'm sure the wedding vows must have finished.
I stood aloof for sometime, when suddenly my name was called. I heard my step-mom oversweet voice.

"August darling, meet your sisters' in laws" I politely greeted to my sisters father-in-law and mother-in-law. They were like any other high class society people. I know I shouldn't judge the book by it's cover but the arrogance was dripping off in everything they did.

"Oh my my Melany, how did you hide this treasure from us. Why you didn't tell us about her earlier, instead of Sophia we would have gotten our beautiful August married to Alexander" I almost choked on what Mrs. Rivera had spoken. Was she even in her senses. This was so wrong. I just wanted to leave.
Before I could even try to excuse myself, we heard a deep commanding voice.
"who would you rather get me married to mom?"

Hi guyz, let me know how was it?

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