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"Luce was about to break her bone, bro, you're such a mood spoiler, Alex," Elijah grumbled annoyed, Lucian threw a deadly glare before he released her hand and pushed her onto the bed. August's breath caught in her throat as she landed with a thud, her body trembling with adrenaline and pain.

August's heart pounded in her chest as she lay there, helpless and vulnerable, her mind racing with a mixture of fear and defiance .

"W-where is Noah and Aiden?" August managed to choke out, her voice barely above a whisper as she fought to endure the pain radiating from her injured arm.

"He is gone," Elijah replied casually, his tone devoid of any remorse or empathy. "We set his body on fire before throwing him in the jungle for the animals to have their grand feast."

August's world came crashing down around her as Elijah's words sank in. Her mind reeled with disbelief, unable to comprehend the enormity of what she had just heard.

"No... n-no... Noooo!" August's voice cracked with anguish as she recoiled in horror from Elijah's words. The sheer magnitude of her grief and disbelief threatened to overwhelm her, driving her to the brink of madness. With a primal scream of rage, she lunged for the lamp on the table, her fingers trembling with fury as she sought to exact vengeance upon the man who had shattered her world.

But before she could strike, Lucian's voice cut through the chaos, his hiss of frustration a cruel reminder of her helplessness. With a swift motion, he seized her by the shoulders and forcibly turned her towards him, his hand connecting with her cheek in a stinging slap.

August's vision blurred as pain exploded across her face, the force of the blow sending her reeling backwards. The lamp slipped from her grasp, crashing to the ground in a shower of shattered glass. She lay there, stunned and breathless, her mind swirling with a tumult of emotions too overwhelming to comprehend.

As the shards of glass cut into her skin, August felt nothing but a numbing sense of emptiness. The physical pain was nothing compared to the agony in her heart, the crushing weight of grief and despair threatening to consume her whole. In that moment, she was lost, adrift in a sea of darkness with no hope of finding her way back to the light.

"Noah," August whispered, the name a fragile echo in the tense silence of the room. The brothers' annoyance at hearing another man's name on her lips was palpable, their hostility casting a shadow over the already fraught atmosphere.

Alexander approached her, his demeanor calm and calculated. He leaned down, his finger gripping her chin firmly as he compelled her to meet his gaze. August's eyes flickered with a mixture of fear and defiance, her heart pounding in her chest as she braced herself for whatever manipulation he had in store.

"You can't give up right now, darling," Alexander murmured, his voice honeyed with false sympathy. "You've already lost someone. Do you want to lose precious little Aiden as well, hmm?"

The question hung in the air, rhetorical and loaded with implication. Alexander was the most cunning of the brothers, his words carefully chosen to prey upon August's vulnerabilities. He knew he had struck a nerve, his manipulation seeping into her fractured psyche like poison. August's expression shifted, a subtle acknowledgment that Alexander's words had hit their mark.

In that moment, August's hope began to slip away. She couldn't shake the feeling that they were going to use Aiden against her, manipulating her love for him as a weapon. Despite her efforts to stay strong, the thought filled her with a sense of dread, weighing heavily on her already burdened heart.

All August could do was pray for Aidan's safety. He was her only ray of hope in the darkness. With every beat of her heart, she whispered silent prayers, fervently hoping that he would remain unharmed amidst the chaos that surrounded them.

"W-where is he? Let me see him," August declared, her voice trembling with a mix of desperation and determination as she locked eyes with Alexander.

"Well, that, my love, depends on how good you are with us," Alexander replied with a smirk, his words dripping with sinister intent. With a dismissive gesture, he rose to his feet and strode towards the door, the other brothers following closely behind. August watched them leave, her heart pounding with a sense of urgency.

In her haste to follow them, August stumbled over the broken pieces on the floor, her feet throbbing with pain as she fell back onto the ground. She scrambled to her feet, ignoring the searing pain, and rushed towards the door, only to find it locked from the outside. Panic gripped her heart as she pounded on the door, her cries for help echoing through the empty room.

"No-no nooo, stop!" August pleaded, her voice hoarse with desperation as she pounded on the door with all her strength. But her efforts were in vain, the door remained steadfastly shut, sealing her fate within its confines.

With bleeding feet and a heart heavy with despair, August sank to the ground, her energy spent. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she pressed her ear against the cold wood, straining to hear any sign of life beyond the locked door. She was loosing herself to darkness and the only words she kept repeating were barely above a whisper  "I will find you, Aiden. I promise."

Guyzz, If you're expecting me to give you updates consistently then I also expect votes and comments on the story 😊

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