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August was in a deep slumber when her body suddenly jerked away. Her eyes fluttered open, momentarily disoriented. She felt as if she had fallen, but thankfully found herself cocooned under the comforting warmth of the duvet, her head resting on the broad, masculine chest of the man. She could feel the steady rise and fall of his breathing, the reassuring beat of his heart beneath her ear.

With a contented sigh, she snuggled closer to him, seeking the comfort of his presence. In response, the grip on her waist tightened slightly, drawing her even closer into his embrace. The warmth emanating from him enveloped her like a protective shield, chasing away the chill of the night.

For a fleeting moment, August felt a sense of peace wash over her, the cares of the world fading into the background as she surrendered to the tranquility of the moment. Her eyelids drooped once more as she prepared to slip back into the realm of sleep, lulled by the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat and the gentle rise and fall of his chest.

But just as she began to drift away, a sudden surge of awareness jolted her back to reality. Her eyes snapped open once again, the drowsiness dissipating as she registered the unfamiliar surroundings and the unknown presence of the man beside her.

The smell. It wasn't the one she loved, not the familiar scent she sought comfort in. With a sense of unease creeping over her, August slowly shifted her head, careful not to disturb the person beside her. As her senses sharpened, her heart dropped with a sinking realization.


The name echoed in her mind, sending a shiver down her spine. How had she ended up here, nestled against him in such an intimate embrace? Memories flooded back, fragments of the night before piecing together like a jigsaw puzzle

Her breathing, which had gradually steadied, now quickened once more as she gazed at his sleeping face. The features she once found comfort in now seemed foreign, a stark reminder of the reality she had been desperately trying to escape.

A sudden wave of realization crashed over her, shattering the illusion of tranquility. The nightmare that had jolted her awake was not a figment of her imagination but a tragic reality staring her in the face.

With trembling hands, August carefully got herself out from his embrace, each movement weighed down by the heavy burden of truth. As her feet touched the cold floor, she recoiled, a stark contrast to the warmth of the moment before. She instinctively brought a hand to her mouth, her breath hitching as she registered her state of undress. Clad only in a black shirt, the realization sent a surge of disgust coursing through her veins, followed swiftly by waves of rage.

"How dare he?" August muttered under her breath, her fists clenching involuntarily. She glanced over at Elijah, sleeping peacefully beside her. All she wanted was to kill him and him in the deepest pit of hell.

Turning away from him, August surveyed the unfamiliar room, her mind racing with questions. Panic began to bubble up inside her as she realised she didn't know where she was or how she had ended up here.

"Oh god, Noah, Aiden," August whispered, her voice trembling with worry. She blinked back tears, her heart aching with fear for her sons. The memory of Aiden's scream echoed in her mind, a stark reminder of the danger they faced.

Taking a deep breath, August tried to calm herself down, her mind racing with the urgency of her situation. She needed to think of a plan, a way to escape this nightmare and get someone's help.

Police? No.The police were out of the question; she couldn't trust them to help her.

As she pondered her options, her gaze fell upon a vase sitting on the bedside table. A desperate idea formed in her mind, a risky gamble that might just buy her the time she needed to escape. With determined resolve, she picked up the vase, her fingers curling tightly around its cold ceramic surface.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she approached Elijah's sleeping form, his peaceful face was the sharp contrast of the darkness lurking within him. She remembered the cruel smirk that had twisted his lips as he looked at Noah, and anger surged through her veins.

"I hope you rot in hell, bastard" she hissed under her breath, raising the vase high above her head, ready to strike. But before she could bring it down, a sharp pain shot through her wrist as it was seized in a vice-like grip.

Startled, August turned to see Elijah's eyes open, his expression dark with rage. Her heart froze in her chest as she realized she had been caught, her escape plan crumbling before her eyes.

"Ahhh!" August screamed in pain as she felt her hand being twisted at an awkward angle, tears springing to her eyes from the sharp agony.

"What th-" Elijah woke up with a jerk, his eyes snapping open in alarm at the sound of her cry. Instantly, he was alert, his senses sharpened as he took in the scene before him.

"Ian, what the hell are you doing? Leave her," Elijah commanded, his voice firm as he swiftly moved to intervene, his expression a mix of concern and confusion as he reached out to stop lucian's actions.

August gritted her teeth against the pain, her breath coming in ragged gasps as Lucian twisted her arm at an even more agonizing angle. She could feel the tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, but she refused to let them fall, refusing to show weakness in front of her tormentor.

"Shut up," Lucian hissed at Elijah, his voice dripping with malice as he brandished the vase in her hand, a grim reminder of the violence she had intended.

"You would have been dead if didn't come here on time" Instead of being enraged, Elijah just chuckled, amused by the stunt she was about to pull but it just added to August's sense of dread, the realization sinking in that she was completely at their mercy.

"What is this, little doll?" Lucian taunted, his voice cold and mocking as he scrutinized her. "How can you hurt your own masters, hmm?"

August's heart pounded in her chest as fear coursed through her veins. She struggled against Lucian's grip, her every movement met with searing pain that threatened to overwhelm her. But she refused to give up, refused to surrender to the darkness closing in around her.

"Struggle more, I am sure I am gonna fuck you right on this bed" August's heart raced with fear as Lucian's chilling words sent a shiver down her spine. She felt a surge of revulsion at the thought of his vile intentions.

"Leave her, Ian," Alexander's voice cut through the tension.

Thanks for reading ❤️

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