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"Give her these medicines when she wakes up. With proper rest she should be able to gain her strength back. As of now her body is quite weak. You will have to take of her diet specially "

My head ached and my ears rang with a heavy unclear words.

"Ouch" my head was about to burst as i tried to open my eyes.

"August, my love" a familiar voice hit me, the feeling of a familiar warmth wrapped around me.

"Let me get you some water" i kept my hand my head as i tried to get rid of the pain that was getting really unbearable now.

"Here, drink it slowly love" i gulped down the whole glass of water, it made me feel a little better.

Rubbing my eyes, I looked at my surrounding and it was such a relief to have seen it before.

"N-noah" i wrapped my hands around him, he gently rubbed by back and head to calm me down.

"Shhh it's ok you are safe, please calm down my love or you will have a panic attack again" i clutched him more tightly refusing to let go of him. The more I remembered the night, the more it make me want to hide myself in Noah's embrace.

"Shhh, baby look it's just the two of us here, you are safe and nothing would happen to you I promise" he said cupping my face.

"Let me get you breakfast, you have been unconscious for a whole day" i looked at him shocked.

"D-don't leave me please" i clutched his shirt.

"Ok ok, shh calm down, my love, look i am here with you" he said kissing my forehead.

I was still so terrified of that night. Bu-but what ha-happened th-that night, was i r-raped.
I felt like throwing up.

"N-noah t-that ma-man, wh-what did h-he do to me" i asked, my vision blurred with tears of horror.

"Shhhh, nothing happened, look at me, my love, trust me before he could do anything the police reached there on time" he consoled me, i looked into his eyes and realized that he was actually saying the truth, Noah has never lied to me about anything before.

"B-but how did they found me" I asked. He blinked weirdly before saying that one of the cop was patrolling that area and that's how they found.

"Wha-what about the guy who was trying to assault me?" I asked hesitantly.

"Unfortunately that fucker ran away, babe did you see his face " he asked me, i tried to remember him but I couldn't since it was all dark and he was also wearing a mask.

"He was wearing a mask" i said.

"Must be some roadside goon, i was so worried when i found bleeding and bruised, if i get my hands on that bastard, i would skin him alive " he seethed.

"N-noah I-I think he wa-was" i was about to tell Noah about those stalkerish messages and the incident that happened with me on that night but his phone ringtone interrupted it.

He disconnected it and took my hands in his to let me complete my words but it again rang. He sighed frustratedly looking at me.

"It must be really important Noah, you should talk with the person" i said.

"There is nothing more important than you" he said caressing my cheek.

"how about you freshen up first and in the meantime i will bring you breakfast " he asked and i nodded. He carried me bridal style and dropped me in bathroom.

"You need me to prepare a bath for you" he asked.

"No, it's ok. I will bath after breakfast. I am too hungry" I pouted. He has been so worried about me already. After freshening up i decide to tell Noah about all the things that have been happening to me lately. Who could be that man.

My train of thoughts cane to a halt when i heard the ringing of the phone. I looked at Noah's phone. It was the third time this person was calling. It must be really urgent.

I picked it up and before i could even say hello, the other person started yelling.

"You moron, where the hell are you. Do you even know what day it is today. How can you be so fucking irresponsible. Today is the last day of assignment submission. You said you would be back on Wednesday, it's already fucking Thursday today. You fucker, i have spat a series of fucking lie to the professor, if anyone from your family got to know about you missing the deadlines then you will be dead so will be I sharing the same date as yours. If you don't come today then i will snitch about you to that grumpy old man and the-"

"Hello" it was silent for a moment before the person spoke again.

"I am Drake, Who's is this. Can you give the phone to Noah, it's really urgent." I think he felt embarrassed as it was clear in his voice now.

"Hi drake, i am August-"

"Noah's girlfriend? August. Oh my god finally i got to talk to you. I thought that it was just an imaginary character that he had built in his real life" he laughed and then his laugh turned awkward too.

"Please ask Noah to call me back soon. Bye August" and again before i could even say bye he hung up.

I looked at the phone and chuckled.

"Hey love, your breakfast is ready" i hear Noah coming in with his charming smile.

"So you were saying something " he said passing me a plate full of pasta.

"I was saying that i will come to drop you to the airport today" he looked at me confused.

"You think I wouldn't know about you missing your assignments hun?" I folded my arms and glared at him.

"Babe it's not like that but you are really important to me, how can i just leave you in this condition. The most they can do is fail me in a certain subject nothing else" he said and i glared at him more.

"Noah, you can't ignore your exams. You have worked so hard to get into the best university " i said "look i know that my condition wasn't good that's why you couldn't leave but now i am completely fine. You don't have to worry about me at all. Please babe, drake had called and he told me how important it is to submit your assignment by tomorrow. Please don't compromise your dreams and passion for me, i swear i will be ok" i tried convincing him, it was really difficult but finally he agreed.

Glimpse to the next chapter :

"Son what happened to your hand"
August looked at his right hand which was now wrapped with a long bandage. Her eyes widened realizing that she had hurt the man in the same hand.
Their eyes locked and a new wave of horror almost-crippled her soul.

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