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The rain had finally relented, leaving the streets glistening with wet reflections under the dim glow of streetlights.

August and Jack stood by the side of the road, their breath visible in the chilly night air. Jack had offered to accompany August in the cab, concerned for her safety.

August didn't deny his offer especially after the traumatic past experience with the previous cab ride. Grateful for his offer, she had nodded and accepted.

They were about to step into the waiting cab when, out of nowhere, a luxurious car screeched to a sudden halt in front of them.

The unexpected arrival made both of them flinch away, their hearts racing. As the window of the car rolled down, August's dread turned into disbelief and, finally, into something more sinister.

"August," a stern voice called out from the driver's seat of the car.It was Alexander, Sophia's husband. His presence sent a shiver down her spine, reminding her of the unsettling encounters she had with his brothers.

As much as she heard about the Rivera family they, had always been enigmatic and, at times, downright disturbing. Alexander's eyes bore into August, his gaze unrelenting.

"Get in the car. I'll drop you home."August hesitated, her discomfort evident in her furrowed brows. She couldn't forget the eerie incidents with his other brothers, particularly Lucian, who had creeped her out with his last words before she parted ways after dancing with him.

"I'll pass," August replied, trying to sound defiant, but her voice quivered slightly. "I'll take the cab. Thanks."Jack sensed August's unease and jumped in to offer his support.

"Yeah, we're good. We've got a cab right here."But as Jack spoke, Alexander's gaze shifted from August to him, his expression turning dark and threatening. He didn't seem like someone who took no for an answer.

August locked eyes with Jack, silently pleading for him to back off. She knew that involving him further in this situation would only escalate it, and she didn't want him to get caught up in the Rivera's  family's enigmatic web.

Alexander, his patience running thin, repeated his offer, his voice laced with a hint of anger.

"August, get in the car. It's late, and I don't want to have to explain to your mother why you were out so late."Melany knowing about her being late out with a boy was the last thing August needed, so she reluctantly gave in.

"Fine, I'll go. But let's make it quick."She turned to Jack, giving him a reassuring smile tinged with regret.

"Jack, go home safely and text me when you get there, okay?"Jack was about to say the same, but when he saw the stern glare Alexander shot in his direction, he understood the unspoken warning.

He nodded and replied, "Sure, August. Take care, and text me once you're home."As August slid into the luxurious car, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in her stomach. The silence inside the car was oppressive, the tension palpable. She stole a glance at Alexander, whose face remained stoic and unreadable.The car ride was long and uncomfortable, the only sounds being the faint hum of the engine and the occasional raindrops tapping on the car roof.

August's unease grew with each passing minute. She had no idea what Alexander's intentions were, and her mind raced with worst-case scenarios.

The three brothers were so different from eachother but one thing that each one of them possessed was their aura, for some reason, it chilled her to the core.

Elijah to her was a certified pervert for sure. Lucian had downright creeped her out while Alexander, this was the first time he was in her vicinity and she was so sure that she didn't like his presence near her at all.

Finally, they arrived at her home. August reached for the car door, expecting Alexander to unlock it, but he didn't. Instead, he kept the child lock engaged, effectively trapping her inside.

Panic surged through her, and she turned to him, her voice trembling.

"Unlock the door,  Mr. Rivera. I'm home now."

His eyes bore into hers with an intensity that sent a chill down her spine. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and menacing.


She looked at him with confusion in her eyes.

"Call me Xander" It was neither a suggestion nor a request, it was like a rule that he had just laid down for her.

"Mr. Ri-" he glared at her making her gulp down.

"Xander, please unlock the door" She said keeping her tone affirmed.

"Who was that ba-boy" he asked

"My project partner" She answered

"Do you go out on coffee dates with your every project partner or was there something especial about this one" August was absolutely hating this conversation.

"I believe the answer to this question of yours would be 'mind your fucking business Mr. Rivera'" she was so done with him already.

"Unlock it. Right. Now" she hissed.

"I wouldn't have to mind it if you had stopped whoring around but I see now that there is really no end to it." His words were the last thing that destroyed her patience.

A huge sound echoed in the car. Alexandar's eyes were now red like satan.

"Think twice before you cross your lines with me Mr. Rivera. Just because you are my sister's husband, it doesn't give you the right to question my character and honestly you should preach your brothers about not whoring around first before you go around judging someone else's character " she said. Her eyes throwing draggers at him.

Alexander didn't say a word and just unlocked the car.

She stepped out of the car and was about to run inside when his words made her go still.

"Every action has its consequences? I hope you're ready when the repercussions of your choices catch up to you"

"With that ominous warning hanging in the air, Alexander left. She couldn't comprehend what had just transpired, but one thing was certain—she needs to be far away from all of this.


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