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August's POV

I surreptitiously slipped into my bedroom this afternoon after dropping off Noah at the airport. For the first time, fear of Melany wasn't gripping me instead, another unsettling emotion took its place.

I cannot bring up the stalker. Nor can I confide in Noah about this. I refuse to become a hindrance in his life. Whom can I turn to for assistance? Oh, God, whom?

Mentally and physically, it was draining me to the core. Deep down, I desperately longed for Noah to stay by my side, but I comprehended the tremendous efforts he had invested in his career. I couldn't selfishly jeopardize it by entangling him in my troubles.


One of the maids interrupted my thoughts, pulling me back to reality.

"Miss, Madam Melany has sent you this dress. She requests your presence by 7 pm. Your sisters' family has extended an invitation to you, Madam, and Sir for the dinner party."

Sighing deeply, I struggled to control the mounting frustration within me. What on earth is wrong with these people? All these cliché dinner parties consist of incessant bragging.
But what has come over Melany? How does she expect me to accompany her and dad to their daughters' family?

"Very well, you may leave now," I uttered dismissively, and the maid mumbled a hasty affirmation before departing. Closing the door behind her, I activated the screen of my phone. It displayed 4 pm, leaving me with nearly two hours to prepare myself for the event.
Could it be someone from my social media followers? Though I rarely post anything, damn it.

I meticulously examined all my social media accounts, scrutinizing the unread requests and messages. Since all my accounts are private, the stalker must possibly be someone within my close circle.
I seldom engage in extensive conversations with anyone else. Throughout my life, Noah has been my sole confidant and friend. The messages and comments on my social media seemed exceedingly ordinary.

They were merely from my schoolmates or individuals associated with NGOs.
Who could it be?

I also tried to look for any clue through the lighter on the internet but I couldn't get any.

Exhaustion overwhelmed me as I collapsed onto my bed. Not a single clue; all I know is that this person must possess significant access to my life. Oh God, please help me endure this repulsive creep.

After lying there for approximately 15 minutes, I eventually rose and prepared for a comforting warm shower. Swiftly, I made up my mind about what to wear.
Couldn't she have chosen something more comfortable for me?

Inhaling deeply, I commenced the process of adorning myself for the impending dinner party.

Five minutes before the clock struck 7, I found myself downstairs, eagerly awaiting Melany and my dad's arrival.

As expected, she cast a disdainful gaze upon me, treating me like an insignificant commoner, unworthy of the very air she breathes.

"No doubt, you are your mother's daughter—ugly, regardless of the attire or makeup," I mentally rolled my eyes and scoffed.

I have perused my mother's photographs, and her beauty remains unparalleled. I am not oblivious to my own appearance either. I possess my own beauty. What a foolish, contemptible woman.

"Is that why your husband abandoned you for my 'ugly' mother?" I muttered with seething anger.

"What?" She shot me a quizzical glance, raising her eyebrows.

I simply shook my head in denial. Annoyed and repulsed, she strode past me. I yearned to slap her with the harsh reality she so deserved. Unfortunately, the timing wasn't favorable at present, but someday it will be. And on that day, I will unveil to her the true extent of her despicable nature. My father stood there, offering me another vacant look before eventually walking away as well.

Summoning a deep breath, I resolved to follow them. All I hoped for was to escape the so-called dinner party hosted by the Rivera's as soon as possible.

Lucian's POV

"You appear exceedingly impatient, my dear. Is there someone of great importance on the guest list who has stirred such restlessness within you?" I glanced at my vexatious wife, secretly yearning for her to be rather mute for the rest of her existence.

I swear, had it not been for our father presenting us with an utterly groundless contract, I would have never allowed this leech and her whorish stupid sisters to come anywhere near me or my brothers.

"Yes," I curtly replied, accompanied by a disingenuous smile plastered across my face.

"By the way, last night was truly extraordinary," she sneered, planting a brief kiss on my lips.
It is disheartening that I, a man who never indulges in the repetition of sexual encounters, am obliged to fuck with this wretched harlot night after night. It is indeed a detestable turn-off.

Setting my glass aside, I made my way toward Alex, his arms enveloping his wife, Sophia, while he played the role of the ecstatic husband with great conviction.

"If only I could feign such contentment," I remarked, observing Eli donning a puppy-like expression.

"Grow up, you imbecile. What exactly do you mean?" I inquired.

"Alex, being the eldest, possesses an unparalleled understanding of handling people and his wife. One should recognize that Alex is the epitome of unpredictability, always outsmarting the rest of us. He could spirit away the queen without the king ever suspecting," I retorted, casting a doubtful gaze in Eli's direction. Could he possibly be high. Moron.

"Shut up, you fool. I know him better than you do," I sneered, continuing my stride toward Alex. However, I abruptly halted when I noticed his intense gaze fixated on a particular direction. Intrigued, my eyes followed suit, and in that moment, it felt as if my very soul had momentarily vacated my body.

Never before had the entrance appeared so alluring . Damn it, her mere presence ignited an inferno within me.

August. By the gods, she exuded an unparalleled allure. Nay, she surpassed all bounds of desirability. I am determined to satiate the hunger and desire that rages within me through her, only when I can taste the tender caress of her tongue upon my dic-

"Honey, look mom and dad are here, come let's go and meet them" my reverie shattered as I heard that all-too-familiar grating voice.

"Hello, Lucian. How have you been son?" I embraced my mother-in-law and offered a sturdy handshake to Mr. Willson. The struggle to avert my gaze from August, the embodiment of my deepest fantasies, proved tougher than i had expected.

"What happened your hand, Lucian?" Mrs. Willson inquired, her eyes brimming with concern. My gaze gravitated toward August, who appeared as though she had witnessed a ghost or me sending someone off to hell.

Her widened eyes reflected a mixture of shock and horror as they met mine. I smirked.
This, my dear little one, shall be a long and eventful night indeed.

What do you think gonna happen next??

Hope you liked this chapter. ❤️❤️❤️ 


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