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"I told you Noah to drop me in the midnight itself, it's already afternoon now, how i am gonna sneak back in my house wearing your hoodie" i rambled.

"babe, why are you scared now, look your witchy step sisters have already left the house, that bitch Melany wouldn't torment you anymore since her ugly daughters have finally gotten married and i am so sure that your dad must have already gone for another business trip." he said and i knew what he was saying could possible be true but still i was scared shitless.

Melany has always hated me because she considered my mom to be her home wrecker but it was dad who had destroyed their family, my mom wasn't even aware about dad being a married man.

Ever since my mom passed away and i got here, Melany and her daughters have always hated me, i don't understand why. Neither it wasn't my fault nor my mother's, if someone was supposed to be blamed and hated was dad.

"helloooo, earth to Cindrella" i was snapped back to reality when Noah snapped his fingers at me.

"I hope what you said is true and i don't have to face another rough day" he took my hand in his and gently squeezed it before pulling me into a loving hug, full of warmth...his arms were my safe haven.

"Just say that you wanna run away, I'll take you right away with me. We will leave this place forever" i hugged him back tightly. I also wanted to be with him but it was not possible yet.

"You know why we can't, you are still studying Noah, i am still 17, i don't want you to get into any sort of trouble. You know if Melany got to know about us she could possibly take this as an excuse to stop me from getting graduated. This year is really important for me, once I pass my final year, I will be able to apply for a scholarship in your university and after that I promise that I won't even leave you for a second. Let's wait one more year and then we can live happily ever after" i pinched his cheeks as he kept looking me with his puppy face.

"promise?" the way he said that had my heart melting all over again. How could this one guy make me fall for him all over again and again.

"promise" I smiled and kissed his lips.

"now, hurry up and go before i change my mind and kidnap you" he tried making a dead ass serious face but it only made me laugh at his cute tactics.

"haha, can't pull that off. Okies, see ya tomorrow" i kissed his cheek and waved him a bye.

He smiled back and left after he saw me getting inside my mansion gates.

As soon as I turned back to face the mansion, I took a deep breath and walked towards the backdoor. 

I looked here and there, with years of practicing, I finally became a master in sneaking out and back in. I slowly tried to unlock the backdoor when I saw the guard moving away from there. But fuck it was locked, I should have been so overconfident about myself. Now the only option was to go through the main door.

Damnnn it

Please let me get to my room without any problems god, and it was confirmed that today was definitely not my day.

As soon as i entered, i knew i was in deep shit. There was the whole Willson family and Rivera family having lunch together. Why in the world the backdoor had to be closed today.


I decided to still secretly go to any other room but my luck again, Mrs. Rivera had seen me.

"oh my my look who is here, our prettiest doll" i tried to not cringe at her words. She walked towards me and gave me a hug.

"ohh, that's a nice perfume...but it's men's isn't it" she chuckled making me gulp down in fear.

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