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Noah and August drove silently along the dimly lit street, the cool night air adding to the heaviness between them.

Noah glanced sideways at August, concern etched into his features. "Are you okay, August? You seem really down."

August sighed, her shoulders slumping. "Honestly, Noah, I'm just so tired of it all. Ever since the scandal, my life at school has been unbearable. Everyone treats me like I'm some sort of pariah."

Noah reached out, gently squeezing her hand. "I know it's been tough, but we'll get through this together. You're not alone in this."

August managed a weak smile, gratitude flickering in her eyes. "Thanks, Noah. I don't know what I'd do without you."

As they continued their drive home, the weight of the situation seemed a little lighter, knowing they had each other for support.

August was said and upset. Due the scandal, her school life was super hard now. The news of the williams abandoning spreaded like a wildfire in the forest.

People didn't held themselves back from calling her names. Even though she didn't do anything, yet she was tagged as the murderer, a psychopath.

It was her last exam today and she was relieved that it was her last day in the US as well, Noah had decided that tomorrow they would be flying off to london.

August didn't question Noah's decision to leave the US. Deep down, she knew it was the right move for both of them. With her past tainted by false accusations and the weight of painful memories, she longed for a fresh start.

Although sadness lingered at leaving behind her mother's memory, August found solace in the belief that she deserved happiness. She knew her mother would have wanted nothing less for her. With determination in her heart, she embraced the opportunity for a new beginning, ready to carve out a future filled with joy and fulfillment.

The weight of the accusations lingered in the air as August sat in silence, her thoughts consumed by the turmoil of the past months. But amidst the chaos, Noah's voice broke through, bringing her back to the present moment.

"Rose, let me put Aiden in the back seat. You must be tired..." Noah's words were filled with concern, a gentle reminder of his unwavering support.

August managed a small smile, grateful for his thoughtfulness. "Don't worry, he's sleeping so soundly," she replied softly, her fingers brushing against Aiden's head as she held him close.

In that fleeting moment, surrounded by the warmth of Noah's care and the peaceful innocence of the sleeping child, August found a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. She knew that no matter what lay ahead, they would face it together, bound by love and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

Noah gazed at August with a depth of gratitude that words could not fully express. "I couldn't be more thankful to have you in my life," he murmured, his eyes reflecting his sincerity.

"I'm just glad I could bring a smile to your face," Noah continued, his voice gentle and sincere. Taking her hand, nestled beneath his on the gearshift, he brought it to his lips, planting a tender kiss upon her skin.

August's heart swelled with warmth at Noah's affectionate gesture. "Thanks for the dinner babe, it was really amazing," she replied softly, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of love and appreciation. "Thank you for always being there for me."

Noah squeezed her hand gently, a silent reassurance of his unwavering support. "I'm glad," he whispered, his gaze filled with love and tenderness.

His eyes went back to the road only to have jolt of panic surged through him as the car screeched to a halt just inches away from the woman who had darted in front of them.

"Fuck," Noah muttered under his breath, his heart racing with adrenaline. He spared a quick glance to his side, relief flooding his senses as he saw August and Aiden unharmed.

"Uncle," Aiden's voice trembled, his eyes wide with fear.

"It's okay, Aiden," August reassured him, her voice steady as she rubbed his back soothingly.

"Wait in the car, let me check," Noah's tone was firm as he swiftly exited the vehicle before August could protest. With cautious steps, he approached the woman, his senses on high alert, ready to offer assistance or seek help if needed.

Noah's heart pounded in his chest as he approached the unconscious woman lying on the ground. With cautious steps, he knelt down beside her, reaching out to shake her gently, hoping to rouse her and offer assistance.

But before he could comprehend what was happening, the woman stirred, swiftly turning towards him with a sudden, menacing movement. In the blink of an eye, Noah felt a searing pain rip through his stomach, leaving him gasping for breath as shock and agony washed over him.

A strangled cry escaped his lips as he stumbled back, clutching his wounded abdomen, the world spinning around him in a haze of pain and confusion. As darkness threatened to consume him, Noah's thoughts raced to August and Aiden, praying desperately for their safety in the face of this sudden and violent attack.

August's heart lurched with terror as she watched the horrifying scene unfold before her. With Aiden clinging to her tightly, she rushed out of the car, her instincts screaming at her to protect her family.

"Noah!" August's scream echoed in the night air, her voice filled with horror and desperation as she saw him lying on the ground, clutching his stomach in agony.

Her eyes widened in terror as she took in the sight of the woman standing over Noah, a bloodied knife in her hand. Without a moment's hesitation, August knew they were in grave danger.

"Noah, we have to get you help!" August's voice trembled with fear as she knelt beside him, her hands hovering over his wounded abdomen.

"August, get back in the car with Aiden and run," Noah's words were strained with pain, but his voice was urgent. He knew they needed to escape before it was too late.

August's heart pounded with fear as she realized the gravity of the situation. With tears streaming down her face, she pulled Aiden closer to her chest, her mind racing as she weighed their options.

August's voice trembled with fear as she pleaded with the assailant, her entire body shaking with terror. "Please, let us go. We'll give you whatever you want," she implored, desperation lacing her words as she fought to keep her composure.

The air seemed to grow thick with tension as a chillingly familiar voice cut through the darkness. August's heart pounded in her chest as she recognized the voice, sending a shiver of dread down her spine.

"You..." August gasped, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to comprehend the horrifying truth of their attacker's identity. Terror gripped her soul as she realized they were facing a danger far closer and more sinister than she had ever imagined.

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