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HAPPY DIWALI EVERYONE ❤️❤️ May this diwali brings all the happiness and joy that you have been wishing for 😘

The morning sun filtered through the small, barred window in August's cell, casting a faint glow on the cold, sterile walls. Her world, however, remained cloaked in darkness. The accusation, the incarceration—it was a nightmare she couldn't wake from. She traced the events of that fateful night in her mind, grappling with the loss of Jack and the weight of unjust accusation.

Her thoughts were a storm, raging through the corridors of her mind, each memory a lightning strike illuminating her confusion and despair. Her innocence seemed a fragile shield against the accusations. Yet, in this chaos, she clung to the hope of truth and justice, a faint light amidst the darkness.

As time trickled by, she was summoned, a fleeting hope that it might be her father at the detention center. With tear-streaked cheeks, she emerged, only to find Elijah waiting. The air shifted, tension crackling between them like electricity.

"You?" She asked not expecting him out of all the people that she was expecting to come to meet her.

"I am here to help you. Trust me sweetheart, I can easily get you out of here."

Elijah's offer hung in the charged atmosphere, a glimmer of possible salvation, but August knew better. His intentions were veiled, a predator lurking in the facade of family ties.

"I can help you, August," Elijah repeated with an unsettling calm, his eyes calculating.

August's brows furrowed, a mixture of confusion and suspicion. "What do you want?"

She asked without beating around the bush.

Elijah's smirk was chilling. He walked over to her, the closeness between them now making her uncomfortable and suffocating.

"You" he said, smiling innocently, as if he hadn't just put forward a very inappropriate demand in front of her.

"My brothers and I for some reasons fancy you. Give yourself to us, and I'll make this whole mess disappear."

August's eyes widened in disbelief. "Are you even listening to yourself, Mr. Rivera. Do you know that whatever you just said could alone get you and your brothers arrested. I know that your shame has dies somewhere but atleast think of the fact that you three are married, married to my sisters, that makes the three of you my brother in laws"

Elijah's tone hardened. "It's a simple trade. few nights for your freedom. Think about it." She looked at him with disgust. Refusal was her only weapon, but Elijah's response was venomous. His threat sliced through the air, a tangible menace that coiled around her like a serpent. The choice was stark: comply and surrender her autonomy or defy and risk further ruin.

"C'mon darling. It's just few nights. Let us have a taste of your body and I assure you that noone would come to know of our dirty little secret." Elijah said as he ran his hand over her arm.

August clenched her jaws and the next second she spat on his face, the disdain in her eyes a reflection of her inner turmoil. "I would rather stay behind bars than give in to your obnoxious demands! you bloody pedophile"

Elijah just chuckled, as he wiped the spit off his face but his reaction changed swiftly, his grip on her hair a physical manifestation of his power play. August whimpered in pain. Her hands clutched his fist.

"I love this feisty side of yours, baby, but how about you save it for our nights in bed. Consider this offer, darling, while it's still on the table. You're lucky because what you're going through is nothing compared to what you're yet to see." His whispered threat was a chilling wind that sent shivers down her spine.

With a jerk he left her.

His departure left her collapsed, a broken metaphor of shattered resilience. Tears, the unspoken language of her torment, streamed down her face, pooling at the crossroads of fear and defiance.

As August grappled with the emotional turmoil within the detention center, outside its walls, Elijah paced, his phone pressed to his ear. His brothers awaited his directive, eager for the next move in their dark game.

"Alexander, it's all set," Elijah said, his voice low, tinged with a sinister edge. "She's refusing to play nice. Stubborn and fucking disobedient as ever."

There was a silence on the other end before Alexander's voice, cool and calculating, cut through the line. "Let her be. If it's the hard way she wants, then it would be the hard way she gets. You know what to do."

A twisted smile crept across Elijah's face, his eyes glinting with a sinister resolve. "Oh, I do."

The call ended, and Alexander on the other hand turned to Lucian with a malevolent gleam in his eye. "She's made her choice. We'll show her what happens when she defies us."

Lucian exchanged knowing glance, the air thick with a shared malevolence, lucian had his jaw clenched in sheer rage after what he had heard. "We'll make it clear," Lucian continued, "that there are consequences for crossing us."

"Calm down brother and enjoy the show" Alexander said smirking. Lucian looked at Alexander.

"I will Alex, I definitely will" He smirked, in his head he was already planning of the ways to break her once he gets his hand on her. He was going to punish her for every mistake that she had made so far. His brothers might let the past go but he was going to bend her to submission in the worst possible way.

The duo shared a chilling moment of unity, a sinister pact forged in the shadows of their intentions. With cold determination, they set their plan in motion, a plan that augured further torment for the already beleaguered August.

Meanwhile, within the confines of her cell, August was oblivious to the ominous designs being plotted outside, her focus consumed by the tempest of emotions brewing within.

Poor August 🥺

Do comment your thoughts guyz. ❤️

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️

And wishing you a very happy and safe diwali to you and your family again 😘❤️

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