Chapter 25

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"Tell him," Lucien demanded, gripping my jaw firmly. Impatience radiated from him.

"I-I am... I am readytobecomeyourmistress," I stammered, speaking as quickly as I could, praying I wouldn't have to repeat myself.

"Ahhh!" I cried out as I hit the ground, Lucien's hard slap leaving my ears ringing and my senses momentarily dulled.

"Let go!" I screamed as he yanked my hair into a painful grip. Tears streamed down my face, unrelenting.

"Now, doll, be a good girl and tell your masters what they want to hear. If I can't understand a single word this time, I'll order one of my men to skip the catch. Imagine your little Aiden's head bursting into pieces." His words sent a chill down my spine, freezing my heart.

"Please, d-don't do anything to him. I'm begging you," I whimpered, desperation cracking my voice.

"Then, doll, repeat what you said, clearly," he commanded. I closed my eyes tightly, then forced them open again, staring into the abyss of his cruelty.

"I am ready to be your mistress," I declared, my voice trembling but clear.

I flinched as Lucien pulled me closer, expecting another blow. Instead, he kissed my head. The unexpected gesture made me shiver violently, a cruel contrast to the terror that coursed through my veins.

"Let the kid go, boys, and bring him here," Elijah ordered. The men obeyed, laying Aiden on the ground beside me.

I cried out as I pulled him close. "A-Aiden, Aiden, open your eyes, please. Aiden," I pleaded, patting his cheek and rubbing his hand. He was unconscious, his body burning with fever.

Horror gripped me. He needed medical attention urgently.

"H-He's burning with fever. P-Please, can you get a doctor?" I asked desperately.

"Of course, baby, why not?" Elijah responded casually. "But I hope you have some cash handy. You know the doctor will need payment."

Confusion clouded my mind. He knew we were kidnapped, that I had no money. What cruel game were they playing?

"I don't have any money right now, but I'll repay you soon. Please, just call a doctor. Have some mercy, he's just a kid. I told you I'll be your mistress, what more do you want from me?" I cried out in frustration.

"Exactly, bird. You'll be our mistress, not our queen. You won't have everything you wish for," Elijah grinned maliciously.

"It's time to get to work, doll," Lucien remarked, returning to his seat with a chilling nonchalance.

Confusion and helplessness overwhelmed me as I stared at them, trapped in their merciless game.

"We know you don't have any money, and we don't lend money to just anyone. You're no exception, Rose. So I guess it would only be fair if you earn it," Alexander said, his expression deadly serious. My head throbbed with mounting dread.

"W-What do you mean?" I managed to ask, fear coursing through me.

"So innocent, hmm?" Elijah chuckled sinisterly.

"How about, for starters, you suck me off, and in return, I'll pay the doctor's fees for you." His words hung in the air, dripping with malice and depravity.

Horror gripped me as I stared at him, my mind reeling with disbelief and revulsion. This wasn't just about money anymore—it was about degradation, about stripping away every last shred of my dignity.


"Come on, what are you thinking now, little one? You're wasting precious time and only prolonging Aiden's suffering," Elijah urged, mocking . August's lips quivered as she clung to Aiden even tighter, pulling him closer as if her embrace could shield him from the world.

The heat radiating from his feverish body seared into her own, mingling their agony. Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat a painful reminder of the fleeting moments slipping away. She could feel the weight of his pain pressing down on her, threatening to crush her spirit

"H-how about I-I become a m-maid here? I'll do all the ch-chores," she stammered, her voice quivering with desperation. Her eyes darted between the three men, seeking a glimmer of compassion. Lucien and Elijah erupted into raucous laughter, their amusement echoing through the room, while Alexander merely smirked, a cruel glint in his eyes. The stark contrast between their reactions and her earnest plea deepened her humiliation. She could feel her cheeks burning, the shame and fear intertwining as she sat there on her knees, vulnerable and exposed.

Alexander knew she was ensnared, and the only escape lay in her surrender. It infuriated him that she continued searching for alternatives, refusing to yield. He despised her defiance, her reluctance to throw herself at him and his brothers. The way she cared so deeply for that little boy, who wasn't even her flesh and blood, only fueled his anger further. It was a bitter irony—her compassion, her unwavering resolve, and her refusal to break, were the very things that both captivated and enraged him.

Would she care for our kids just like that?

His mind wandered into a world of its own, imagining her nurturing a child they created together. The vision was intoxicating—her tender care, her gentle hands, and her unwavering love all focused on their little one.

"Pleaseeee," her desperate plea, tinged with frustration and helplessness, shattered his beautiful reverie. The stark reality of her predicament crashed down on him, pulling him back from the dreamscape he had momentarily escaped to. Her voice, raw and broken. He loved it.

"Here, sign it. Don't waste your time reading, because the kid might lose all his remaining breaths by the time you finish," Alexander sneered, tossing the file at her.

August stared at the document with apprehension, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew whatever was in that file would not bode well for her. Her hands trembled as she opened the file, her eyes scanning the first page. Before she could process the words, Aiden began convulsing, his fits wrenching her heart.

Fear gripped her, freezing her thoughts. The terror of losing him overtook her rationality, and without a second thought, she grabbed the pen and signed the document. Her entire focus remained on Aiden as he suffered, each scribble on the paper a desperate prayer for his survival.

"Here, please, I've signed the document. Please call the doctor now, please, he'll die," August pleaded, her voice cracking with desperation.

Alexander gave a nod to Elijah, who then gently lifted the ailing boy. August's breath caught as she saw a team of nurses and two doctors swiftly approaching. They took Aiden from Elijah and carefully laid him on the stretcher, their movements efficient and practiced.

As she watched them work, a chilling realization dawned on her. These men, these monsters, had orchestrated the entire situation. The medical team had been waiting, fully aware of Aiden's condition. They had used the child's suffering to exploit her vulnerability.

A surge of anger and disgust welled up inside her. She shot them a look of pure hatred, cursing them silently with every fiber of her being.

How could they be so cruel, so calculating?

Her heart ached with a mix of relief for Aiden and fury at the men who had manipulated her so callously.

August took a step forward to follow the doctors and nurses, but she was abruptly yanked back. Her back collided with Elijah's hard chest.

"Where are you going, little one?" Elijah murmured, wrapping his arms around her waist. August shivered as she felt him nuzzle into her hair, his breath warm against her neck.

"I think you're forgetting something," he whispered, his voice a dangerous blend of menace and amusement.

August stilled, her body tense with fear and dread. She knew there was no escaping the grip of these men, no matter how desperately she wished to be with Aiden.

As promised guyzzz here is the update.
Don't be silent.
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