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The elegant hall was adorned with twinkling fairy lights and floral arrangements, casting a warm glow on the jubilant faces of the guests. August stood in the corner, her heart still heavy with the secret she carried. She watched the guests as they danced and laughed, her eyes occasionally landing on her her "family". The newlyweds were a vision of happiness, but August couldn't help but feel like an outsider in this celebration of love.

This night was marred by an unsettling revelation that sent shivers down her spine. Just a few days prior, someone had sneaked inside her room, molested her, a stalker was after her and that that horrifying incident where again a strange man had harassed and intimidated her on her way back home. She clearly remembered it, how in a desperate attempt to protect herself, she had fought back, leaving the man with a deep wound on his palm.

She had hoped to forget the unsettling encounter, but when she caught the sight of Lucian's hand who she remembered was Scarlett's husband, her world came crashing down. The man that she had wounded and Lucian had the same wound, it shook her to her core.

Lucian on the other hand was smirking looking at the frail girl who was lost in her own chaos. He wanted to laugh so hard. He knew she was definitely still confused between the attacker and him. Her face expression's were so clear that he could almost read her mind. It gave him a sense of power. He loved it.

"Be careful brother, it was your luck that last time Alex had protected you. If you by any chance she identifies you and tells her family about you then everything would be ruined" Lucian came out of his reverie when he hear Elijah's voice.

He cleared his throat and nodded with a serious nod.

"but a little game with this little doll won't do any harm. right? " He smirked internally before he began to walk towards her.

August's hands trembled watching Lucian approaching her with a gentle smile. She clutched her champagne glass trying to stop herself from showing an sort of fear and anxiety that was building up inside her.

"August, isn't it?" August's breath caught in her throat as she tried to compose herself. She had to be cautious, uncertain if this man was truly the same one from her haunting encounter. Lucian spoke in a gentlemanly tone, his eyes warm and inviting.

"I've noticed that you seem to be really uncomfortable in this party. Is Everything ok?" Her heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to maintain composure. She couldn't afford to show her discomfort, not with so many curious eyes watching.

"I'm just taking a moment to catch my breath," she replied, trying to keep her voice steady, giving him a forced smile.

Lucian's gaze lingered on her, and for a moment, August saw a flicker of something in his eyes, a familiarity that sent a chill down her spine. She quickly brushed it off as paranoia, unsure if her mind was playing tricks on her.

He extended his hand, inviting her to dance. August looked over his shoulder, her eyes met scarlet's and Melany. She cursed her luck.

"Come on, August, don't let the night pass you by. Join me for a dance. It's a night of celebration, after all." Lucian said, her heart conflicted, August hesitated, her mind wrestling with the memory of the man she had encountered just days ago. The charm and poise Lucian displayed were at odds with the fear and aggression she had seen in the stranger's eyes.

Seeing her hesitation, Lucian took a step closer, his voice softer. "I know we may not have had the chance to get to know each other well, but I want you to feel welcome here. I am truly happy to have you as part of our family."

His words sent on another path filled with confusion and uncertainty. Here he was, reaching out to her with kindness, and she couldn't help but wonder if he was the same man or not. Could he be pretending but why would he pretend, even though scarlet was a bitch but she was a hot bitch then why would Lucian, a man who can have a line of girls on his door at a single snap would be after her.

"Oh honey, what are you waiting for, don't keep your brother-in-law waiting, not good manners sweetheart" Melany's voice broker her trance. She nodded.

Summoning every ounce of courage, August took his hand, allowing him to lead her to the dance floor. As they swayed to the music, she felt a strange mixture of unease and discomfort in his presence. Her mind was in turmoil, unable to reconcile the gentle man before her with the haunting memory of her attacker.

He didn't touch her or said anything so far that would make her feel threatened.

"I hope you're enjoying the celebration," Lucian said, his eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

"I am," August replied, her voice trembling slightly.

"Your wedding was beautiful" August said trying to avoid the awkward silence between them. He smiled, a smile that seemed to carry a hint of knowing, as if he saw through her façade.

"Thank you," he said softly.

"And August, if there's anything on your mind, know that I'm here to listen. We may not have known each other for long, but family is important to me, and that includes you. Lucian loved how his words had impacted her. He smirked inside his psychopath mind.

The way her face looked as if nobody had ever said that to her made him feel proud. He and his brothers were going to own her soon. And they were going to be the only people in her life who she was allowed to show any sort of emotions to.

On the other hand, unknown to Lucian, his words reminded her of Noah. How he would comfort her, how he would cheer her up even where she slips through the worst darkness. He has always been there for her. He was her only hope, the only light that guides her in her dark world.

As the dance came to an end, Lucian held her hand for a moment longer, his eyes searching hers.

"Take care, doll," he said, his voice low and tender. August gave him another forced smile. With that, he left her standing on the dance floor, her heart torn between the compassion he showed and the darkness that lurked in her past.

wrong move doll

But a sudden realization hit her hard like a truck, he called her doll, just like the way the man who had assaulted her did. She stood their frozen unaware of the different malicious stares on her.

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