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August stepped out of the school library, a stack of books in her arms, feeling a mixture of relief and anticipation. She had been assigned a project on climate change, and while she was passionate about the topic, she had initially feared that she would have to tackle it all on her own. That was until Jack, the notorious school playboy, had offered to be her project partner.

As they walked together down the school hallway, August couldn't help but feel intrigued by the boy who had surprised her. Jack had a reputation for being charming but elusive, often surrounded by admiring girls. Yet, here he was, engaged in a thoughtful conversation about their project and genuinely contributing his ideas.

"Thanks for helping me with the project, Jack," August said, her voice tinged with gratitude. "I honestly thought I'd be doing this all alone."

Jack flashed a smile that seemed to defy his playboy image. "No problem, August. I'm actually pretty invested in this topic too, and it's nice to have a project that isn't all about popularity or image."

August couldn't help but smile back. "You're different than what people say about you."Jack raised an eyebrow, curious. "Oh? How so?"

She hesitated for a moment, choosing her words carefully. "Well, you know, the rumors... people say you're a playboy."

Jack chuckled, shaking his head. "Ah, those rumors. They were started by my ex-girlfriend."August's curiosity piqued even further. "Your ex-girlfriend?"

"Yeah," Jack replied with a hint of bitterness. "I broke up with her when I caught her cheating on me. She didn't take it well, so she decided to tarnish my reputation. But I've never been the kind of guy they make me out to be."

August felt a pang of sympathy. "I'm sorry to hear that, Jack. People can be so quick to judge."He shrugged it off, a playful glint in his eye. "Eh, it's high school. Rumors come and go. Besides, 

I'm more interested in things that matter, like this project."

As they continued walking, their conversation flowed effortlessly from the project to more personal topics. Jack shared his passion for photography, and August talked about her love for books and writing. She discovered that beneath his charismatic exterior, he was genuinely smart and thoughtful.

Soon, the sky outside darkened, and raindrops began to patter against the windows. They quickened their pace, seeking shelter from the sudden downpour. A quaint cafe appeared on the corner, its warm lights inviting them in. The cozy atmosphere and aroma of freshly brewed coffee greeted them as they entered.

They settled into a corner booth, the rain drumming a soothing melody on the windows. August couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Jack, a connection she hadn't expected to find.

"Thanks for coming in with me," she said, sipping her hot chocolate. "This rain came out of nowhere."

Jack grinned. "No problem at all. I'm actually enjoying this unexpected detour."Their conversation continued to flow effortlessly, touching on dreams, fears, and the intricacies of high school life. August was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to talk to Jack, and she found herself opening up more than she had with anyone in a long time except for Noah.

Jack, too, was captivated by this mysterious girl with her thoughtful insights and hidden depths. He couldn't help but feel a growing fondness for her, a feeling he had never expected to experience. She was completely opposite to how her sisters used to be when they were in school. Obviously he didn't remember much, but his elder brother definitely does. He remember him having a crush on Sophia and he got his first ever heartbreak too. 

As their time at the cafe came to an end, August couldn't contain her excitement. "I can't wait to tell Noah about you."

Jack's eyebrows shot up in curiosity. "Noah?"

"Yeah," August replied with a grin. "He's my boyfriend, and I think you two would get along."Jack's smile faltered for a moment, but he quickly masked it with a polite nod. "That sounds great, August. I'd love to meet him."

Little did they know that someone had been watching them from outside the cafe, hidden behind the curtain of rain and jealousy. As he watched the two of them share an intimate moment inside the cafe, his heart burned with envy and rage.

The unexpected connection between August and Jack had ignited a spark of friendship, but it had also kindled a fire of jealousy that would soon cast a shadow of danger over their lives.

Hey, I made some changes. Hope you loved this chapter.


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