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"You are one sick fuck, you bastard," I seethed, my voice laced with venom. "You and those brothers of yours, you are nothing but disgusting creatures. You have crossed all boundaries, committed sins that would drag you to the pits of hell. I swear, you and your brothers would rot in hell," I hissed, the words pouring forth from a place of pure loathing.

What made me more mad was that I knew my words were falling on deaf ears. He fed on the pain he inflicted, finding pleasure in the torment of others. And as he continued to toy with me, I couldn't do anything like a lifeless toy, ready to be played with.

His smirk widened, revealing the depths of his depravity. There was no trace of remorse in his eyes, no flicker of humanity to be found. He was a true psychopath, devoid of any semblance of emotion or fear of consequences.

"If possessing you is a sin, then so be it," he declared, his voice dripping with malice. The words hung in the air, heavy with their sinister implications. He lived in the darkness, finding pleasure in the twisted power he held over me.

A chill ran down my spine as he continued, his words like daggers aimed straight at my heart. "If I were you, I would be worrying about pleasing me and my brothers by being a good obedient girl," he taunted, his tone condescending. "You should be grateful that me and my brothers want you, else do you think a girl with such a cursed fate would ever get a fairy tale life, hmm? Your god gifted you to us...the devils, as you say."

I glared at him, my eyes blazing with defiance even as tears threatened to spill over. He knew my weakness, and he was exploiting it without mercy. Alexander was a master manipulator, preying on my emotional vulnerability with calculated precision.

But beneath the fear and the tears, I refused to be reduced to a pawn in his twisted game. No matter how manipulative he was, I would find the strength to break free. I will have to.

His words were cutting through me like a knife, each one piercing deeper into the wounds of my soul. The tears flowed freely now, a testament to the pain and anguish that consumed me.

"Tsk, tsk. Why these waterworks?" he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "Did I hurt your poor feelings, hmm?" His mocking tone only added fuel to the fire, stoking the flames of my inner torment.

But it was his next words that truly struck a chord within me, each syllable a cruel reminder of the loneliness and abandonment that had plagued my life. "Your cursed fate is the reason why your mother doesn't trust you, your sisters don't even care about you, your father hates you. Your whole family abandoned you, and the only man who was with you died as well. Your cursed fate dragged him to his end. Brutally."

The weight of his accusations bore down on me like a suffocating blanket, crushing me under the weight of my own guilt and shame. Who did love me, indeed? The question echoed in the recesses of my mind, a haunting reminder.

"You killed him," he continued, his words like daggers aimed straight into my dying soul.

"You killed Jack as well. If that night you would have been a good girl to me, nothing would have happened. You ruined Aiden's life as well. Your actions changed the course of their lives."

My soul grew numb, the pain too overwhelming to bear. He was getting into my head, twisting the truth to suit his own twisted narrative.

Don't listen to him August. He is trying to manipulate you.

Don't listen to him August. He is trying to manipulate you.

Don't listen to him August. He is trying to manipulate you.

I chanted like a mantra. Taking a deep breath, I looked straight into his eyes. My voice trembled with rage as I unleashed the torrent of accusations that had been building within me. "You and your brothers killed! You psycho! You killed Jack, you killed Noah, you took Aiden and me hostage! You are the one responsible for all of this. I hate you and your brothers. I hope you—"

Before I could finish my sentence, his lips crashed against mine once more, silencing my words in a violent onslaught. This kiss was different, more forceful, more painful than before. I tasted blood, the metallic tang of it mingling with the bitterness of my own defiance.

"Mmmhmmmm," he murmured against my lips, his hand sliding under my shirt, his touch violating and repulsive as he kept touching my breasts. He was so lost in this disgusting act that he didn't even fathom my next move.

I sank my teeth into his tongue with all the force I could muster, a primal instinct driving me forward. "Fuckkk!" he cursed, recoiling in pain, his grip loosening on me.

As he stumbled away, clutching his injured tongue, a sense of satisfaction washed over me. The pain he felt was a balm to my own ache, a small victory in the midst of our twisted reality. And as I lay there, breathless and battered, I knew that no matter what horrors awaited me, I wouldn't give up.

" Again" disbelief laced in his voice.

I flinched as he raised his hand, assuming it to be a harsh slap, I flinched with my eyes closed. A couple of seconds later, I felt him tucking my hair strand behind my ear. His every touch repulsing me.

"I am going to ruin you and that stupid pride you carry within you. You will serve me and my brothers as our mistress. I will ensure that you realize that you were born just to spread your legs for me and my brothers." He spoke with a calmness that unnerved me more than Lucian's rage and Elijah's sadistic nature—like the stillness before a thunderstorm, deceptively peaceful yet brimming with impending chaos.

"I would rather die than be your mistress," I hissed through clenched teeth, defiance burning bright within me despite the fear that threatened to consume me.

"Next time, it will be you begging us to kiss you and fuck you," he smiled sending shivers down my spine. The confidence in his eyes shook me to the core, a chilling reminder of the power he wielded over me.

"You will be begging on your knees to be our whore," he declared, his words echoing in the darkness like a death knell.

It was a promise he was making, and for the first time, I dreaded it. It was like watching a monster emerging out when I had just found comfort in the darkness.

This was the moment I realised how much Noah had protected me throughout all these years and now that he wasn't here anymore I was falling like pieces of a glass, shattered and unfixed forever.

He was my strength and my hope to continue my life. His absence, without his reassuring hugs and affirmations that I was the strongest girl he had ever seen, was like a slow and painful erosion, gradually breaking me apart.

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