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In the days that followed, Noah tirelessly worked to untangle the mess surrounding August's false accusations and her family's betrayal. He hired the best legal team, investigators, and public relations experts to clear her name. Together, they faced the storm, determined to bring justice and restore August's reputation.

Meanwhile, August found strength in Noah's unwavering support. With each passing day, she started to heal not only physically but emotionally as well. Noah, sensing her need for closure, kept her informed about the progress of the investigations, ensuring she felt empowered and in control of her life once again.

One evening, as they sat on the balcony watching the sunset, Noah received a call.

"What the hell, Max? What were you doing? You had one job, and you couldn't even do that," Noah exclaimed, a mix of worry and anger etched on his face. August couldn't help but share his concern.

"Noah, what happened?" August inquired, her concern deepening as she looked at Noah.

"It's Aiden, he got into an accident," Noah revealed, his voice heavy with worry. August gasped, realizing the gravity of the situation. Aiden was Noah's nephew, whom he was raising as his own son. At six years old, Aiden had already endured the loss of his parents in the same accident that took Noah's parents. Aiden was Noah's only family, the sole connection to his elder brother.

A wave of regret washed over her heart. Aiden wouldn't have gotten hurt if Noah had been there, but it had been two weeks since Aiden was with her. She felt a profound sense of guilt; because of her, a little kid was living all alone under someone else's care.

"Noah, you should go to him; he needs you," August said, her heart filled with pain. She couldn't bear the thought of a little kid being all alone, and she could feel the pain that Aiden must be experiencing.

"We will be going together," Noah declared. Both of them swiftly packed their bags and caught the first flight to New York, their hearts heavy with worry and the urgency to be by Aiden's side.

"Uncle!" A cute voice echoed in the hall. Aiden ran up to his uncle and jumped into his arms, expressing how much he missed him. August watched the heartwarming reunion with awe.

"What has my little devil been up to, huh?" Noah playfully glared at him, eliciting giggles from Aiden.

"Nothing much, Uncle. You see, there were a few bad boys in my school, and I was just dealing with them," Aiden explained, and August looked at him, amused.

"And how did you get yourself hurt?" Noah questioned, his tone firm.

"The boys were being very rude to me, so when me and my gang were fighting with them, one of them pushed me off the stairs. But luckily, it was only a three-step fall," Aiden shared, causing August to gasp. The realization that this kid had a gang caught her by surprise.

"Wait, you are august right, uncle Noah's girlfriend. You look so beautiful" August smiled, looking at Aiden. Noah smiled, proud. The kid had his uncle's charms. He was absolutely adorable.

"It's nice meeting you, Aiden, you are also really handsome" listening to August's compliment, a blush appear on his cheeks. Noah raised his eyebrows looking at Aiden shying away for the very first time in his life.

"hehe, thankyou, but I am not in my best look today" Aiden said making Noah roll his eyes at his dramatics. August laughed, 

"You little monster, how do you manage to get in trouble every time I'm not around?" Noah pinched Aiden's nose.

"I can't help it, Uncle. Trouble follows me everywhere I go; you can say it's my fan," Aiden replied, making Noah sigh and August chuckle. The kid was undeniably adorable.

"How is your hand now, Aiden?" August asked. Aiden smiled and assured her that he was better. The trio then had lunch, laughter echoing through the mansion.

Noah looked at the two very important people in his life, wishing he could freeze this moment in time. He was ready to give away his soul just to see them happy. "Our journey is just beginning, my love. We'll create a future filled with happiness, love, and everything you deserve," he thought to himself.

Little did he know, a storm was about to break out, threatening to take away all his dreams and the people he loved.

Thankyou for reading💕💕

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Goodnight guyzzz❤❤❤❤❤

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