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We turned and saw the newly wedded couples walking towards us with their hands wrapped around eachother. Remembering my step-mom's warning, I decided to back off and then just get myself disappeared somewhere among the crowd but i was held back by the intense lingering gazes on me.

Oh god, could this day get any more longer.

"Oh Alex, we were just talking about how this young girl has surpassed the beauty of her elder sisters" I kept my eyes down, I could feel my sisters and mothers glaring at me. I just hope I am alive before today ends.

"Well well well, you are correct mother" I felt someone taking my hand and then kissing the back of it. My heart beats quickened as I saw Scarlett's jaw clenched. I looked at the man who I was sure was Scarlett's husband.

I politely took back my hand from his grip. I saw his jaw clenching and then going back to the same normal expression again.

"Luce, honey, I think it's time we cut the cake" Scarlett spoke and wrapped her arms around him, wait, was she trying to show me off her ring by smirking at me.

Eww, he is way too old for me. He is my brother in law and I am already very much in love with Noah. You can keep your husband for yourself.

I don't understand how can they keep forgetting my age. I am just freaking 17 year old. I have a lot on my plate already.

"Wait scar, let me introduce us to this little doll here" I felt uncomfortable with his gaze or am I just overthinking. Ofcourse I am not. I can differentiate between the gazes that makes me uncomfortable.

"I am Lucian, he is Alexander, the eldest " I looked at Alexander who was looking at me with no emtions. He is scary af.

"and he is" He was interrupted by the man who was Shylah's husband I guess.

"Elijah" He introduced himself by kissing my cheek and I swear I felt the ground beneath me had slipped away.

"I think the introduction is done, let's cut the cake" Shylah said, I could see her glaring at me. I knew I was in deep shit. I was going to get killed tonight for sure.

As they all walked away, I saw my new brother in laws scary eyes on me. I hope dad has chosen the right husbands for my sisters. I didn't care about them but fuck i do now after seeing their husbands. May be a little part of me felt like it was a match made in hell. They looked perfect for eachother.
"I thought you gonna take some more hours before coming back to me again" Noah said as I hurriedly closed the door.

"babe can you please take me to your home. I wanna spend some time with you" I said giving him my best puppy eyes.

"sure, love" He smiled and kissed my forehead.
"But are you ok" He asked caressing my cheek.
I nodded leaning into his touch more.

We both sneaked out of the wedding hall and I prayed that nobody saw me sneaking out.
WRITER'S POV (Few hours earlier)

"What's with that expression bro" Elijah asked looking at Lucian's annoyed face.

"fucking bitch fiance of mine. I can't believe that I am getting married to that Scarlett. All she does is annoy me. Sometimes I feel like I'm so close to shoot her" Elijah chuckled looking at his elder brother's frustration.

"I know brother even I don't wanna get married to Shylah and I bet Alex too isn't at all interested in getting married to sophia but you know dad, he won't let us get the business in our name if we don't do it. We will have to do it. We can divorce them later once everything settles down" Elijah spoke.

"Elijah is right Luce, we can divorce them once we have everything in control . The women are stupid af anyways, all we have to do is lure them and may be they would even name their property after us" Alexander smirked and the other two nodded.

"Boss, it's time" The three men turned and saw their PA. The trio nodded and walked to the aisle.

The only thing that they wanted to do was go home and sleep. Everything and everyone was getting on their nerves.

But things changed when their eyes met the sight of a young girl. Beautiful. That was the only word that ran in their head.

To their shock she turned out to be their wives's youngest sister. August Rose Willson. Alexander for the first time had agreed to his mother words. He felt enraged to know that she was hidden away from him. Only if he knew about her before then he would have surely taken her as his wife and not the whore Sophia.

Elijah and Lucian were just as surprised to see how beautiful their wives's sister was. They didn't even knw how shamelessly they were checking her out.

"Would one night in bed with her would be enough" Lucian joked making Alex and Elijah chuckle out devilishly.

"let's get divorced first else our reputation will be at stake" Alexander spoke making the other two groan.

"But where is she, I haven't seen her for an hour now" Elijah whined. Lucian called their PA Richard.

"Get me all the information about August Rose Willson" He ordered, richard nodded and left.

"Are planning to make a deal with her brothers?" Elijah asked looking at his brothers. He already knew the answer to it though but he wanted to hear them say that.

"You already know the answer Eli" Alexander smirked as he took another sip from his glass.


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