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I will find out who were you whoring around with last night and once i do, i am going to kill that piece of shit in front of you

I looked at the unknown number in shock. The only friend that i have ever had is Noah and am sure as hell that he would never play such pranks with me when he know that I'm going to be already distressed with my so called family.

I decided to not give much attention to this unknown person because i have already had enough for today.

I blocked the number and kept my phone aside.

"This bitch. How fucking dare she?" Lucien hissed.

"Will you calm down luce" Elijah said lazily as he scrolled though his phone.

"I am going to show her what her place is" Lucian hissed again as he punched the wall.

He didn't know why was he so mad at her but he was and he couldn't control his rage. He didn't like the thought of her hanging out with another man, the thought of someone else touching her was making him crazy.

"Don't be so bothered brother, you know we can teach her a lesson any time, all we have to do is just dial a number and she will be infront of us begging for our mercy" Elijah laughed hard but it only angered Lucian.

"Like fuck we could kidnap her, she is a fucking Willson. She is just as secured as a fucking treasure" lucian growled.

"We are kidnapping no one, we can't move our focus right now, we need to get all the properties transferred from our dad's name to us" Alexander interrupted.

Lucian and Elijah let out a sigh of frustration. The both decided to leave the room. They knew that Alexander was right and it made both of them angry. 

"But there are still other ways to make her understand, don't you agree?" Alexandar smirked making the brothers grin evilly.
She slept peacefully despite the amputation of pain and humiliation she went today, may be she became used to it, may be for her it was just another day.

Her room was swallowed in complete darkness, the only sound that could be heard was of her soft breathing and the wind-chime that moved with the wind.

But a few seconds later another sound made itself known, sound of someone walking towards the sleeping beauty.

He walked towards her like she was his pray ready to be hunted now.

His eyes roamed at her face and then her cleavage that was slightly visible through the blanket.

Automatically his tongue touched his lips as he tried to gulp down his lust for the young woman.

"Soon ...the bed that you will be sleeping on would be mine, I wanna see you naked, withering under me in pain and pleasure, the bruises that I'm gonna give to your lovely body, my soon to be little pet" he smirked as he tried tracing her cleavage but stopped as she moved a little.
She turned around on her bed, her blanked slipped and he gulped down looking at the art in front of him.

His luck, she was sleeping naked, he could see everything, every fucking thing. Her naked ass, so juicy so full. He just wanted to grab it and print his hands brutally on it.

Her curves had made a tent in his pants already and now he was actually having a hard time controlling himself.

He slowly went towards her and removed the blanket fully. He tried to roll her over her back but his one touch was enough to wake her up. First she was in sleep but as soon as she realized the unknown presence in her room, she was wide awake but it was too late now. She tried to scream but the man had already hovered her and ceased all of her struggles. His one hand was preventing her from screaming while the other was holding her hands in a bruising grip.

Tears fell from her eyes as she realized that she was naked and the man had all the access to her.
She still tried to struggle but couldn't. The man started to sniffle her and he felt like he was suddenly addicted to the way she smelt. He couldn't stop himself from grinding her, how desperate he was just to have atleast one fuck with her. She made her hard by doing nothing at all. He wondered what would happen if she actually showed him her seductive moves.

"Fuck i can't control now" he mumbled, his words sounded far to her as her whole focus was on the struggles that she was going through.

He got the sedative out of his pocket and was about to stuck the needle in her when he felt a hard blow on his balls. He groaned and fell on the floor.

She picked up her robe and hurriedly went out of the room, she didn't stop until she reached her father's room.

She knocked furiously on his door, the door opened and she cried out scared and desperate for his help.

"D-dad so-someone is i-in my room, he he assaulted me, please p-please come with me" before her dad could even say anything she dragged him towards her room but as soon as they reached her room there was noone.

She turned towards her dad who was looking at her blankly with no emotions at all.

"Such an attention seeker you are huh, fucking stupid bitch. Don't you know what fucking time it is right now. Crazy girl woke us up because of some stupid nightmare " Melany roared.

"leave honey and sleep, you have a meeting tomorrow." Melany said and dad just left. Did he think I was lying. 

I sniffled. Melany walked towards me and held my arm in a bruising grip.

"You are so ugly that even a dog won't fuck you bitch, let alone a human. You shouldn't be scared at all, you are too filthy to even get raped" Melany's words made me look at her. She was a human devoid of any humanity. Did she hear what she just said. With a yank she left me and I stood there like a statue. 

I ran out of my room after locking it. There was definitely someone. 

Coming outside I saw uncle John, guarding the main entrance. 

"Ma'am, you out so late, is everything ok" He asked concerned. 

"U-uncle, did you assign anyone on my floor" I asked him.

"No Ma'am, why, what happened?" He asked, worry clear in his eyes and voice for me. 

"I felt like someone entered my room, could you please just check" I said and he nodded. 

He took his phone and called his wife, who was the head chef in the house. 

Aunt Claire, soon came.

"What happened dear?" She asked, her motherly voice made me feel a little bit safe. Uncle Jhon and Aunt Claire were the only two people other than Noah who cared for me, everyone else just ignored my presence. 



"I checked everywhere, don't be scared ma'am, there is no one" Uncle said, aunt Claire caressed my hair. 

Even though he said there was noone but I was still scared.

"Aunt, can I sleep at your place tonight" I was literally pleading her, I have slept at her place a lot of times when either Melany threw me out of the house as a punishment or when I was scared to stay alone. 

"ofcourse, honey" She said and I sighed relieved. 

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