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I am from India and in my childhood my favourite cartoon used to be "courage - the cowardly dog"😬 what about you guys??❤️❤️🤭


Melany sat at the head of the dining table, a satisfied smile played on her lips as she looked at her daughters, Sophia, Scarlet, and Shylah. The evening had been pleasant, filled with laughter and the clinking of glasses. But as the conversation shifted to more personal matters, Melany's demeanor darkened.

"So, how's life treating you, my darlings?" Melany asked, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of pride and curiosity.

"It's wonderful, Mom," Sophia said, her face glowing with contentment. "Everything is going smoothly with the family."

"Yes," added Scarlet. "We've been so busy with our own lives, it's almost hard to keep track of time."

"And Shylah and I are doing great too," Scarlet chimed in. "We're thriving."

Scarlet was handling the jewellery business, Sophia was in the showbiz whereas Shylah was spreading the clothing brand. The three women despite being so evil were skilled in their respective domains.

Melany's eyes narrowed slightly. "And your husbands? Have they been behaving themselves?"

A flicker of unease passed over Sophia's face. "Well, we haven't seen much of them lately. They've been... busy with their own things."

Melany's expression shifted from contentment to concern. "Busy? You haven't been keeping a close eye on them? Do you even know where they are right now?"

The daughters exchanged uneasy glances. "Not exactly," Shylah admitted, "but they've always been loyal. We trust them."

Melany's face turned a shade of red with frustration. "Trust? That's what led to my downfall. Trust is a luxury you can't afford when it comes to men. Look at what happened to me. August was a constant thorn in my side, and now she's out of our lives, thank goodness."

The daughters shifted uncomfortably. Scarlet tried to soothe her mother. "Mom, we're aware of the risks, but we're confident in our relationships. We're not as naive as you think."

Melany slammed her hand on the table. "Confidence is not enough! You need to keep a closer watch. I don't want the same fate to befall you. Men are deceitful, and if you're not vigilant, you could end up with a broken heart just like I did."

"But, Mom," Sophia said, trying to calm her, "we're all beautiful and successful. Surely, no woman could tempt our husbands away."

Melany's face grew serious. "You're not invincible. There's always someone out there who could cause trouble. And I know from experience that appearances aren't everything."

Scarlet's curiosity was piqued. "What do you mean?"

Melany leaned in, her voice dropping to a whisper. "You never know my sweetheart, witches and home wreckers are now everywhere. You better keep tabs on your husbands now.I would never want my daughters to go through something like I did years ago."

The daughters' eyes laced with concern for their mother. "Don't be sad mom, you see that bitch August is now paying for what the bitch of her mother did to you." Sophia said

Melany's eyes flashed with anger. "Yes, I hope she faced hell on this earth, I pray she dies every second. I pray that some monsters torture her so much that once she dies even her soul shivers to return to this earth." Her hand tightened on the glass of wine as she cursed August with all her heart.

"Mom, stop, you gonna hurt your self" Shylah breaks her mother out of reverie.

"Anyways... what I would suggest to you is that you must be vigilant. Don't be blinded by your own beauty or confidence. Men are unpredictable, and if you're not careful, you could find yourselves in a similar situation. Make sure you know where your husbands are, and don't let them stray."

The daughters nodded slowly, the weight of their mother's words sinking in. The evening's light-heartedness was replaced with a somber realization of the need for vigilance in their own lives.


"Now, now, nowww," Elijah sang as he closed the door behind him, a twisted melody of menace filled the air.

August clutched her dress in a tight fist, her heart racing like the bird that just got trapped .

"Will you start on your own, sweetheart, or do I need to remind you of the consequences again, hmm?" Elijah taunted, his voice a velvety threat as his hand caressed her arm.

August shivered in disgust, his touch sending a cascade of revulsion through her.

A gasp escaped her lips as he suddenly spun her around, the movement abrupt and disorienting.

"Why these tears now? Huh? Did I beat you, hmm?" His voice was deep, dripping with mockery as he leaned closer.

"Speak up," he smirked, his breath hot against her skin.

"Physical pain isn't the only form of suffering," she whispered, her voice trembling but resolute. "You know exactly what you're doing to me. You might not have raised your hands, but you're threatening me with Aiden. You're emotionally and mentally torturing me. You're forcing me into things I don't want to do, dragging me into this nightmare. You and your brothers have shattered my dreams, stolen my happiness, and now you ask why I cry? I can only wonder for how many more days psychopaths like you and your brothers will roam this earth."

For a moment, silence hung heavy in the room, before it was shattered by Elijah's sickening laughter, a sound that echoed like the haunting silence in the middle of the graves in a graveyard.

"Ever thought of choosing acting as your career? Because damn, your dialogue delivery is on point, little one," Elijah smirked, giving a slow, mocking clap.

"Now, let's see how good that mouth is when it's put to other uses," he grinned, dragging her toward the bed.

"On your knees, now." August's eyes filled with horror as she looked at Elijah who now sat at the edge of his bed like a king.

"NOW!" Elijah's voice thundered, making August flinch as he forced her down.

"N-no," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.

"No?" Elijah laughed, a cruel sound. "You've been stripped of all your rights, baby girl. You don't have that privilege anymore little one"

August's eyes widened in terror as he reached into the side drawer, pulling out a gun. The room seemed to close in around her, the reality of her situation crashing down like a wave of cold despair.

"Now be a good girl and open my pants. Take my fucking dick in your mouth and suck it like a good little whore you are, if you dare to use your teeth, I will blow your head and then I will put another bullet in your precious Aiden's head." August closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. If it were just her, she might have surrendered to death, but Aiden—she had to protect him.

She wiped away her tears and opened Elijah's pant's button. Elijah smirked, his eyes gleaming with malicious satisfaction.

"Come on, keep going, little bird," he taunted, pressing the gun harder against her head.

Her heart pounded as she reached for his zip, her hands trembling. She pulled it down a little, her eyes squeezed shut in disgust. The fabric felt heavy in her hands, a symbol of her dread and the dark power he held over her.

Hi folks, here is another update. 🫡
I understand many of you are from different countries too and there could be a possible larger time difference too. I follow IST time zone and it's still sunday 🙈 so i didn't break my promise🤭
But It's amazing that so many of you from so many different parts of the world are giving a chance to my book.

Thankyou for supporting ❤️❤️❤️

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