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Thankyou for being so patient with the updates. I understand many of you want me to update frequently, but I have a job, and it's not as easy as it seems to be. Juggling between my work life, my personal life and then writing, it's something that I am still learning to manage. I can write anything and update regularly, it would hardly take me an hour to write anything and publish it, but I can't, I want it to be perfect so that you guyz can enjoy.

As you know, I have restarted my whole writing journey because someone just decided to deleted my account and all the work overnight. I honestly lack the motivation that I used to have before. 

Please comment and vote, it would mean so much to me.❤

 I hope you guyz understand my situation. 

Here is another chapter 💕💕

August was finally declared innocent, all thanks to Noah, her one true love. However, things became more complicated for the Rivera brothers. Noah was determined to take August with him; he couldn't bear to let her stay alone with her dysfunctional family, who seemed oblivious to her well-being. Yet, August insisted on being dropped off at her mansion, not wanting to burden Noah.

Despite Noah's stubbornness, he agreed after seeing the teary eyes of August. As soon as he dropped her off at her mansion, the guards halted her. Noah stepped out of the car, and the guard, unable to meet August's eyes, bowed down.

Uncle John, what's happening? Why won't you let me go inside? August asked, her heart hammering inside her chest.

"It's madam's order not to let you step inside anymore."

"What? No, Uncle John, she can't do that! This is my home; she can't just do that to me!" August cried out in desperation.

"Home?" A familiar voice echoed, and the guards rushed away. Melany, August's stepmother, came out, followed by some maids carrying luggage – August's luggage. August's eyes welled up with tears.

"You've tarnished our family's reputation, and you have the audacity to come back here, you shameless person, just like your mother!"

August's fists clenched, hearing the derogatory words about her mother. "Shut up! How dare you talk to her like that? It was your husband who abandoned you to marry another woman, and let me remind you, she was not just any woman; she came from a wealthy, reputable family. It was your husband who messed everything up, not her. And about wrecking the family's reputation, well, your daughters have done that plenty of times with their scandalous pictures leaked in the media." August looked up at Noah, who was holding her hand protectively, always having her back.

"Oh, look who's talking up for this person now, her boyfriend. What did she do to seduce a man like you? You seem a bit older than her. Oh, I think she got it from her mother – very skilled, I must say," Melany sneered. Noah glared, on the verge of punching her, but August held back his hand. She had had enough; all she wanted now was some silence and peace.

"Throw her stuff; I don't want to see her again anywhere near this mansion or my family."

"As if she's dying to come back to this shithole anyway," Noah snapped. August  was about to say something when Noah glared at her, making her shut her mouth. Melany gritted her teeth and left.

"Let me help you out, sir," John said as he assisted in moving August's belongings to Noah's car.

"Sit in the car, Rose," he said gently, helping her get inside. August was too exhausted with everything; she let herself succumb to the darkness.

"Sir, please take good care of her; she deserves so much better," John said. Noah nodded and sat inside the car, seeing August already sleeping. He caressed her head and fastened her seatbelt.

"I promise I will never leave your side, Fiore," he said, kissing her temple before driving off to their destination.

August woke up a few hours later and found herself in a familiar room – Noah's room. She realized she was in his penthouse.

"You're up. How are you feeling?" Her eyes met Noah, who was working on his laptop. Noah sat beside her and caressed her hair.

"Better," she said.

She looked at the clock in front of her and realized it was already 8 pm.

"Out of all the people in the world, Fiore, you should at least not lie to me. You're not allowed to hide any of your feelings from me, not even your pain." A tear escaped her eye, and then a river of sadness followed as she cried. Noah didn't say a word; he pulled her close and let her cry out all her pain, misery, despair, and disappointment. He knew life had been very unfair to her, and he had vowed to bring all the happiness back to her. But if only he knew that what's written in one's fate will always be inevitable.

"You've been such a strong girl, my love. I'm so proud of you. I promise you that a new life is waiting for you, filled with only happiness." Noah wiped away her tears and kissed her forehead.

"Now, hurry up, you little monster. Freshen up; I'll cook us a delicious dinner." August nodded. She tried to get up from the bed, but sudden pain in her ribs caused her to sit back again.

"Wait, let me help you out," Noah said as he carried her to the bathroom.

"I called a doctor to check on you; she put bandages on you. Don't move too much, okay? When you're done, just call me." He kissed her forehead again and walked out of the bathroom, his fists and jaws clenched. The one thing in the world he absolutely hated was seeing August in pain, and he was hell-bent on finding the person who had caused her so much pain.



After helping August freshen up, Noah led her to the dining area where he had prepared a candlelit dinner. Soft music played in the background, creating a serene atmosphere. Despite the pain lingering in her body, August couldn't help but smile at Noah's effort.

As they sat down to eat, Noah skillfully avoided discussing the painful events of the day. Instead, he shared stories, cracked jokes, and made August laugh, if only for a moment. He knew that healing required more than just physical recovery, and he was determined to bring joy back into her life.

Throughout the evening, Noah continued to be a pillar of support for August, giving her the space to open up whenever she felt ready. After dinner, they found themselves on the balcony, overlooking the city lights.

"Fiore, I know it's not easy, but we'll get through this together," Noah reassured her, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. "You're not alone anymore."

August leaned into Noah's embrace, finding solace in his words. The night sky sparkled above them, reflecting the glimmer of hope that Noah promised her. As the hours passed, they shared dreams, fears, and whispered promises of a future that belonged solely to them.

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