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The air seemed to grow thick with tension as a chillingly familiar voice cut through the darkness. August's heart pounded in her chest as she recognized the voice, sending a shiver of dread down her spine.

"You..." August gasped, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to comprehend the horrifying truth of their attacker's identity. Terror gripped her soul as she realized they were facing a danger far closer and more sinister than she had ever imagined.

August's breath caught in her throat as the figure reached up and removed the wig, revealing the face of their attacker. Shock and disbelief washed over her as she stared into the familiar features of Elijah, his face twisted with malice and deception.

A surge of anger rose within her as she realized the extent of Elijah's cruelty .

"You... what the fuck is wrong with you, bastard!" August's voice rang out, laced with fury and panic.

"Noah, please k-keep your eyes open"she tried to help Noah by pulling the knife from his stomach but her motion halted as she felt a hard grip on her hair and someone taking Aiden away from arms.

"Leave me. No, let go of him"She screamed but her attempts to move forward were met with resistance as the firm grip on her hair prevented her from advancing. Frustration boiled within her as she fought against the restraint, her mind racing with fear and determination to protect her family at any cost.

Aiden's cries pierced her heart.

"Now this is what you get from messing with me," Alexandar's voice sent a chill down August's spine.

"August!" Aiden's desperate cries broke through the haze of terror, pulling her back from the brink of despair. With a surge of adrenaline, August forced herself to focus, her mind racing as she assessed the situation and searched for a way to save her family from the clutches of their merciless captors.

What are you doing, Lucian?" August's voice trembled with a mixture of fury and desperation as she locked eyes with the man holding her son captive. "Let him go, you bastard!" Her words rang out like a battle cry, her fists clenched in a futile gesture of defiance against the overwhelming power of their assailants.

But Lucian only sneered, his grip on Aiden's throat tightening with each passing second. The terror in Aiden's eyes mirrored August's own fear, a silent plea for salvation that tore at her heartstrings.

"Tsk tsk, don't provoke him more, baby," Elijah's chilling chuckle sent shivers down August's spine as he sauntered across the street, his demeanor oozing with malice.

August's heart constricted with anguish as her gaze fell upon Noah, who struggled to remove the knife embedded in his side, his face contorted with pain and determination.

"Please, please let us go," August's voice trembled with desperation as she pleaded with their captors, her hands clasped together in a futile gesture of supplication. "We won't ever cross your path again, I swear."

But her pleas fell on deaf ears as the three heartless monsters stood before her, unmoved by her anguish and fear.

"Say sorry to him, angel," Alexandar's voice dripped with venom as he tightened his grip on her hair, his fingers digging into her scalp with cruel intent.

"Lucian, please," August's voice broke as she begged for mercy, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched in horror. "Please let him go, I'm sorry, please..."

A cruel smirk twisted Lucian's lips as he released his grip on Aiden, allowing the young boy to fall to the ground, gasping for air. The sound of Aiden's coughs echoed in the night air, a stark reminder of the brutality they faced at the hands of their merciless captors.

"Tsk.tsk.tsk. I wish you had taken up the offer that day, all of this could have been avoided but anyways, what's done is done. What should we do with your lover her by the way" August's soul trembled with terror as Elijah's words hung heavily in the air, each syllable dripping with menace and cruelty. But it was the sight of the thick iron bar being dragged across the road that sent a chill down her spine, filling her with a bone-deep dread.

As Lucian kicked Aiden towards Elijah and took hold of the iron bar, August's heart plummeted with a sickening realization of what was to come. She looked at Lucian with a mixture of confusion and horror, unable to comprehend the depths of his depravity.

Her blood ran cold as Lucian's sinister smile sent shivers down her spine, his words cutting through the darkness like a knife. The memories flooded back with agonizing clarity, each word a dagger to her heart.

"Do you remember the day when you came back around at lunch after whoring around the entire night?" Lucian's voice was laced with malice as he recounted the events of that fateful day, his eyes boring into hers with an intensity that made her skin crawl.

"Do you?"August's breath caught in her throat as the truth dawned on her, her eyes widening in horror as she realized what promise he was talking about . The promise he had made months ago echoed in her mind like a nightmare, filling her with a sense of dread and despair.

"I will find out who you were whoring around with last night," Lucian's voice was cold and merciless, each word laced with venom. "And once I do, I am going to kill that piece of shit in front of you."

(The message was in chapter 3 i guess 🫠)

"Please, noooo!" August's agonized scream pierced the night, her voice raw with desperation and fear as she watched helplessly, knowing that she was powerless to stop the unfolding tragedy.

The scene before her was a nightmare come to life, a terrorizing sight that would haunt her for eternity. The thick iron bar, stained with the blood of innocence, hovered menacingly over Noah's unconscious form, a grim reminder of the cruelty of fate.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still as August grappled with the harsh reality of their situation. Their lives had been irrevocably shattered by the hands of madness and malice, their fate now etched in blood and darkness.

Tears streamed down August's face as she felt the weight of despair settle over her like a suffocating blanket. In the face of unspeakable evil, all she could do was scream out into the void, a desperate plea for mercy in a world consumed by darkness.

A symphony of pain and terror filled the air, a cruel crescendo of suffering that echoed across the abyss of despair. And as the darkness closed in around them, August knew with a bitter certainty that their story had reached its devastating conclusion—a fate sculptured in blood and darkness, a tragic lament to a love lost in the depths of despair.

Hey guyzz 💔💔
The real story is about to start now🥲
It was a chapter that i felt very emotional while writing 🥺

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