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Aiden's struggles ceased as he locked eyes with me. The woman gently placed him on his feet, and without hesitation, he sprinted straight into my waiting arms.

"Aiden, oh my god," I sobbed, wrapping my arms around him tightly as he continued to cry in my embrace.

"Shhh, baby, I'm here. Everything will be okay," I whispered, my voice cracking with emotion as I peppered his head with kisses, rocking him gently back and forth.

The weight of guilt crushed me, threatening to suffocate me as I held him in my arms. Tears streamed down my face unchecked, mingling with his as I cursed myself for the deceptive fate that had dragged him and Noah into this nightmare. It was all my fault. How could I have ever dared to dream of a better future when every aspect of my life was a mess, a cursed fate? How could I have been so foolish?

In that moment, as I held Aiden close, I felt the full force of my despair crashing over me like a tidal wave, threatening to consume me whole. But even in the depths of my anguish, one thing remained clear: I would do whatever it took to protect him, to shield him from the darkness that threatened to engulf us both. For as long as I had breath in my body, I would fight tooth and nail to keep him safe, no matter the cost.

"Awwww, such a cute reunion," Elijah's mocking voice sliced through the tender moment like a knife. I shot him a withering glare, feeling Aiden flinch in my arms at the sound. He clung to me even tighter, seeking refuge from the cruelty that surrounded us.

"Shhh, I'm here," I whispered soothingly into his ear, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination.

"What do you want? If it's me, then just let Aiden go back. Why are you dragging him into this mess and N-" I paused, swallowing the lump in my throat. I couldn't bring myself to say Noah's name, not wanting to further traumatize Aiden with the reminder of what happened. There is still hope in me, hope that my Noah is safe. I will wait for him, even if takes an eternity to see him again.

"Oh ohh you can talk about us killing that bastard lover of yours in front of him, you missed the show but this little filth here didn't " My eyes shot daggers at Lucian as his cruel words cut through the air like a blade. Aiden trembled in my arms, his fear obvious against my chest. I clenched my jaw, fighting back the urge to lash out at the monster before me.

"Enough, Lucian," I hissed, my voice trembling with rage and desperation. "Leave him out of this. He's just a child."

But Lucian only sneered in response, his twisted grin sending a shiver down my spine. I tightened my grip around Aiden.

"As if I care. To me, he is like that little puppy I would run over with my car." As Lucian's crude words reached my ears, a sharp pain pierced my heart, leaving me breathless and reeling. I clutched Aiden tighter to my chest, as if my embrace alone could shield him from the cruelty of the world. Tears streamed down my cheeks, hot and relentless, as I struggled to comprehend the depths of their depravity.

"Oh, and did I mention little rat here lost his voice due to that," Elijah's voice dripped with sadistic pleasure, each word twisting the knife deeper into my already wounded soul.

The room seemed to spin around me, the walls closing in as the weight of their cruelty pressed down on me like a suffocating weight. My chest constricted with a pain so unbearable , so overwhelming, that I could scarcely draw breath. How could they be so callous, so utterly devoid of compassion?

"Shut up. Just shut up, you monsters!" I cried out, my voice trembling with a mixture of anger and despair. "How can you talk like that about a little kid? He's innocent! Why are you ruining his childhood?"

But my words fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the echo of their heartless laughter. In that moment, as I held Aiden close, I felt a rage unlike anything I had ever known burning within me. They had taken everything from us, torn our lives apart with their cruelty and malice.
"Estella" lucian said and the woman forcefully took aiden from my arms.

"NO. Where are you taking him, giving him back to me. I said stop" the woman was soon out of my sight along with the crying aiden in her arms.

"Look, please, just let him go back. This is between us. Keep him away from all of this," I pleaded, my gaze fixed on the three devils before me. They shared a common glint of victory in their eyes, and it was enough to make my soul tremble with fear.

"Listen to me very carefully, little flower," Alexander's voice was unnervingly calm yet brimming with dominance.

"Neither you nor him are going anywhere. So the least you could do to protect your precious little Aiden is by surrendering to us. We don't just want your body; we want your pain, your smile, your tears, your laugh, your soul, your heart—everything. Everything that you own must belong to us," he declared, his words dripping with an unsettling obsession as he delicately tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Take your time, my love, but remember to keep little Aiden in your mind when coming to any conclusion. You wouldn't want him to meet the same fate as his beloved uncle. Hmm?" Alexander's words oozed with false sweetness as he kissed my forehead. My fists clenched in sheer disgust at the nauseating display of his manipulation and obsession.

"P-please stop this. This is not right. You three are married. Your wives, they are my sisters, please," I pleaded, my voice trembling with desperation. "You are my brothers-in-law. At least respect the relationship that we share."

It was the only reasoning I could offer them, grasping at the thin thread of familiar connection in a desperate attempt to appeal to their humanity.

"Hahaha, so funny, darling," Elijah laughed, his amusement ringing hollow in my ears, while Lucian's smirk sent a shiver down my spine.

"Be a good girl and finish your breakfast. We will talk later," Alexander's command echoed through the room before he left with Elijah. But Lucian remained, his presence casting a dark shadow over the already tense atmosphere.

As he walked towards me, I started looking for a way to get out of his sight.

"So fragile," I flinched as his thumb caressed the same cheek that he had slapped only moments ago.

"It won't take me much time to break you into pieces, little doll," his words dripped with malice as he leaned in closer. "Remember, I am not as patient as Alex or Eli. You better stay in line, or it won't take me long to continue where I left off that night."

My eyes widened in horror at his chilling threat, realizing the depth of the darkness that lurked within him.

"That night, the son of a bitch saved you, but who would now, hmm? So behave, doll," his words echoed in my mind, a chilling reminder of the horrors I had endured at his hands.

The night I was kidnapped and assaulted, it was him. He did that to me.

As he left, a heavy silence settled over the room, but I remained frozen in place, unable to move as the weight of his threat bore down on me.

"I need to take Aiden and escape from here," I whispered to myself, the thought of leaving this nightmare behind filling me with a desperate longing for freedom.

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