Part 61

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October 31, 2014
This wasn't anything like how she imagined Royce's first official Halloween going. She thought that her and Rick would dress him up in the cutest costume and walk him up and down the halls of the apartment complex asking for candy that they'd eat for him. But now, she sits on the couch watching Halloween II while Royce sleeps in his crib. The more time that passed, the lonelier she got. Her emotions were running wild the last few weeks. So wild that she took a pregnancy test a few nights ago even though she just got over her period.
It obviously came back negative and she knew she wasn't pregnant, but she just didn't think she'd be this emotional. She's not even paying attention to the movie anymore and she discarded the bowl of candy an hour ago. She pulls her phone out and calls Lanie. "Hello?" Her friend is tipsy and clearly at a party given the loud music in the background. "Hey, sorry, I didn't know you were out." "Oh, it's okay, hold on let me find a quiet place." She hears Lanie move around before the sound of a door closing and her best friend sighs in relief.
"What's up, girl?" "I just wanted to call and see how you were doing. You can call me tomorrow if you want. I don't want to interrupt your fun." Kate says, "Imma smack you. You know I always have time for my best friend. How's my nephew?" "He's not helping me out in weaning him." She laughs. "Most boys are reluctant to release boobs." Lanie jokes. Kate laughs, "Don't talk about my son like that." She laughs. "Sorry, sorry. Seriously, the little guy is good?" "Yep, he's growing and talking and about to start walking."
"Oh my goodness. I can't believe he's already one." "I know. My baby is now a big boy." "You're going to have to have another one soon." "Lanie." "What!? I'm just saying you guys make a cute baby." "Yeah, we do, but I want to make sure Rick is around for this one. So far, he's been gone most of Royce's life." "I know it's been hard, but hopefully the next few years will be a little slower after the wedding and stuff." "I hope so too. I'll let you get back to your party. Have fun." "I'll call you tomorrow."
She hangs up the phone just as she hears Royce begin to whimper. He's getting a few more teeth in and has been restless and in pain. She pauses the movie and makes her way to Royce's room where he's standing in his crib crying. "What's wrong, Bubba?" She coos as she lifts him from his crib. "Mama." He cries. "I'm here, Baby." "Mama." He cries again. She walks out to the kitchen and grabs his teething ring from the freezer, "Here." She whispers. He takes it and begins to gnaw on it. "Does that feel better?" She asks rhetorically.
He hums against the teething ring and she kisses his cheek before settling back down on the couch with her baby boy in her arms. She exits out of the horror movie and puts on It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown before turning Royce in her lap so that he can see the TV. She watches his eyes light up at the cartoon characters. They sit like this through the whole movie, and once it's over her son is still wide awake in her lap. "You need to go to sleep, Royce Alexander." She says out loud.
Royce drops his teething ring and turns his head. She turns him back around in her arms so that she's now facing him. "Mama." He cries and pulls at the top of her shirt. She sighs. "Okay, Baby, let's go have milk." She whispers as she stands and puts the teething ring next to the sink for her to clean and sanatize once he's asleep. She then carries him into the nursery where she sits in the rocking chair and lifts her shirt for him to nurse. She told herself she'd officially start weaning him after his birthday, but her son was making it difficult.
Throughout the day he was fine. Not once did he want milk, but at night when he wanted to go to bed or his teeth were bothering him, it was the only way she could get him to sleep. She's trying not to be too hard on herself. She knows once he's ready to stop, he'll stop. But she would like her body back to herself completely. Especially if she and Rick are going to start trying after the wedding. She'd like a few months of being the only one relying on her body before getting pregnant again.
It's not long before her baby boy is fast asleep at her breast. She pulls her shirt back down and stands with him in her arms before settling him back down in his crib. She kisses his forehead and turns the baby monitor back on before leaving his room and walking into her and Rick's room. She grabs her phone and typed a text to Rick. She's done this a lot recently. She rarely gets an answer because the service where he is is terrible. She sighs as she presses send:
We miss you so much, handsome. Love you. Happy Halloween. - Kate and Royce
Once she sends the text, she puts her phone down and turns over in bed and pulls the covers up to her shoulders. She closes her eyes and dreams of a few months from now when she'll walk down the aisle into Rick's arms and get to keep him with her forever.
Part 61! Let me know what you think!

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