Chapter 1

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It was late when Hee-Jin finally left the club. Since the death of her parents, she had to finance her medical studies on her own. The work at the club was well paid and she had time during the day for her medical studies. She set off on foot to the small apartment she had inherited from her father. As she walked down the street, she thought of the sleazy guy who had been watching her all evening and a shiver ran down her spine. She automatically quickened her steps and kept looking around. Eventually she turned down the side street at the end of which was the apartment block that contained her apartment. Just a few more steps.... Hee-Jin rummaged in her pocket for the key and therefore didn't notice a shadow appearing out of the darkness behind her. She had just found the keys when she was grabbed from behind, a large hand clamped over her mouth and she finally fell to the floor. Before she understood what was happening, the guy was already kneeling on her and holding a knife to her neck. "If you just make a sound, I'll stab you." The guy hissed at her and ripped open her blouse at the front. But before he could continue, someone grabbed him from behind and pushed him away from her. "Heeey, dammit, what are you doing?!" the guy yelled, spinning around in anger with the knife in attack mode. Hee-Jin sat down quickly and crawled backwards into the doorway. She could see another man in the dim light of the lantern. "Leave the woman alone and fuck off.", she heard his voice calm but determined. "You lad don't have anything to say to me.", the guy yelled at him. She saw the guy attack the other man, who initially skillfully dodged the knife attacks. She later did not remember why she cried out briefly. However, this caused her rescuer to be momentarily distracted. Suddenly this man grabbed his stomach and stared at his opponent. "Oh shit!" her attacker shouted and ran away. She got to her feet and ran to her rescuer, who had collapsed in the meantime. Blood gushed incessantly from a stab wound in his abdomen. She quickly took off her blouse and pressed it to the wound. With the other hand she pulled her phone out of her pocket. "Hold on, I'll call an ambulance. It needs immediate medical attention." But before she could dial 911, he grabbed her hand and held her tight. "No ambulance!" he moaned. But before she could ask why, she noticed a prominent tattoo on his exposed forearm. Definitely a gang tattoo, she'd seen those tattoos in the club before and she'd been warned about those gangs. "Ok, I see..." she put her phone down. "But you will bleed to death here on the street. „Can you get up? Get up, we have to get out of here." She helped him get up and although he was already very weak from the loss of blood, they somehow made it to her apartment unnoticed. There she laid him on her sofa and got fresh towels. "Press here on the wound. It needs stitches or you'll bleed to death." "Help me," he moaned, pointing to the emergency kit in their hallway. "Are you a doctor?" "No, I'm still studying. The things are from my father. He was a doctor and I have kept much of the equipment from his practice for later use. So yes, I could, but..." He grabbed her arm and looked at her intently with his big brown eyes. "Do it...." Eventually he passed out. Without thinking further, she got everything what she needed from her father's equipment for the emergency procedure. She had learned how to sew up wounds as a young girl in her father's practice and later also assisted him with the care of wounds from time to time. She managed to stop the bleeding and sew up the wound successfully. But she was still worried about the weak pulse caused by the heavy loss of blood. She made an access and gave him painkillers and antibiotics which she still had thanks to her father. Finally, she conected him to a bag saline and hoped his circulation would stabilize again. She stayed awake through the night, taking his pulse and temperature regularly. He regained consciousness the next morning. He looked around and tried to get up, but immediately stopped, his face contorted with pain and sink back with a groan. Hee-Jin sat on a chair next to the sofa and slept. He studied her for a while and then looked around her apartment. Then he fumbled in his pockets for his cell phone. "Damn!" he cursed. It must have fallen out of his pocket during last night's fight. "Thank God you're feeling better," he suddenly heard her voice. She stood by the sofa and put her hand on his sweaty forehead. "In any case, you don't have a fever," she stated and finally pulled back the blanket to look at the wound. He watched her as she cleaned the wound and applied a new wound dressing. "Don't move so the wound won't tear open again," she said, busying herself with the IV bag, which was now almost empty. Suddenly he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him again. "You don't ask questions," he states, looking at her intently. She pointed to his gang tattoo on his arm and replied, "In my job at the club, you learn that it's better not to ask questions." "You know that tattoo?" "Yeah, I know it's the Bangtan Dragons gang tattoo and it's better not to ask guys like that questions." "And yet you help me, aren't you afraid?" "No, you saved my life last night and patching you up was the least I could do for you." "Thanks. I'm Min Yoongi, what's your name?" She looked at him briefly and as she pulled the IV needle out of his arm, answered: "My name is Hee-Jin, Choi Hee-Jin." "Nice name," he murmured, closing his eyes. He was still so weak that he fell asleep again exhausted. When he woke up again, he heard soft music and dishes clattering in the kitchen. He gritted his teeth and tried himself to get up. When she came out of the kitchen, she paused and rolled her eyes. Then she put the tray on the table in front of him. "Here eat! You have to eat something to get back on your feet." She handed him the bowl of vegetable rice and a spoon. He looked at her intensely again as he took the bowl. His gaze was almost a bit uncomfortable for her, but she stood her ground and wasn't intimidated by it. "Do you live here alone?" he asked interested. "Yes, or do you see anyone else here?" she answered a little snippy. "No boyfriend or anything?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in disbelief. "No, I don't have time for that. During the day I study and at night I have to earn money.", Hee-Jin replied while she was on pouring a glass of water. "Drink here! And then you should go back to bed and rest." "Can I have your phone, I must have lost mine yesterday." She nodded and pulled her phone out of her purse. While he had a short phone call, she preferred to wash the dishes in the kitchen. He was probably on the phone with his gang bros and that was none of their business. She thought about him. He belonged to the biggest Korean gang, that much was clear, but why had he protected her from her tormentor and risked his life for her? Wouldn't he get in trouble from the gang for interfering? What role did he play in the Gang? Since he was still young, he was probably more of a small fish. She had to admit that the boy fascinated her somehow. He was cool and mysterious and he was pretty damn good looking too. She smiled briefly and then shook her head vigorously. ,Forget it! The boy is dangerous.' she heard a voice say in her head and sighed. When she finally returned to the living room, he had already fallen asleep sitting up again. She sat down in the chair opposite him and looked at him more closely. His black, long hair framed his striking face. She had already seen his muscular upper body when treating his stab wound. Since his t-shirt was full of blood and it had to be done quickly, she cut the shirt off his body and then simply put an old shirt from her father on him afterwards. His black, tight-fitting, fashionably-ripped jeans matched his bad-boy image, as did the black leather jacket he was wearing. She had to consciously tear herself away from his sight. With a sigh, she sat down at her desk and tried to delve into her books. When he woke up again, she treated his wound again. It was already dark outside by then. "I'll be picked up by two men in a moment, then you'll be rid of me again.", Yoongi said and looked at her as if he was waiting for her reaction. She hesitated for a moment before continuing with what she was doing. She replied, mockingly unperturbed: „Be glad that you're rid of me and that the cops don't storm into your place at some point." He twisted his face with a mischievous grin. "I'm glad! And I'd be even happier if there wasn't the danger that the next few days the suture tears open again and then I find you bleeding again in front of my apartment.", she replies warningly. "You could almost think you're worried about me." „I've also taken the Hippocratic Oath and acted accordingly, nothing more." she replied snappily, hurrying into her bedroom and slamming the door behind her. He looked after her in fascination, still with the slightly mischievous grin on his face. Half an hour later the doorbell rang. Two men in dark suits, who introduced themselves as Mr. Park and Mr. Lee, asked for Min Yoongi. She let them in and one of them greeted her guest with the words: "Gosh, you gave your old man quite a fright when you didn't come home this morning." But before the gentlemen could say any more, he gestured to silence them with a wave of his hand. They helped him up and on the way to the door he stopped in front of her again. He looked deep into her eyes again, held out his hand and said: "Thanks for everything." She replied: "Take care of yourself." He just nodded and turned to the door. When the door finally slammed shut behind them, she let herself fall into the chair with a sigh of relief.

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