Chapter 51

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Over the next few weeks, Hee-Jin often accompanied Ra-on to her check-ups and shopping for baby supplies. When she returned from a shopping trip with Ra-on one afternoon, she found Suga's leather jacket on her chair. She looked around and found him sleeping on her sofa. She watched him for a while because she loved the sight of him sleeping peacefully. Then she got a blanket and carefully covered him up. Then she went to her bedroom and changed into a comfortable house-suit, as she planned to take a bath later. She was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom when she flinched because Suga suddenly stood behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her right shoulder. Still slightly sleepy, he asked: "Where have you been? I missed you. I missed you, Choi Hee-jin." She looked at him through the mirror and replied with a smile, "I went shopping for baby clothes with Ra-on. He turned her around and pulled her close so that their noses almost touched and looked deep into her eyes with an indefinable gaze. Then his lips fell on hers and he kissed her passionately. Without breaking the kiss, he lifted her onto the washbasin and opened the jacket of the dressing gown. He slipped it gently over her shoulder and let it fall onto the vanity. He covered her neck and décolleté with kisses and she laid her head on his neck, eyes closed, panting slightly. Finally, he casually unhooked her bra and threw it on the floor. Then he caressed her nipples with his tongue and sucked on them, making her moan loudly. Suddenly she pushed him away and moaned: "Stop! Stop, you're driving me crazy. But not like this!" She quickly struggled to remove her pants and then leaned back with her legs open seductively. He gratefully accepted the offer and buried his head between her legs to pamper her with his tongue. But even that lasted only a short time. Excited, she tried to open his trousers, which already showed his excitement with a big bulge. He finally took off his trousers, including his boxer shorts, and asked with a grin: "And now?" But before she could scratch his eyes out because of his provocative question, he quickly penetrated her and took her hard. They both came relatively quickly. Without pulling his cock out, he lifted her off the washstand and carried her into the bedroom. He laid her on her back and then gently pulled out of her. He lay down next to her and pulled her close to him. He murmured, "You're so fucking hot!" Then he fell asleep. She lay next to him for a while with a smile before falling asleep happily.

The wedding of Namjoon and Ra-on was approaching, and Ra-on's belly was also growing. It was a challenge for the dressmaker to create a romantic wedding dress for Ra-on with her belly. But in the end, everyone was very happy. Hee-Jin got carried away with the excitement in the last few days before the wedding. She said to Jimin when they met in the living room in the evening because Hee-Jin really needed a drink: "How will it be when Suga and I get married?" Jimin grinned and handed her a glass of whiskey. He winked at her and said with a mischievous grin, "Do you need to cool off in the pool?" Hee-Jin laughed and raised her index finger in warning. "Don't let Suga hear you say that." "Don't let me hear what?" Startled, Jimin and Hee-Jin turned around. Jimin blushed and looked down, smiling shyly. She walked over to Suga smiling with the glass in her hand. "I told Jimin that I really needed to cool off and he jokingly suggested that I could cool off in the pool. How are you doing darling? Do you want a whisky too?" He looked at her, gave her a kiss and nodded. Jimin hurried to get a glass and handed it to Suga. Suga seemed to be in a good mood because he didn't react to Jimin's joke, but talked casually about what he had experienced today. On the day of NamJoon and Ra-on's wedding, Hee-Jin got up very early. As Ra-on's maid of honor, she helped Ra-on with the final preparations. "You look beautiful," Hee-Jin smiled as Ra-on stood in front of her, all dressed up and holding the bouquet. Ra-on grimaced: "I feel more like a shapeless manatee in a wedding dress." Both women laughed. Hee-Jin urged them to leave. "We don't want to keep the groom waiting." They were picked up by a chauffeur-driven limousine and driven to the hotel where the wedding would take place. Before they got out of the car, Ra-on looked at Hee-Jin gratefully, squeezed her hand and said, "Thank you! Thank you for everything." Hee-Jin nodded with a smile. Then they got out of the car together and Hee-Jin handed Ra-on over to an older, good friend of NamJoon's who gladly took on the role of best man. The ceremony took place in a rather small circle. Apart from the boys and their girlfriends (except for Tae and Hoseok, all of them had partners by now), only a few selected friends from inside and outside the clan were invited. After the ceremony, the wedding cake was cut and a toast was made to the couple. After dinner, the party really got going. They danced to music and drank a lot of alcohol. Ra-on soon retired as she was not feeling well. Hee-Jin looked at her worriedly: "Should I come with you?" "No, that's not necessary. I'll just go to bed and I'll be fine tomorrow. You can stay here. Someone has to keep an eye on the men to make sure they don't get into too much mischief." Ra-on winked at Hee-Jin and then went to her room. Hee-Jin mostly held back on the alcohol, which was met with incomprehension, at least from Jimin and Suga. But Hee-Jin had a feeling that she would be needed later. She sat down with Jin's friend Eun-Ji and watched the hustle and bustle with her.

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