Chapter 5

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She had just finished getting ready for dinner when her doorbell rang again. She went to the door, looked briefly at her door monitor and opened the door. "Hi neighbor, I'm Jimin. We've already met briefly. I thought I'd just pick you up and we'd go to my parents' house together." He had an irresistible smile on his face again. She smiled back. "Hi, Mr. Neighbor. That's nice. It seems obvious that I'm Hee-Jin to have already talked around here." Jimin nodded, grinning. "So let's go." She picked up her purse and keys and pulled the door closed. They rode down in the elevator and left the villa together. "And how do you like our humble hut?" "I'm still a little freaked out. I'm not used to such luxury. But I really like what I've seen so far." "We've been a male-only shared apartment until now. So if you don't like something, miss something or you would like it to be different, then let us know. Be lenient with us we first have to get used to having a female roommate." He winked mischievously at her and she laughed. "No worries. You don't have to be so considerate, I'll just adapt. I'm looking forward to getting to know the others too." They were now standing in front of the Parks' house. He held a keycard to the door and opened it. "Mother! I'm here and I've brought our guest with me too." Mrs   Park came out of the kitchen and greeted Hee-Jin happily. "Welcome Miss Choi, it's nice to have you here." "Just call me Hee-Jin," she interrupted the person she was addressing with a smile. "Gladly," Mrs Park smiled back, "But before we eat, my husband would have a few things to discuss with you. During that time, my son, you could help me in the kitchen." Jimin sighed, "Yes, mother." and rolled his eyes. "Jimin, I saw that," his mother replied with a threatening undertone and Jimin hurried to follow his mother into the kitchen. Mr. Park came out of his study and invited Hee-Jin in. "Miss Choi, there are still a few things to clarify. First of all, here is your new bank card and bank access data." He handed her an envelope. "Then I have your new cell phone here for you. All the important apps and phone number are already saved. And finally your key card for your access to the premises, for the entrance door your villa and all generally accessible buildings on the site." "Thank you, thank you very much." She bowed respectfully. "And there is something else. The master wants you to have a treatment room for the treatment of minor and moderate injuries. Together with your father's things, you should complete the equipment and express your wishes. I'll get back to you about the premises in the next few days. That'll be all for now." She bowed again. "Please convey my deep thanks to the master." "Now we should go to dinner otherwise my wife will be dissatisfied." A brief smile crossed his face. And even though it was only brief, the smile was very familiar.
After a very delicious dinner, Hee-Jin said goodbye, which was very regrettable for all family members. "Shouldn't I accompany you home quickly?" Jimin asked caringly. "That's nice, but not necessary. It's really not that far, so what should happen?" she asked. "Who knows?" he answered with a wink. She left the house and wandered along the street in thought. When she looked up briefly, she was terribly frightened. There was a man in a black leather jacket standing not 10 meters in front of her and looking at her . She stopped dead in her tracks. He came towards her, hands in his pockets, still looking at her. She recognized the face and the look. "You scared me to death. What are you doing here?" asked she irritates. He was now standing directly in front of her and grinning at her. "See if you're okay," he answered briefly. In the meantime, she had caught herself again. "Did you want to protect me from bad boys again?" she grinned provocatively at him, "the only bad boy I've met at the moment and I see, is you." He laughed briefly. "Don't be so sure about that." Then he turned around, went to the motorcycle that was parked on the side of the road, and roared away. She stood there a little confused and watched him go. "Hey, Hee-Jin, is everything okay?" Jimin asked behind her. "That's it," she answered, lost in thought. "I just met Yoongi again." "Who?" Jimin asks irritated. "Yoongi, the master's son," Hee-Jin answered. "Suga, you mean Suga. Yoongi actually just calls him his father. For us he's just called Suga. What did he want from you?" "He suddenly stood in front of me and wanted to know if I was okay," she replied. Jimin grimaced and smiled. "Don't worry too much about that is typical Suga. He just appears and disappears again in exactly the same way. Come on, I'll take you home."

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