Chapter 4

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This time they didn't drive up to the main house, but drove over a guarded driveway onto a large area on which there were several luxurious, larger and smaller apartment buildings. They parked in a parking space in front of one of the apartment buildings. "You will live here in the future with three other residents. Mr. Chung, the property manager will show you your apartment and the rest of the rooms. The moving truck has been here shortly." He nodded to her. "And here are your car keys." "My car keys?" she asked confused. "The car is a welcome gift from the master, so to speak," the driver smiled at her and said goodbye. As soon as the driver left, a middle-aged man came up and introduced himself as Mr Chung. "I'm the property manager here." He bowed politely and then continued: "I'll show you your private rooms, the common rooms and whatever else there is here. Please follow me."

They entered the villa and came into a spacious entrance area, which then continued into a large, luxuriously furnished living area. A modern kitchen with a counter and cooking island was also located on the ground floor, along with other service rooms. Through a wide window front you could look out onto a large terrace, which was connected to a pool. "The rooms on the ground floor are shared by all residents. "As is the wellness area in the basement," Mr. Chung explained. "The private rooms are upstairs. Please follow me." They went back to the entrance area and took an elevator up one floor. There was a kind of atrium around which the apartments were located. Mr. Chung unlocked one of the apartment doors and they entered a luxury apartment. The living room alone was as big as her entire old apartment. The boxes with her belongings were already stacked against one wall in the living room. From the living room you enter a beautiful bedroom with a dressing room and a large bathroom. In the living room, a large window front led onto a beautiful balcony. A small kitchenette was also available. She walked through the rooms with her mouth open. "The house service also includes a cleaning and laundry service. Here are your keys. If you need anything else, call me using the service button on the touchscreen here. Or you can call me." Mr. Chung bowed and left her alone. Feeling overwhelmed by all the impressions, she collapsed into the comfortable sofa and enjoyed the view. A little later, when she had started to put her clothes away in the dressing room, the doorbell rang at her door. Surprised and curious as to who it could be, she went into the living room and opened the door. A small, petite, middle-aged woman smiled kindly at her. She had a small bonsai in her hand. "Hello Miss Choi, my name is Mrs. Park. You already know my husband and son. We live in the house at the end of the street. Welcome to the Bangtan family." she handed Hee-Jin the bonsai. "Thanks, come in." "I thought I'd come over and help you unpack." Mrs. Park looked around. A little embarrassed, Hee-Jin replied: "Yes, thank you, it's very kind. I could actually use some help. It's all still a bit new for me." Mrs. Park smiled and said, "I'm always there if you need support or advice." As they unpacked boxes, Hee-Jin talked about her past. "I've heard that you're a talented doctor." "I'm still in training and not a fully qualified doctor yet," Hee-Jin protested. "At least you saved the life of the master's son," smiled Mrs. Park. "How do you know...?" Hee-Jin was astonished. "We're a family, things like that get around quickly. My husband told me." After all the boxes were unpacked and things were put away, Hee-Jin prepared tea for herself and her guest. They sat down on the terrace. Mrs. Park looked at Hee-Jin: "You'd probably like to know who your roommates are now." "I have to admit, I'm a little curious, of course," Hee-Jin smiled a little embarrassed. "Let me briefly introduce you to your new neighbors. My son Jimin lives next door to you, whom you have already met." Hee-Jin had to smile when she thought about her first encounter with Jimin. Mrs. Park continued: "Taehyung lives across on the other side from you, but everyone just calls him Tae for short. He is the same age as my son. JK's apartment is next door." "JK? A little strange name," Hee-Jin wondered. "His real name is Jungkook, but since he's been with us he's just called himself JK. Tae and JK are currently on the road and won't be back until next week. So there you have a little time to settle in here before the boys cause chaos again." Mrs. Park rolled with her eyes a little and winked at her. I hope it won't be a problem for you to live in a men's shared apartment. Things sometimes go a bit haywire here, so I'm glad they're here now, maybe they'll behave a little better." Both women laughed. "But basically they're all good boys, their lives had not been that easy and they are like my sons. Hee-Jin smiled. "I think I can handle it. If the other two are as nice as you and your family, then I don't see a problem." Mrs. Park said goodbye. "Would you like to eat with us tonight? I'm going to cook something delicious and would like to invite you. We live in the bungalow at the end of the street. Come by around 7 o'clock." "Yes, with pleasure. Thank you very much. I'll be happy to come." Hee-Jin collapsed onto the sofa with a smile on her lips. Yes, she already felt very comfortable here. Now she's really realizing again how much she missed her family, love and security in the time after her father's death. Now she was no longer alone. She had been really happy again for a long time. But in the midst of this beautiful feeling, Yoongi's face appeared again. Here she was closer to him than ever before, but he was still out of reach for her. And so the feeling of happiness she had just experienced was clouded by an indefinable pain.

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