Chapter 40

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A few weeks later, Ra-on called, a little excited. "Can we meet, I have a lot to tell you," she hinted mysteriously. "Should I come to you or will you come over?" Hee-Jin asked. "Can you come to me? NamJoon is out all day today "He is traveling on business. So we have time." Ran-on had now moved in with NamJoon in his apartment and the two were very happy together. Hee-Jin got into her car and drove to the apartment building. She parked in the underground car park and took the elevator up. Ra-on greeted her beaming with joy. "I've never seen you so excited before. What's going on?" Hee-Jin asked curiously. "NamJoon proposed to me yesterday," Ran-on blurted out. Hee—Jin was happily surprised. "Wonderful, congratulations!" she replied enthusiastically and took Ran-on lovingly in her arms. "I'm happy for you." "We want to announce our engagement internally at the weekend and celebrate it," Ra-on continued. But suddenly her mood changed and she looked down in silence. "What's going on? Is there a problem?" Hee-Jin asked worried. "Yes... no... oh, I don't know," Ra-on pressed and looked at Hee-Jin for help. "Maybe I'm imagining things too. That's why I need your professional opinion." "Well then tell me what's going on." Hee-Jin looked at Ra-on with interest. Ra-on reported health problems. She complained of nausea, gastrointestinal problems, loss of appetite and mood swings. She then listed various possible diagnoses and looked at Hee-Jin questioningly. Hee-Jin thought about it. "We should probably consider another option. When was your last period?" "I thought about this possibility for a moment, but since I got my period two weeks ago, I discarded it." Hee-Jin didn't let herself be dissuaded from her assumption so quickly and asked: "Was everything exactly the same as usual with your period? ?" "Hmmm, now that you ask...yes, no, it's a little shorter and weaker than usual," Ra-on answered thoughtfully. Hee-Jin smiled: "I think you should take a test. Do you have one here?" Ra-on looked at Hee-Jin, slightly shocked. "Do you really mean? No, I don't have a test here." "Relax! And if the test shows that you're not pregnant, we can rule out a cause. I'll go get a test and come right back." She left the apartment and drove to the nearest drugstore. After an hour she was back and Ra-in opened the door for her. "Did you cry?" He-Jin asked worriedly. "It's just a bit much for me right now. What if I'm really pregnant and NamJoon doesn't want the baby because it doesn't fit into his plans yet?" Ra-on sobbed. Hee-Jin took her lovingly in his arms and replied: "Don't worry. I know NamJoon always wanted a family and children. Besides, we don't know yet." She waved the pregnancy test in front of Ra-in and sent her to the bathroom. A short time later, Ra-on came back. "Now we have to wait." She was visibly nervous. Hee-Jin put her hand on her shoulder and said with a smile: "Everything will be fine. Believe me." The timer rang and Ra-on jumped. "You go check." Hee-Jin went to the bathroom and came back with the test. "And?" Ra-on looked at her with wide eyes. Hee-Jin held the test under her nose and smiled. "Congratulations, you are actually pregnant." Ra-on stared at Hee-Jin. "Aren't you happy?" "Awwww, yes...but I don't know how NamJoon will react to that. Can't you stay here until he comes home?" Hee-Jin nodded and took her hand: "If that's what you want, I'll stay here for as long. But believe me, your worries are unfounded." While they were waiting for NamJoon, the two women talked about family and children. Little by little you could see how Ra-on's joy about the pregnancy was growing. In the evening they heard the door lock and NamJoon came into the apartment. "Honey, I'm back home. Oh hello, greetings, Hee-Jin." He walked over to her and greeted her with a hug. "I'll quickly take off my tie and jacket and then keep you company." He smiled at them and disappeared into the bedroom. When he returned, Ra-in blurted out: "Honey, we have to tell you something!" "You!...You have to tell him something," Hee-Jin corrected her. Ra-on stood up and smiled sheepishly at him. "You're going to be a daddy." NamJoon stared at her speechless at first. Then he started smiling wider and wider. "That's wonderful!" Very relieved, Ra-on threw herself into his arms. He hugged her lovingly and then kissed her tenderly. Hee-Jin looked at the whole thing with a smile and finally said goodbye. On the way back she thought about family and children. She wasn't sure how Suga felt about this topic. They had never talked about it because it hadn't been an issue for either of them before. She was very thoughtful when she returned to her apartment.

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