Chapter 32

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The next day, late in the afternoon, when Hee-Jin was on shift and checking vitals again, the Master was awake and it seemed as if his eyes were following her. She smiled kindly at him, but didn't speak to him. Despite everything, she still had a lot of respect for the man whose life was in her hands. As she was about to leave, she heard a quiet but clear 'Stop'. She jumped briefly and the first thing that came to her mind was that she might have done something wrong. But she immediately dismissed the idea. She slowly turned around and answered: "Yes, Master?" He looked at her questioningly: "My son?" She bit her lip 'What should she answer now? That he was there but only because of her and doesn't want to see his father?' "He was here with me yesterday and I reported to him about your progress, Master. It's still too early for visits." She tried to stick to the truth as much as possible. However, this dialogue made her uncomfortable. He nodded slightly, then closed his eyes again. At first she was relieved that he hadn't asked any further questions. But it was clear to her that he would soon ask more questions. She was afraid of that. Over the next few days, his health continued to improve. The first visitor was Mr. Park. She asked that the visit be short and, if possible, not upset the patient. As she was resting in her room after her shift ended, there was a knock on her door. She was surprised because Suga doesn't usually knock and Ra-on was on shift. Next, she wondered if Mr. Park wanted something from her. When she opened the door there was actually a Mr. Park standing in front of the door. "Hi!" she smiled at Jimin. "What are you doing here?" Hee-Jin asked, a little irritated. "I had something to do here and thought I'd visit you when I found out your shift was over," Jimin replied as she let him in. He looked around briefly and then sank into an armchair. "How is Suga?" „I haven't seen him either, but I know he had a long conversation with my father and they talked about the future of the Bangtan Dragons." Jimin smiled at Hee-Jin. "Really?! That sounds positive," Hee-Jin said happily. "We think so too and have thought about where Suga's sudden change of heart came from." He looked meaningfully at Hee-Jin and winked at her. She blushed slightly. "I can not tell you. I just told him my opinion and what I'm sure many people here think." "NamJoon and Seokjin had also spoken to him, but it was only after he was with you that he asked my father for a conversation. My father seemed to be positively surprised." "Now all that's left is father and son to talk to each other again," Hee-Jin stated thoughtfully. Then she turned to Jimin and asked, "And how are you? How do you feel about this matter? I can imagine that the pressure of expectations increases for you." She looked at him a little worried. He grimaced briefly and immediately put on his pseudo-smile. "Do not worry. It's okay. No problem." She looked at him critically: "Why don't I take it from you now?" She stood up, walked over to him and gave him a loving hug. "These are hard times, but we can do it. Together!" When she broke her hug, he looked at her with a grateful smile and his eyes were slightly moist. "I'm here for you too, big brother." She smiled at him lovingly, encouragingly. He returned the smile and nodded gratefully. Then he said goodbye and left her alone with her thoughts. She picked up her phone and wrote to Suga: "I miss you. Can we see each other, please?" It took less than 30 minutes and he was standing in front of her door. He took her in his arms without a word. "I missed you," she whispered. He carefully broke the hug and kissed her passionately. Then he picked her up, carried her to the bed and placed her there. Then he took off his jacket, shirt and jeans and lay down in bed next to her. She also stripped down to her underwear and snuggled into his chest. He kissed her neck lovingly and gently stroked her hair. "I heard that you met with Mr. Park and that you sorted things out." Hee-Jin looked at him lovingly. "Yup!" he answered briefly and looked at her with his deep brown eyes. "Very good!" she replied with a smile and gave him a kiss. But he held her head and kissed her passionately. He finally rolled on top of her and kissed her cleavage. He rubbed his hard manhood against her pubic bone. Suddenly he stopped and she was about to protest. But he quickly removed the remaining underwear and continued where he had previously left off. When they were finally exhausted and cuddled together again, he whispered: "I love you and I need you more than ever before." He got a little louder: "But it pisses me off that we can only see each other sporadically because of my father. Couldn't he have gotten a fucking different doctor? How much longer do you have to do this? It's getting so annoying to me now that I have to share you with my father. I need you all to myself." She first put her finger on his mouth and then kissed him." "Don't worry, things will get better soon. After your father will be well enough to move back into his private bedroom and no longer need to be constantly monitored. Then we'll have more time for each other again." His snort signaled to her that he wasn't satisfied with her answer. She knew it was difficult for him at the moment because he had to take on the responsibility that he never actually wanted and that he needed her particularly urgently right now. But her hands were tied because Master Min was still the head to whom everyone ultimately had to subordinate themselves and that also applied to a certain extent to Suga. She was in a dilemma and felt uncomfortable with it that she had to stand between father and son. In the coming days, preparations were made for the master's transfer to his private rooms. After detailed consultation with the hospital's cardiologists, she discussed the further rehabilitation measures with Mr. Park. She was also able to recommend a trustworthy person for this who was eventually accepted by the master. This finally allowed her to return to her apartment and lead a more normal life again. She was happy to see the boys again and they were also happy that Hee-Jin was back in the house. So they spontaneously organized a party for Hee-Jin, which everyone, including Suga, attended. She was very relieved that she was largely free of the heavy responsibility for the life of such a powerful person. Suga also appeared somewhat reconciled that he now had again more time with Hee-Jin.

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