Chapter 2

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She packed all the wound care items and the blood-stained cloths into a garbage bag. She held his cut-up T-shirt in her hand for a moment and smelled it. It smelled of blood Bit also of him. A brief smile crossed her face, then she put the T-shirt in the bag too. She cleaned her apartment a little more intensively than usual. She covered the remains of the large blood stain on her sofa with a bedspread. The next day she went back to the university and disposed of the garbage bag in the medical school dumpster, where the contents would be least surprising. She tried to go back to her everyday life, but the past experiences occupied her more than she would have liked. She kept thinking about this Min Yoongi. "What's wrong with you? You've been a bit absent lately," asked Jeung, the bartender at the club where she worked. "Oh, not that important. Everything's ok," Hee-Jin said. Jeung raised his eyebrows: "Really?" "Well, I got mugged on the way home a few days ago, but nothing happened to me. I'm okay." "Oh shit! Are you really okay?" Jeung asked worriedly. "Isn't it better for someone to accompany you on the way home?" She defended herself: "No need, it wasn't so wild and I've taken precautions now," she said and pulled a small can of pepper spray out of her pocket. "Ok, if you say so, but please be careful, there are a lot of shady guys hanging around at night. The gangs are especially active at night." "The guy who tried to attack me was definitely not a gang member, I would recognize guys like that." Hee-Jin went back to serving the customers and pulled himself together for the rest of the evening. When she got home that night, she noticed a black sedan on the street that definitely didn't fit there. The windows were blacked out and the lights were off. She hurried to get into the house and as she closed the front door behind her, she heard an engine start and a car drive away. When she looked out the door again, the limousine was gone. She went thoughtfully into her apartment. Was she tailed? And if so, by whom and why?

In the following days, this black limousine appeared again and again in her environment, at university, while jogging, near the club or just on the street near her apartment. Anyone else would certainly be worried, but not Hee-Jin. She suspected that this had something to do with gang member Min Yoongi. Maybe they just wanted to make sure that she didn't go to the police after all. But she certainly wouldn't do anything that would provoke the biggest gang in the country. She left the medical school around four in the afternoon that day. After jogging, she took a shower at home and changed for work at the club. She had just finished when the doorbell suddenly rang at her apartment door. She already knew the two men in dark suits as Mr. Park and Mr. Lee. "If you're looking for your colleague, he's not here." The gentlemen pushed her back into her apartment and closed the door. She watched, somewhat confused, as one of them looked around her apartment and then nodded to his colleague. "We have him Order to take you and bring you to our master. So follow us without attracting attention and nothing will happen to you." "Who sends you? "This Min Yoongi or who?" she asked confused. "From now on you won't ask any more questions and will do exactly what you're told. Do you understand me?" His voice was very urgent and like a warning. She nodded and reached for her purse and cell phone. "The cell phone stays here." Mr. Lee took the cell phone from her hand and threw it back on the sofa." "We're going!" urged Mr. Park, "The Master doesn't like to wait." They left the house together and she got into the black limousine with the men. She sat between the men and the windows were tinted so she couldn't see exactly where she was being taken. The limo finally stopped and she was pushed out of the car. She stood in front of a huge property that resembled a fortress. They were first taken into a large entrance hall, which seemed intimidating to some people simply because of its size and furnishings. She, on the other hand, looked around rather fascinated until one of the two men spoke to her: "Now listen carefully to me. We'll now take you to our boss, the master of the Bangtan Dragons. You have to treat our master with the utmost respect. As soon as you enter the room you will bow deeply and then you will keep your head bowed. You are forbidden to look at him. You only speak when asked and answer his questions briefly and truthfully. And you will do exactly what the Master asks of you. Do you understand that?" She just nodded. Now she was a little nervous and yet there was also curiosity about what the most powerful man in the gang world wanted from her. They were just about to leave when a young man entered the entrance hall and greeted Mr. Park with a short bow: "Good evening, father." "Jimin, my son, what are you doing here?" But Jimin's gaze remained on Hee-Jin. "What a lovely companion." He put on a seductive smile and bowed briefly. "May I introduce myself, miss? My name is Park Jimin. And who are you, beautiful woman?" "Jimin!" his father interrupted. "She is here on Master's orders and is off-limits to you! Got it!" Disappointed, Jimin took a step backwards, bowed and answered: "Yes, father." He watched them as his father and Mr. Lee brought Hee-Jin to the large reception room. Before he knocked, he reminded her urgently the strict adherence to the rules. After he knocked, a deep voice was heard from inside. Mr. Park entered, bowed deeply and said, "Master, Ms. Choi is here as ordered." "Send her in." Mr. Park bowed again and replied, "Yes, Master." Shortly afterwards she found herself in a large, luxurious room at the end of which there was a large leather armchair on a pedestal and to the right in front of the wall there was a large desk behind which an older, graying gentleman sat. 'So this is where the king holds court,' it flashed through her head. "Show our master proper respect!" Mr. Park ordered, nudging her forcefully. She bowed deeply and kept her head bowed as she was ordered. "It's okay, Park, you can go. I want to talk with Ms. Choi alone." The two left the room. Now she was alone in a large room facing the most powerful man in the Korean underworld. Still, she wasn't afraid, she was more curious about what he wanted from her.

"Miss Choi, come over here so I can see you better." She was now standing directly in front of his desk. "So you're Choi Hee-Jin. My son told me about them. You saved his life. You are also said to be very talented and clever." "Your son...?" she bit her tongue, completely confused. 'This Min Yoongi is the son of the most powerful gang boss.' Her thoughts raced. "Miss Choi." She was torn from her thoughts. "Yes," she replied, still a little confused. "I would like to thank you and make you an offer. As I know, you no longer have a family and have to finance your studies alone and barely make ends meet with your part-time jobs. I offer you a new family in the Bangtan Dragons who will protect you from now on. I personally cover all costs so that you can concentrate fully on your studies. After successful completion, you will have your own, well-equipped practice with everything you need. You then work there exclusively for the Bangtan Dragons family. What do you think of that?" "Um, I don't know yet...", she was a bit confused. This all came as a surprise and was a bit much all at once. The master continued: "The only condition: You live here on the grounds of my property and get your own apartment and pocket money. However, you are largely staying away from my son." He saw her confusion. "You don't have to decide now. You have two days to think about it. After that, I await your answer. Think carefully about my offer and make a wise decision." She nodded. "Thank you for your offer. I'm honored, Master Min." She bowed respectfully. "Smart girl," he replied with a smile. "A driver will now take you to the club. "I've already made your apologize for being late there," said Mr. Min, pressing a bell button. Mr. Lee entered and bowed. "You should drive Miss Choi to the club." "Yes, Master." "Thank you very much." With another bow, she left the room with Mr. Lee.

"There you are," Jeung greeted her behind the bar. The club was well attended again and every hand was needed. Hee-Jin threw herself into work in order to get some distance from what she had just experienced. When it then later calmed down a bit, she went behind the counter. "It's actually none of my business, but it was a bit strange when Mr. Park called and said that you were at an important appointment and would be late.", addressed her Jeung. "Yes, they made me an interesting offer, a kind of scholarship, so to speak, so that I can concentrate fully on my studies and I don't have to work," Hee-Jin answers. "That sounds great. Or is there a catch?" "Well, the offer is tied to some conditions," she answers thoughtfully. "Hee-Jin, listen to your gut feeling. If that's good and you can reconcile it with your conscience, then accept the offer." Jeung smiled encouragingly. She nodded gratefully. "Thank you, my friend." "Not for that. You can come to me at any time if you feel a pinch." He gave her a friendly wink and then turned back to the customers at the bar.
The next day, after university the way didn't take her to the park to jog as usual, but she got on the bus and drove to a suburb. At the little flower stand on the corner she bought a bouquet of white carnations, her mother's favorite flowers. She entered the small cemetery and stopped in front of an inconspicuous grave. She removed the wilted flowers from the vase, filled it with fresh water and put the carnations in it. 'Mom, Dad, I need your advice. I don't know exactly what to do. My heart says yes, but in my head there are a thousand concerns. Dad, you always said to follow my heart.' She stood there for a while before leaving the cemetery again. On the way home she went to a small convenience store to buy some groceries. When she left the convenience store, there was that black limousine on the street two blocks down. She hesitated for a moment, but then continued on her way home. When she lay in bed that evening, she saw Min Yoongi's face again and how he was looking at her intensely. That look, those eyes somehow never left her. Then she heard the old gentleman's admonishing voice again in her mind: 'You're staying away from my son as much as possible.' 'I won't have much time anyway and I'll probably hardly see him either.' she tried to convince herself. Finally she fell asleep.

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