Chapter 12

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Completely nervous, she now waited for the boys to bring Suga here and prepared for the worst after NamJoon's text message. And again his life would be in her hands. "You had to pull yourself together now. You can't make a mistake," she kept telling herself. Once again she nervously checked whether everything was ready. JK was sleeping in the next room and the helper was waiting. After an agonizingly long half hour, she finally heard a car arriving and voices. She ran to the door to open it. What she saw next almost took her breath away. The boys dragged in a bloodied Suga and laid him on the examination table. "Is he still alive?" was the anxious question. However, she first had to get an overview. The doctor's assistant made an entrance, Jin and Hoeseok helped her remove the clothing. His pulse was weak, but he was alive - at least still. He was shot in the stomach and was bleeding into the abdomen. Another bullet wound in the shoulder, but this one wasn't so bad because it was a clean bullet. She sent the boys out of the room and focused on operating on the abdominal wound. She had just successfully removed the bullet when the assistant shouted "Cardiac arrest!" "Shit! Start CPR." She began with cardiac massage and instructed the assistant what to inject. "Come on!" Hee-Jin cried desperately, "You can't abandon me now." Then suddenly he was there again. She breathed out in relief. She finished the operation. He was now stable, but only the next few hours would show whether he was actually out of the woods. When she came out of the treatment room completely exhausted, the boys stood or sat there and looked at her with big, questioning eyes. "He's stable so far. We'll see tomorrow whether he's out of the woods." She said, completely exhausted, and let herself fall into Hoeseok's arms. "You should go to sleep," Seokjin said worriedly. "We're holding the fort here," NamJoon added. Hee-Jin shook her head. "I have to go back." She returned to Suga and JK. After checking his vitals, she checked JK again and tucked him in properly. The helper placed her hand on Hee-Jin's shoulder. "Go get some sleep, I'll hold the fort here. You did everything you could do. That's all we can do at the moment." She nodded and took a few blankets from the closet. She covered the boys, who were now sleeping in the next room, with blankets and then, exhausted, she collapsed into an armchair. The tension dissolved and she began to convulse violently crying. She was extremely afraid of losing him because... it became clear to her with full force... she loved him. Yes, she loved him and she wanted him, she couldn't imagine living without him anymore . She needed him. Without him her life would be incomplete. That it had to come to this point before she could come to this realization. Now that there was a great danger of losing him forever. How his feelings for her were, she could only suspects or hopes that he felt something similar. With this hope, she fell asleep exhausted. It was already dusk outside when she woke up again. She jumped up to check on Suga. His condition was still stable and his values acceptable. She stood at his bed and looked at him. He looked as peaceful as a little boy when he slept. Lost in thought, she traced his facial features in the air. She couldn't resist the urge to touch him. She lovingly brushed a few unruly strands of hair away from his face. She whispered, "Please hold on. I do not want to lose you. I need you." Tears rolled down her cheeks again. Then there was a knock on the door. She quickly wiped away her tears and, on the way to the door, took a quick look over at JK, who still seemed to be sleeping. When she opened the door she was a little surprised because Mr. Park was standing in front of the door.
"Mr. Park? What can I do for you?" Mr. Park looked serious. "The master wants to know how his son is doing. He wants to see him as soon as his condition permits." She pointed at Suga and replied, "You can tell Master that his condition is currently stable. But he's not out of the woods yet." Mr. Park nods. He looked at Hee-Jin as if he wanted to ask something else. "Please tell me your honest opinion. Not for the master, but for my wife and me." He asked carefully and looked at her almost embarrassed. She looked at him worriedly. She replied quietly, "We almost lost him, I had to revive him. At times I was afraid of losing him for good. His condition is still critical. Everything else will be decided in the next few hours." He briefly put his hand on her shoulder and looked at her encouragingly: "He will make it. The boy is tough and is lucky to have an excellent doctor." Then he left. She looked at Suga again and then at JK. He was now awake again. "How are you feeling?" Hee-Jin asked and felt his pulse. "I feel like I've been run over by a bulldozer." She had to smile. "At least you haven't lost your sense of humor." He looked over at Suga and asked worriedly: "How is he?" "Not so well," she answered briefly. "What was going on out there?" she asked JK. He just shook his head. "A nasty ambush. Better you don't know anymore. What about the others?" Tae only had one glancing shot, which I sent home. The others are still here, they didn't want to leave." He nodded with a smile. "I'll check on the boys and you get some rest." She left the room and went to the others. They were all still asleep except for one. Hoseok smiled at her when he saw her. "How are you, my love?" he greeted Hee-Jin. "Um, me?" she asked irritated. "Yeah, you were pretty exhausted earlier." "I was really worried about Suga. I thought I was going to lose him," she answered quietly. He looked at her and just said, "I know. Hee-Jin, listen to me. You're a great doctor and Suga is a fighter. He's in the best hands with you, I know that." He smiled encouragingly at her and took her in his arms. The hug did her good. "Please do me a favor. When the others are awake, please go home. Take care of it Tae and then JK later. I'll keep you updated." He nodded. "Suga is lucky to be in such good hands." He winked at her with a smile. A smile briefly flashed across her face too.

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