If you haven't read the prologue, please do. 

If you have, thank you very much, I appreciate it. Here's a cookie 🍪 

Anyways, here's the first chapter:

Kara leaned over the control panel, yelling orders at the droids at the dashboards around her. They frantically hit buttons, making the ship open fire on the Republic cruiser ahead of them.

"Ma'am, they're returning fire," a B1 said, its squeaky voice irritating her.

"You think I can't see that?" Kara demanded before turning around and settling into the chair in the centre of the command room. "Keep shooting."

The cruiser shook as the shields went down, and the droids started to panic. She rolled her eyes and shouted, "What are you doing?"

"Ma'am, we're transferring power to the emergency shields!" The B1 from before informed her, hitting a button.

"No. Put that power into weapons," Kara ordered, much to the dismay of the droids.

"Ma'am?" They questioned.

"Do it."

They did as she said, flipping switches while she watched the Republic cruiser shudder and shake as it was hit with their attacks. Her lips turned upward at the thought of all the people running around panicking with nothing they could do.

"Ma'am, their engines are disabled," the B1 told her.

"Cease fire," Kara commanded, watching the enemy ship smoke as it started to fall into a nearby planet's atmosphere.

The droids at the stations looked up in confusion. They couldn't process why she would do that when she could kill an entire ship of enemy soldiers.

"General, are you certain this is the wisest choice?" The tactical droid next to her asked, finally speaking up.

Kara narrowed her eyes at it. "I'm certain."

"Ma'am, in case you're unaware, that's the enemy ship. Our task is to eliminate our enemies."

"An in case you're unaware, there are two Jedi on board," Kara explained, closing her eyes with a sigh. "Why would I kill them? I could hand them over to Count Dooku to interrogate."

"You believe yourself able to capture not one, but two Jedi?" The tactical droid asked, stepping to her side.

Kara laughed. "I could, or I could have them surrender when we land."

"Surrender?" The tactical droid repeated.

"Yes," Kara said in exasperation, tying her long black hair back. "Jedi are so soft, all you have to do is threaten to kill the lives of those clones and they'll hand themselves right over."

"Shall we begin our descent now?" A droid asked.

"Obviously." Kara snorted. "What, you just wanted to wait around until they got rescued?"

They landed on a grassy plain, the ramps slowly lowering. Kara's battalion rolled out, droid after droid marching down onto the soil of the new world.

"Here's the plan!" Kara yelled, putting her grenades into the satchel at her waist. "You clear a path to the Jedi. I get there, negotiate their surrender, and we take them to our ship!"

"Is that all? You're notorious for your complicated strategies, yet this is your plan?" The tactical droid looked down at her, and if it had a mouth, it would be frowning at her.

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