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Tw: Violence, references to cheating, kidnapping, gore, death.

Kara lifted her head, clutching her head as everything spun. She must've passed out at some point.

Kara shakily got to her feet and took in her surroundings, immediately understanding why Hondo made them dress they way they were.

She was in a pile of golds with shining jewels surrounding it. It was a treasure trove of sorts, and Kara's hatred for Hondo grew tenfold.

She started to make her way down the pile of gold before slipping and tumbling all the way to the bottom. She groaned and picked herself up, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Just great," she muttered, examining her torn dress with a giant slit up the side. "Just fantastic."

The giant bird seemed to have left, so Kara felt free to explore. She made her way to the edge of the... whatever it was and buried her face in her hands.

She was in a pit.

She was in a massive pit filled with treasure.

Kara gazed up at the smooth walls, knowing there was no way she could get her way out of it. She tried to experimentally climb up it before falling on her rear as she lost her grip.

"Stupid Hondo," she angrily said and kicked gold bar. Then she perked up. "I might as well find that diamond."

So she searched for the gem in all the riches that were in the pit before giving up and throwing herself into a pile of coins, giving up. Then she felt something poking her back and rooted around for whatever it was. She pulled out a diamond the size of her eye.

Kara looked up as she heard a screech, spotting the bird flying closer. She gripped the diamond tightly and ducked behind a statue, assuming it was the right one.

The bird dropped something else into the pit before flying away again. Kara investigated what it was before grinning, a plan coming to mind.

So she grabbed the coil of golden rope, wondering where it originally came from before tying a chandelier to the end of it. Kara looked around for something to throw it at before seeing a dead tree dangling over the edge of the pit.

Kara scrambled to the top of a large treasure pile before swinging it, using the momentum to loop it around one of the branches. She tugged to see if it would hold before wrapping her calves around it and slowly pulling herself up the rope, the diamond held in one hand.

It was gruelling climbing the rope with one hand and her body was aching by the time she reached the top, dropping onto the sand with a groan.

"You look terrible."

Kara looked up from where she lay with a scowl, glaring at the one who had spoken.

A woman was standing there with bright red hair that matched the shade of lipstick she wore. She was wearing a pantsuit with flares at the ankles and was holding a staff. 

"I- I wish I could say you did too," Kara confessed.

She dipped her top hat with a grin. "Thank you very much. I'm Jinx, ringleader of a traveling circus. We're on Florrum for a couple rotations to entertain some pirates. What are you doing here?"

Kara stood up and dusted herself off. "I got kidnapped by a giant bird and dropped off here. I need to find my friends."

"You can stay with us until you find your friends," Jinx offered.

"'Us'?" Kara repeated.

Jinx pointed to a ship ahead with someone else sitting there on the ramp. Kara squinted when she realized they looked very familiar.

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