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Ok so I copy and pasted a template but made some tweaks of my own ideas. It'll either apply for the two of them, or each of them separated.

I'll be answering them in my own way, so I hope I don't anger the people who write reader inserts with these.


A = Affection (How do they show affection?)

I'm not sure if you're aware of this by now, but they'll say they hate each other and beat each other up (mostly Kara doing the beating up) then they'll kiss immediately after.

Instead of saying something like, "I tolerate your existence," they say "I hate you."

Instead of saying, "I kinda like you," they say, "I hate you with every part of my being."

You get the gist. They're not sure how it started, but they love it for some strange reason.

B =  (Best friend, who's their best friend out of the relationship)

Rex is close to all of his brothers, but has to admit that with Cody he feels a special connection. The way their generals act is a real bonding mechanism. 

Kara doesn't really have any friends after she switched sides. Fives or Echo would probably be the ones she's closest to, just because they're always around. She also enjoys Ahsoka's company.

C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle?)

When they can find the time to be on their own, Kara likes to drag Rex to bed, and he'll grumble about how he has things to do, but he doesn't really protest.

He likes seeing the look of glee of her face as he gives in and lets her pull him down to cuddle.

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down?)

In the middle of a war, it's not like Rex can just retire and go live in the country. Kara doesn't really want to give up her life of ACTION and ADVENTURE to go water a garden by some cottage, so she's fine to stay with him in battle.

But if they settled down somewhere, years after the war, Rex can see himself and Kara in a place together where he can wake up every morning and see her face. It's not like he thinks about how peaceful a place near a river on Naboo would be. He definitely doesn't dream about making her muffins to surprise her with when she sleeps in-


He hasn't given it any thought.

E = Ending (Will they break up soon?)

Hopefully not lol.

Kara and Rex aren't thinking of ending things anytime soon, but we all know that things happen...

F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

Kara doesn't particularly want to get married. Nope. It's just not something she's interested in. Rex was okay with it since he never really wanted to get married since he never thought he'd find someone in the war to marry.

G = Gentle (How gentle are they with each other)

Kara actually hurts him less than she has with previous partners. She just thinks his face is cute and doesn't want to change that. Not that she'd leave him if he got injured, she just doesn't want to be responsible for it.

Rex is soft with her. He has to be firm all day as a captain, and he likes being able to just relax with her.

H = Honest (How honest can they get with each other?)

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