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Tw: Drowning, vomit, sexual references (as always), violence, language, sexual content? It was a kiss.

Everything was a panicked blur.

Kara desperately attempted to claw her way to the surface, but everything was upside down, yet sideways at the same time. Every time she thought she found the right way up, she was spun again and again until she was dizzy.

Her lungs were starting to strain, and she felt like they were going to burst. Spots danced before her eyes and everything in her ached to take a breath of air.

Kara's head broke the surface and she gulped down oxygen before she was dragged down again. For the brief second she was above the water, she could see the others sprinting down the side of the river, trying to catch up to her.

Her entire being screamed at her to do something, but she was utterly helpless. Unable to swim, she could only hope the harsh current allowed her mercy.

She was able to breathe as her head bobbed to the surface, and her whole body tensed as she spotted what was ahead.

A waterfall was what pushed the raging waters to move so quickly, and she was approaching it rapidly.

Kara tried to grab a branch sticking out of the river bank, but was dunked below the surface again. Her fingers closed around nothing, and bubbles escaped her lips in a frustrated groan before realizing she couldn't afford to lose any air.

Then she was falling, weightless in the sky as she was tossed over the edge of the waterfall.

Hundreds of knives pierced her skin as she fell into the water below, it doing absolutely nothing to soften the blow. The air was knocked from her lungs and she gasped, taking in all the oxygen she could before she was pulled below again.

Scrambling to grab a hold of something, Kara reached out. Her hands brushed something, and adrenaline pumped through her at the feel of wood.

She was spun again and she lost her sense of where it was before she felt something hit her head, causing her to go limp.

Her eyes fluttered shut as everything slowly faded black.

Kara keeled over to the side and vomited, coughing up water and bile. Her hair was smoothed back from her face as she emptied the water from her lungs.

"Kara!" Kix let out a sigh of relief. "Alright, it worked."

"Get your hands off my boobs," Kara croaked.

Kix jumped back with wide eyes. "It's not what it looked like, I swear! I was doing CPR!"

Kara coughed again and let Rex gently prop her up. She leaned her head against his chest as he sat behind her.

"Uh, can you take a deep breath for me?" Kix gave Rex a knowing look, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Kara did as he asked and inhaled, wheezing slightly. Kix nodded and put a hand on his chin.

"Is she going to be okay?" Echo worriedly asked.

"She'll be fine," Kix answered, looked at Kara in concern as her teeth started to chatter. "Kara, are you feeling cold?"

"Y-you think?" Kara's lips were blue.

"Warm up before hypothermia kicks in," Kix advised before looked around. "Hey, is that the base?"

Sure enough, they could see a temporary camp set up with trees chopped down around it. They immediately hid behind bushes, and Rex dragged Kara along.

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