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Tw: Mentions of death, death.

Kara and Rex were cuddling in his office when his datapad pinged. He lifted it up and read the alert, eyes going wide with alarm.

"What is it?" Kara asked as he put his helmet on, grabbing his pistols.

"Someone's attacking the Jedi temple. The guards have been killed and the 501st is being sent to defend the children. Apparently the Jedi have fallen," Rex quietly said, the serious words twisting Kara's stomach.

"Do you have to go?" Kara asked. 

"Your brother is there. Don't you want him to be safe?" 

"Of course I do! You- It's-" Kara leaned against the desk and put her head in her arms. "I'm worried about how this will go."

Rex's hands paused at his waist, pistols sliding into their holsters. "Kara, I'm sure it's just been blew out of proportion. There's no way the Jedi at the temple have been killed. Someone probably misheard what was going on and panicked. I'll be back before you know it."

Kara laced her fingers with his. "Alright. But you better return soon."

"Isn't that what I said?" Rex teased, lifting the helmet over his face just enough to softly kiss her forehead. "Don't worry, I'll say hi to Alex for you. We both know he likes me better."

Kara smiled weakly at the reminder of her brother and his dreams. "I hate you."

"I hate you too," was all Rex replied with before going out the door.

And hours later, Kara was still sitting in his office, almost dozing off, when his datapad's screen brightened for a moment. She curiously read the message.

The 501st have been killed at Jedi temple. All available battalions report immediately.

The datapad dropped from her hand.

Kara's throat burned.

Her eyes prickled with tears.

And she swore she would get revenge on whoever was responsible.

Next chapter is the epilogue!

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