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You're going to love this, Simp4CaptainRex and Sun-Fl0w3r_

Tw: Death, violence, sexual references, injuries.

Blaster fire erupted everywhere.

They charged across the battlefield, kicking up dirt and mud.

Clones fell as bolts hit them, and droids sparked before collapsing.

Rex glanced at Kara before joining his brothers in the fray. Kara hid behind a tree as she tried to send out a distress signal, fingers desperately pressing at the transmitter.

After being shot down and ambushed, they were fighting a losing battle against a bigger force. There were too many droids for them to make it out of there alive. The droids were slowly approaching the crashed cruiser.

Anakin sliced a droid in half, using the Force to send another into the one beside it. He paused to wipe at his forehead, tiredly looking at the droids ahead.

Ahsoka glanced up at his face, concern on her features. When he noticed her stare, he smiled at her, using the Force to lift her up. When she laughed, his face brightened.

Then he deflected another shot, his focus returning to the battle.

Kara managed to get a weak signal, opening a channel to Anakin's master as ordered. "Hello? Someone? We need help!"

A voice crackled a response. "Anakin? Is that you?"

"Send reinforcements or help of any kind! We've been ambushed and-" Kara stopped talking as the signal disappeared, the transmitter shutting off. She groaned and rubbed her face, frustrated tears nearly coming to the surface.

A clone crouched next to her. "Need help?"

"I can't figure out how to make this work!" Kara handed it to him, desperate for assistance. "It's the one thing I was told to do since Kix hasn't cleared me for the field yet!"

The clone held it up to his visor to inspect it before nodding and putting it on the ground. "I see what the problem is."

"Can you make it work?" Kara hopefully asked.

He crushed it under his foot. "Not anymore."

Kara's jaw dropped. "You idiot! Now we can't get help!"

He removed his helmet, revealed a familiar tattoo. "That's the point."

Kara launched herself at him, punching his face. "How kriffing dare you show your face around here! You killed Tup! You murdered my family!"

Coda grinned, his split lip bleeding. He grabbed Kara's arm and twisted it. "Dooku wants to speak with you."

"And?" Kara pulled out of his grip and delivered a kick to his abdomen. He fell backwards and she stood over him with her hands on her hips. "I don't care about Dooku anymore. I don't work for him."

Coda tilted his head. "Doesn't this seem familiar? The droids shooting down a cruiser and ambushing them? A Separatist soldier creeping up on an unsuspecting Republic soldier?"

Kara placed a finger on her chin. "You're right. It does seem familiar."

Coda swept her legs out from under her. "And this time, you're the victim."

Kara held up a hand. "Wait. I think we're forgetting something..."

Coda frowned. "Does it matter? I'm about to bring you to Dooku."

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