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Also side note, the height for clones is 1.83 metres? (6 feet for those who don't use metres) That is very tall. 

Very tall.

I'd be straining my neck to look up at them, AND THEN LOOK AT PICTURES OF ANAKIN NEXT TO THEM!


HE'S 1.88 METRES (6'2")

Then I fell down a rabbit hole of looking up characters' heights.

"It's just another half hour away," Tup said. He glanced up from the datapad he was using to keep track of their location. "Just a bit more to walk."

"Did I mention I was sorry about taking your armour?" Kara wobbled as she balanced on top of a fallen tree, putting on foot in front of the other. Rex looked like he was about to have a heart attack and walked by the tree's side, arms out, ready to catch her.

"Several times." Tup put the datapad in his pack.

"I don't think anyone believed you, though," Rex commented. He thought his heart stopped for a moment as Kara stumbled, but caught herself.

Kara grinned. "That's not my problem. You can all deal with it."

Fives lifted his foot and curled his lip in disgust as it squelched. "This place is disgusting. Why did we land so far away? My shoes are covered in mud."

"This is a stealth mission for a reason." Echo tugged Fives' arm and pulled him out of the patch of mud.

"Did everyone drink enough water today?" Kix asked, narrowing his eyes at them. "This climate will suck the moisture straight from your skin."

"I didn't!" Kara raised her hand. 

"Hey, what's this?" Fives examined a pink flower hanging upside down on a vine. "It smells pretty good..."

"A flower? It's not anything special." Rex watched carefully as Kara hopped off the log, now safely on the ground. "Can you not climb stuff anymore? You're going to hurt yourself."

"That's why I brought a medic," Kara smugly said, pointing over her shoulder to Kix.

"Yes, I'm here to fix your scraped knee after you fall off a tree." Kix rolled his eyes.

"Hey!" Kara glared at him. "If I get a boo-boo, who's going to kiss it better?"

"I would," Rex muttered under his breath.

"I'm not here to kiss boo-boos!" Kix said in outrage. "I am a qualified field medic and went through rigorous training to save lives!"

Kara patted Rex's head patronizingly without turning to address him. "Kix, would you kiss my boo-boo, or do I need to go back and get someone else who will?"

Kix sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine. Sure. Whatever."

Fives poked the flower, then screamed as a giant plant swallowed him. Giant green leaves enveloped him, with the pink flower dangling off the top.

"You idiot!" Echo insulted Fives as he ran to the plant.

"Why do you always touch strange things?" Rex questioned, sighing heavily.

Fives let out muffled screams of terror. "Help!"

"Nobody touch it!" Kara ordered, a strange calmness to her voice. "I've seen these before!"

"And?" Tup nervously asked.

"It's a carnivorous plant. It slowly fills with acid and devolves its prey. It usually digests small birds that stop to eat bugs on the flower." Kara grabbed a stick and prodded at the plant's exterior.

"It's going to eat him?" Echo panicked and looked at the others with wide eyes.

"Not if we get him out," Kara assured him. "I harvest acid from this species to mix into my poisons."

"Kara, focus!" Kix reprimanded.

"Oh, right." Kara straightened and stood n the tips of her toes. She used the stick to jab the flower, and jumped back as the plant seemed to shudder before collapsing inwards.

Fives crawled out of the innards, covered in green slime. "This is disgusting! Ugh!"

"I can hear a river. You should wash it off there before it starts to burn," Kara advised.

Fives nodded and got to his feet, gagging at the foul stench of the goo covering him. They all found the rushing waters and stared at it skeptically.

"It seems a bit fast," Tup noted.

"I don't think it's safe to swim in," Echo agreed, kicking a stone into the water.

"I'm sure it's fine." Fives placed his helmet on the ground and slowly slid into the water.

It reached his chin, and he shivered.

"You're good? You're not going to be swept away?" Echo worriedly asked.

"No, it's fine." Fives held onto a branch sticking out of the bank so he didn't wash away, just in case. He smiled at them. "You should get in here."

"Absolutely not. We have a mission to complete," Rex firmly said.

"Oh, come on! It's refreshing! We've been trekking through this jungle for an hour!" Fives tried to persuade his captain.

Rex grumbled. "If the others want to, maybe we can take a quick break."

"Really?" Tup's eyebrows went up in disbelief. "Captain Rex is letting us take a break?"

"It's not like the droids are going anywhere!" Rex defensively said. "But if you don't want to, we can keep going..."

"No!" Tup blurted out. "We'll take the break!"

Kix put his pack down and slipped into the fast-paced river. He looked uncomfortable for a moment as the water tried to drag him away. "It's cold."

"Sounds fantastic." Kara hadn't made a move to join them. 

Echo shrugged and went to Fives' side, trembling at the temperature. "This is cold."

Rex put his helmet down and entered the water. "Five minutes. That's it."

Kara leaned against a tree and closed her eyes. "So generous."

"Aren't you going to swim?" Tup asked.

"Oh no, I can't swim. I never learned," Kara told him. She glanced at the water. "I am pretty hot, though."

"When we sneak in, are we going through an air vent?" Kix questioned. "That seems to be the way we tend to do things."

"No, we'll walk straight through the front door." Kara dipped her legs in the water, sitting on the river bank.

"Really? Aren't we going to get caught if we do that?" Echo pulled himself out of the river and shivered next to Kara.

"Not if we know the code. They'll think we're just a patrol coming in from a shift. Besides, these types of bases don't have a lot of droids to spare on guarding one spot. They rotate around," Kara explained.

"You sure you don't want to swim?" Fives splashed her playfully.

"I'm sure. I can't swim, at all," Kara said and leaned forward to splash him.

But she slipped on the muddy surface, and fell into the water.

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