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Tw: Violence, mentions of abandonment, language, death.

Rex is such a bad liar.

"I have bad news," Anakin gravely said, running a hand through his hair. "Kara, we've picked up on chatter that indicates the Separatists mean to capture your family and use against you."

Kara glanced up from the piano. "Good for them."

Anakin paused. "I don't think you understand. They've located your family and have sent agents to capture them."

Rex discreetly shook his head, dragging a finger over his throat as a warning of what Kara would potentially do to him. 

"And?" Kara prompted, throwing her legs over the side of the piano bench to face the group. "Want me to send them a card? Want me to go capture them first?"

"No, I was going to say you should go to them. I'm giving you permission to go off and rescue them. Do you not want to save them?" Anakin ignored Rex's frantic attempts to warn him, plowing ahead with his questioning.

"No, I really don't," Kara coldly said, slamming the lid of the piano down before wincing at the loud sound. "They abandoned me."

"Mesh'la, they would owe you twice if you saved their lives," Rex murmured, kissing her forehead.

Kara perked up. "I could always be the bigger person and save them. Alright, I'll do it."

"Just be discreet. You're technically not supposed to go on your own since you're on probation, so don't draw attention to yourself," Anakin ordered. "And take Rex with you, so in the chance you get caught, we can say you had supervision."

"We won't be gone for long. Just enough for me to brag I'm still alive, see what they've been up to, and maybe steal a couple credits from them." Kara grabbed Rex's arm and began to pull him from the room. "Oh wow, I'm bringing my boyfriend to meet my family!"

And all of a sudden Rex regretted convincing her to go.

"Remember, I'm Karabella," Kara whispered, arm looped through Rex's.

"That's the dumbest cover name ever," Rex quietly said. "It literally has your name in it."

"Fine. I'll be... Alice," Kara decided. "What about you?"

"Why do we even need fake names?" Rex questioned. "We're only going to talk to your parents, who we'll have to tell who we really are."

"Fine, if you're going to be boring!" Kara exclaimed. "Oh, and I should prepare you for my parents."

"I'm sure I'll be okay," Rex said and guided her around a corner when she got distracted by a neon sign. "They're just people."

Kara scoffed. "They're the most judgemental people ever. Even before they left, they rarely spoke to me. They only talked with me when I did something good by their standards."


"So we have to impress them or they won't even talk with us!" Kara hissed. "We can't tell them about what we do, they'll be mortified that their daughter kills people! They'll be horrified that I'm dating a soldier! That's why we're wearing disguises!"

"If we tell them their lives are in danger, I'm sure they'll hear us out," Rex confidently said.

Kara stared him in the eyes and raised her fist to the door. They had stopped outside what was allegedly her parents' house, and Kara knocked on the door.

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