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I don't think this one has any trigger warnings, but let me know if I'm wrong.

Rex pushed Kara into the cafeteria, letting her grab a tray of food. He snagged one for himself and found an empty table, helping her onto the bench. 

"Have you figured out what's going to happen to me?" Kara questioned.

Rex sighed. "Kix and I are going to talk. Until he figures out a treatment plan, you're stuck in the wheelchair."

Kara pouted for a moment before brightening. "I can't fit into my cell with this! Does this mean I get to stick with you?"

Rex grimaced. "Unfortunately, yes. I'm stuck with you for the time being."

Kara cheered, binders rattling as she raised her hands triumphantly into the air. 

Rex gave her a puzzled look. "Why are you so happy about this?"

"I'll get to spend more time with you," Kara murmured, tracing his arm with her finger. Then she burst out laughing. "Was it believable? Did you fall for it? I was kidding. You're just more entertaining than that cell."

Rex let out a heavy sigh. "Whatever. Just eat."

Kara screwed up her face teasingly at him as she chewed. She glanced up as Echo, Fives, and someone new approached, smiling widely at them.

"Hey, Kara." Fives winked at her. "How are you doing?"

Kara pretended to sulk. "Badly. I hurt my leg." She showed them her injured limb, wincing as she raised her foot.

"Do you want me to carry you around?" Fives offered with a charming grin with his proposition.

"She has a wheelchair for a reason," Rex pointed out.

Kara threw her head back with a hearty laugh before shaking her head. "I'm good, Fives, thanks. I'll make Rex push me around."

Fives shrugged, taking a seat next to her. Echo rolled his eyes at Fives and sat next to Rex.

"Who's this?" Kara curiously asked, staring at the clone who had remained silent.

"This is Coda." Fives gestured to the man. "Coda, this is Kara. We told you about her."

Coda held out a hand for Kara to shake, smiling lazily at her. He had hair that looked slightly grown out, patted to the right side with stray strands hanging into his face. He had a tattoo on his cheekbone of an oval with two lines going through it. It looked similar to a crosshair, but Kara knew what it was.

She shook his hand. "Nice tattoo. Blunt though, don't you think?"

"It's a coda. My name is Coda. Should I have gotten a sixteenth note?" Coda joked. "That wouldn't have made any sense, would it?"

"A what now?" Fives frowned in confusion. "I thought your tattoo was a crosshair."

"No, it's a Coda." Kara smiled appreciatively at Coda. "A music symbol. Do you play something?"

Coda nodded, taking the open seat on her other side. "Yeah, I play piano. Do you play anything?"

"Valacord, electro-harp, and Alderaanian flute," Kara listed, scooting closer to Coda. "How'd you learn piano?"

"There wasn't a lot to do growing up on Kamino," Coda briefly explained. "General Skywalker has a room on the cruiser filled with activities, and there's a piano there."

"Can you teach me piano?" Kara requested.

Coda hesitated. "I don't know. It's up to Captain Rex on whether you can leave his side or not. And your hands are cuffed too."

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