Poll time

352 9 10

Couple things in this. It's not an update as much as an author wanting to please her audience more.

Do we want more slow burn and draw it out longer, or finally work on getting them together?

Also, did I ever mention I take requests? Not just for my one shot book-for my actual stories as well.

Granted, if you tell me to have the characters get together in the next chapter I probably won't, but if you have a specific idea you want to see happen, leave a comment somewhere and I'll see it! Or DM me!

I'm always open to your all of my readers' great ideas!

It could be that you want Kara to be the one to ask him out, it could be you want to see more of Coda, or even Fives and Echo working behind the scenes to steal Rex's helmet!

Let me know and I'll see what I can do :D

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