409 18 67

Tw: Sexual references, blood, doctor stuff, non-sexual nudity (though it is implied) sexual content? Boobs are accidentally grabbed. Also period stuff.


"I need you to take your shirt off," Kix said.

Kara raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"It's for the treatment!" Kix rolled his eyes and pulled out bandages. "You have a stab wound in your shoulder."

Rex sipped at his juice while watching. "Just let him do it, Kara. He'll have Ahsoka pin you to the ground and he'll do it anyway if you don't cooperate."

Kara grumbled and reached for the hem of her shirt, and Rex looked away immediately. Kix smiled with satisfaction and hurried to help someone else while she got ready.

Kara froze before she pulled the shirt over her head. "Uh, Rex?"

"I'm staring in the opposite direction. I promise I'm not looking," Rex assured her.

"That's not it." Kara almost laughed. "I broke my arm while being interrogated."

"So?" Rex raised an eyebrow.

"I can't take my shirt off." Kara's lips twitched as she came very close to smiling. "I need some help."

"You have two arms for a reason!" Rex hissed. He refused to turn around. "I'm not taking your shirt off!"

"Oh, relax!" Kara dropped her arms and took in a sharp breath at the pain it caused. "I'm wearing a bra!"

"I'm still not taking your shirt off!" Rex insisted. "Use your other arm!"

"It has buttons!" Kara gestured to the top of the shirt. "I can't undo them myself with one hand!"

"I'm not taking your shirt off!" Rex reiterated.

"I'll go find someone else to do it then," Kara announced. She took a single step away before Rex called her back.

"Fine. I'll do it," Rex grumbled. 

"Thank you very much." Kara walked to stand in front of him and waited for him to sit up and throw his legs over the side of the bed. "Now take my shirt off."

Rex huffed and began to unbutton her shirt. "What did they do to you?"

"Wow, you could look more enthusiastic. Usually people are happier to get this far with me." Kara grinned.

"Are you just going to avoid the question?" Rex undid the final button and stepped back. "There. Now you can take it off yourself."

Kara quickly pulled her shirt off with one hand and threw it into Rex's face. She laughed hysterically as he pulled it off, scowling.

"All done?" Kix asked as he returned. He seemed unfazed that Kara was only in a bra. 

"Yeah. Rex helped me get my shirt off." Kara sat on her own bed and twisted her torso to present her should to Kix. 

"I bet he did." Kix carefully applied bacta to the stab wound, offering her a pitying smile as she winced. "How'd you get this?"

"Coda," was all Kara offered as a response.

"He stabbed you?" Rex say himself up against the pillows.

"Yes." Kara jerked away from Kix as he stuck his fingers into the wound. "The kriff was that for?"

"I'm probing to see how deep it is. It doesn't seem like the knife went in too far, so it doesn't need any stitches." Kix wrapped gauze around the shoulder and wound it under her arm. 

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