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Tw: Violence, medical stuff, sexual references.

"Hello, girl." 

Kara raised her gaze, glaring at Krell from her spot on the floor. "Hello, ugly."

Krell huffed and deactivated the shield, turning it back on once he had entered the cell. "Where is the base?"

Kara rolled her eyes. "I miss having Rex interrogate me. He's way more fun than you." She examined Krell for a moment before adding, "He also doesn't beat me up."

"If you told me where the base is, I wouldn't hurt you," Krell said, trying to give a gentle smile, but it came off as threatening.

Kara sighed, blinking away tears. "Fine. I'll tell you. It's south, under a fallen log."

"See? You can be useful." Krell reached for his lightsaber, eyes narrowing into slits. 

"Wait." Kate frowned. "Never mind. It was actually west, inside a rock."

Krell's hands returned to his sides. "You better not be playing with me."

Kara snapped her fingers. "No! It was north, floating in the sky!"

A vicious smack on Kara's cheek made her gasp. She raised a hand to her face, glaring up at him even though her vision blurred with tears.

"I am running low on patience," Krell lowly said, "so if you want to keep your head, you will tell me what I want to know."

Kara's lip trembled. "No."

Krell's hand shot out into the air, and Kara let out a cry as she felt something in her left ankle pop.

"Tell me, or I'll dislocate your collarbone next. It's very painful," Krell threatened. "I do not have time for your stubborn shenanigans! I have a deadline!"

Tears spilled down Kara's face and she shakily reached into her hair, pulling out a pin that she had hidden in there. Krell continued ranting, not even looking at her as she did so. She plunged the pin into the exposed skin of his arm, grinning in satisfaction as he yelped in pain.

"What was that?" Krell demanded. He pulled it out of his arm, snapping it between his fingers.

"A deadly poison," Kara happily said. "You'll die in ten seconds."

Krell stared at her in horror, eye twitching. "What?"

Kara laughed. "I was just kidding! It'll only inflict pain upon you! Lots of it!"

Krell's hand bunched up into a fist. He swung at her, and Kara ducked her head, resulting in his fist crunching against the wall. She didn't dodge the next swing, and felt the blow on her torso.

Krell began spasming on the ground next to Kara, who used the wall to stand up, slowly getting to her feet. She put weight on her left leg, immediately regretting the action when a bolt of pain shot up her ankle.

"General Krell, I... what's going on here?" Anakin looked on in confusion. He glanced at Krell, who was twitching in agony on the floor, before gazing at Kara, who was leaning against the wall heavily. 

"She- she attacked me!" Krell exclaimed, pushing himself onto his hands and knees. 

"He attacked me!" Kara protested, motioning to her face, which still had the cuts from the previous time he interrogated her. "Ask Rex! He took me to the medical bay!"

Anakin turned the shield off. He attempted to help Krell up, but was pushed to the side as Krell stood on his own. 

"You will pay for what you've done! How did you even have that?" Krell stalked forward, looming over her form.

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