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Tw: Talk of death, sexual references, asthma, language, violence?

Edit: I realize his name is spelled 'Wolffe' but I just didn't notice at the time and autocorrect decided to do its magic. I decided I didn't care enough to change it, so plz don't comment saying I messed up on his name.

"We're going to Coruscant," Anakin told her. "You'll be put to trial, so if I were you I'd start thinking about your case."

Kara nodded. "I've already been thinking about it."

"And?" Anakin quirked a brow inquisitorially.

Kara shrugged and pursed her lips. "I don't really have any thoughts on it."

"Really?" Anakin asked in disbelief. "You don't have any thoughts on whether you'll be executed? The death penalty hasn't been used in years, but there's always an exception."

"Wow, reassuring," Kara said sarcastically.

Anakin shook his head as he walked away from her table in the cafeteria, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Kara's hands shook as she reached for her bread.

So she was brought to face the senate

"General Madden, you have been brought here to face trial for your crimes against the Republic. Before we begin, do you have anything to say?"

Kara looked the Chancellor in the eyes. "No."

"Are you certain? You're being trialed for the slaughter of our soldiers for one."

Kara smiled pleasantly. "At this moment, I don't have anything to say on my behalf. I am well aware of why I'm here."

The Chancellor's lips thinned. "Then we will begin."

He droned on and on, and Kara felt the burn of shame in her as her face was broadcasted to the galaxy, her trial public. She knew she would be found guilty, because she was.

And she would be executed.

So she listened to the questions and answered them best she could, not too optimistic of her chances. 

When the senate announced their decision, her ears rung and her vision was blurry with tears. The crowd murmured with disappointed faces. Kara stared numbly ahead, the blood draining from her face.

And Kara was taken away.

"Did you hear?" Fives asked as he burst into Rex's office.

Rex startled, dropping his helmet he had been polishing. "Oh, sure you can come in."

Fives plopped down into the chair across from Rex. "Do you haven't heard?"

"Heard what?" Rex knew what Fives spoke of, but was too nauseated to say it.

"Kara's verdict was decided." Fives threw his feet up onto the desk, but after a sharp look from Rex, dropped them to the ground. 

"And?" Rex picked up the helmet, placing it on his desk. He focused on Fives, bracing himself to hear the words he had been dreading."

"She was found guilty." That part didn't surprise him, but what came next did. "She's being sent to work for the Republic. She's to work her sentence off."

"What'll she be doing?" Rex let out a heavy sigh of relief.

Fiver's lips twitched. "She'll fighting against her former comrades. They even assigned her to a legion."

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