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Tw: Talk of abandonment.

The date had gone very well.

Rex had gotten his breadsticks, Kara had enjoyed a very nice meal, then they left for a bar. Once they were at 79's, they ordered some drinks and settled into a booth at the back.

Rex was very amused when Kara had a few shots too many and got a bit drunk. He was delighted to discover the type of drunk she was, and was very much looking forward to the next time she got tipsy, having the time of his life.

Kara was a clingy drunk.

"Can we head back soon?" she asked, sprawled across his lap.

"I'm waiting for Fives and Hardcase to finish." Rex motioned to the pair of them, dancing in the crowd. "Then we'll all go home together."

"Alright." Kara rested her chin on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him. "I want to cuddle later."

"Isn't that what we're doing now?" Rex pressed a kiss to her forehead and reached past her for his drink.

"No," Kara grumbled. "We need to really cuddle."

"If this isn't cuddling, what is it?" Rex teased, sipping at a shot glass, more careful of his intake than she was.

Kara buried her face in his neck and whined something.

"I didn't catch that, could you repeat it?" Rex grinned.

Kara peeled away from him and glared at him. "I hate you."

"Uh-huh." Rex tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before smiling smugly. "How come I have trouble believing you? Is it because you're sitting on my lap?"

Kara muttered something under her breath, turning away, but not getting off him.

"I don't know what you said, but I'm going to assume you were complimenting me." Rex put his hands on the back of his neck, leaning against the booth. His voice went high as he imitated her. "Oh wow, Rex, you're so handsome!"

"I don't sound like that," Kara said, but she giggled, spurring him on further.

"Wow, Rex, you're such a great kisser!" Rex's breath escaped him as Kara's elbow buried itself in his abdomen, no longer amused at him. "Oh Rex, I love your beautiful hair!"

"I never should've told you that when we were in the med bay." Kara crossed her arms and pouted.

"Oh, come on." Rex put his hands on her hips, pulling her closer to his chest. His put his arms around her from behind, holding her close. "I haven't been teasing you that much."

"This is why I didn't tell you it was my birthday." Kara rolled her eyes, but sunk into him.

Rex froze. "It's your birthday?"

"Yesterday," Kara said, staring at Fives, who was drunkly singing to the crowd. "Yup. Yesterday was my birthday. Yup. We celebrated my birthday every year until my parents left for Canto Bight."

"They just left?" Rex softly asked. "Without their daughter?"

"They couldn't afford me and thought they could win it big at some casinos. Last I heard, they won thousands." Kara seemed to sober for a moment and slipped off Rex. "They never came back. I starved for years before Dooku came along. I guess he saw that I would do anything for a couple credits and... you know the rest."

Rex reached into his pocket. "I was saving this for a special occasion, and I think I found one." He handed her a hair-clip shaped like a flower.

Kara carefully took it from him. "When I was captured and searched, it was taken from me. I thought I'd never see it again." She gazed up at him appreciatively. "Thank you, Rex."

"Mesh'la, I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner." Rex smiled and squeezed her hand.

Kara pushed a hidden button on the underside, causing a needle to slip out. "The poison's still here!"

Rex snatched it back. "Nope."

"You can't take back a gift!" Kara tried to grab it, but he held it over her head.

"I'm not letting you have poison! You're still technically on probation and this could get you in trouble!" Rex took the needle as well and put it back into the clip. "I will be disposing of this."

"We're ready to go home," Hardcase slurred, stumbling over to the booth. "Also Fives got lost."

"Where is he?" Rex sighed and stood up. Kara groaned and latched onto his side, trying to pull him back down.

Hardcase shrugged. "He went... outside I think."

Rex attempted to herd them all outside, but Hardcase was giggling and tripping, while Kara refused to let go of Rex's side. She wrapped her legs around him and tried to drag him down.

"Get- Get off!" Rex tried to peel her off him. "I can't walk with you hanging off my side!"

"Carry me!" Kara pleaded, clawing at him.

"Fine." Rex let her clamber onto his back, hooking his arms under her legs to support her. "Let's go find Fives."

"Then we're going to cuddle," Kara firmly said.

"Right." Rex felt her hand wander down. "And don't you dare touch my ass."

"Spoilsport," Kara angrily muttered.

Mando'a translations:

Mesh'la~~~~~ Beautiful 

Another short and fluffy chapter before we jump back into the action!

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