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Thanks to Sun-Fl0w3r_ for the wonderful meme below I love it so much

Thanks to Sun-Fl0w3r_ for the wonderful meme below I love it so much

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Tw: Death, illness, sexual content, language.

Rex coughed, his sudden movement startling Kara awake. Her arms twitched and she nearly smacked Rex's nose, but he ducked.

"Wha-" Kara groggily rubbed her eyes, coughing. "How long did I sleep?"

Rex stared at her for a moment as he tried to understand her question, mind plagued with fatigue. "Uh, maybe an hour? I dozed off too. I think everyone did."

Kara hummed and stood up, stumbling into the wall. She pushed herself off it and shoved Rex's hands away as he tried to catch her. "Any word from Anakin yet?"

"General Skywalker is getting here as quickly as he can, but Commander Tano is still being kept in the dark. He hasn't told her about the mission yet and is trying to get her without heee finding out." Rex didn't like how pale she was, or how her breathing was raspy.

"He should just tell her. Nothing has gone right so far, what's one more problem? She can handle it, she's not weak." Kara checked a trooper's pulse before grimacing. She closed his eyes before sighing and slumping gassing the wall. "Why is this so hard? Working with droids was easy. No one died, they weren't people!"

"I still don't understand either, but I work on moving forward. I don't forget the fallen, I focus on the living." Rex reached out and grabbed her hand, dragging her across the floor to him. He rested his forehead on hers and smiled softly. "You'll learn."

"You do realize people can see us, right?" Kara murmured.

"You're cold. I'm not," Rex said with a smirk. "That's our excuse."

"That's not always going to work." Kara bit back a smile and shifted away.

"Why are we even hiding this?" Rex asked. His brow pinched as he looked up at Kara in confusion. "We never discussed it."

"Hiding what?" Kara questioned mischievously. "It's not like we're in a relationship..."

"Right." Rex nodded, side-eyeing her. "It's not like we're in a relationship."

They watched each other out of the corner of their eyes for a minute. Kara, lip quirked slightly and Rex, eyebrows narrowed suspiciously.

"Want to be in a relationship?" they asked each other at the same time.

They laughed and Kara put her head on his shoulder. "I guess it's official then."

"But we're telling Fives I asked you and that you swooned and I caught you in my arms," Rex said, chuckling.

"Oh, absolutely," Kara laughed. "Then you dipped me and we kissed."

"And I didn't have to bribe you," Rex added.

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